2000字范文 > 米非司酮配伍米索前列醇 Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure英语短句 例句大全

米非司酮配伍米索前列醇 Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-23 15:09:52


米非司酮配伍米索前列醇 Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure英语短句 例句大全

米非司酮配伍米索前列醇,Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure

1)Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure米非司酮配伍米索前列醇

1.Mifepristone together with Wumisu van pure used for the gestation in middle to lead to produce of clinical research.;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇用于中期妊娠引产的临床研究


1.Clinical observation and nursing of 500 cases abortion using mifepristone with misoprostol500例米非司酮配伍米索前列醇流产的临床观察

2.The Compatibility of Mifepristone and Misoprastol Applied in Missed Abortion米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在稽留流产中的应用

3.Clinical analysis of 23 cases of induction of lobor in mid pregnancy by low dosage misfepristone and misoprostol米非司酮配伍米索前列醇低剂量中期引产23例临床分析

4.Health Technology Assessment of Mifepristone Combining with Misoprostol for Induced Abortion;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇行药物流产的卫生技术评估

5.The Clinical Resesrch about Comound Mifepristone in Combination with Misoprostol for Terminating 8~12 Week s Gestation;复方米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止8~12周妊娠的临床研究

6.Clinical Overview of Mifepristone Compatible with Misoprostol in Induced Labor of Middle Pregnancy;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在中孕引产中的临床观察

7.To Study the Mifepristone Plus Misoprostol for Terination of 10 - 16 Week s Ggestation;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止10-16周妊娠的探讨

8.The observation of the effect of mifepristone and misoprostol on terminating the midtrimester pregnancy米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止中期妊娠的疗效观察

9.The Application of Mifepristone Combined with Misoprostol in the Curettage Surgery of Artificial Abortion米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在人工流产钳刮术中的应用

10.Clinical observation on the termination of early pregnancy by compound Mifepristone combined with Misoprostol复方米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止早孕的临床观察

11.Nursing Observation of Oral Mifepristone on Misoprostol Termination of Early Pregnancy口服米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止早期妊娠的观察和护理

paration of effect of rivanol and mifepristone compated with misoprostol in mid-term prenancy induced labor利凡诺与米非司酮配伍米索前列醇用于中期妊娠引产的比较

13.Clinical observation of effectiveness of mifepristone plus misoprostol on induced abortion at 13~20 weeks of gestation米非司酮配伍米索前列醇用于13~20周孕引产的效果观察

14.Terminate 11 to 14 weeks pregnancy with the combination of mifepristone and misoprostol:an observation of 150 cases米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止11~14周妊娠150例临床观察

15.Clinical Observation on Mifepristone Combined with Misoprostol Ending 10~14 Weeks of Pregrancy米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止10~14周妊娠的临床观察

16.Effect observation of mifepristone combination with misoprostol in induction delivery with rivanol米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在利凡诺尔引产中的效果观察

17.Clinical Observation on Mifepristone Compatible with Misoprostol and Rivanol to Terminate the Medium-term Pregnancy米非司酮配伍米索前列醇和利凡诺终止中期妊娠疗效观察

18.A clinical study of mifepristone combined with different administration of misoprostol for medical abortion in the earliest day of pregnency米非司酮配伍米索前列醇不同给药方式终止早早孕的临床研究




4)Mifepristone and chinese herb米非司酮配伍中药


1.Clinical analysis of usedMisoprostol to prevent subinvolution of unterues;米索前列醇预防产后子宫复旧不良的临床观察

2.Clinical observation of misoprostol on patients with hysteroscopy;米索前列醇用于宫腔镜检查临床观察

3.Clinical Study on Mifepristone in Combination with OralMisoprostol Compared with SublingualMisoprostol in Termination of Early Pregnancy;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇口服及舌下含化终止早孕的临床研究


1.Study on the effect of normal saline wet theMisoprotol used in painless induced abortion;联合湿化米索前列醇在无痛人流中应用的研究

2.Application of mifepristone plus misoprotol for induced abortion of the first and the second trimester of pregnancy;米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在早中孕引产的应用

3.Clinical application of Yimucao Extract in combination of mifepristone and misoprotol for termination of early pregnancy;益母草膏在米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止早孕中的临床应用


美索不达米亚宗教公元前 30~前7世纪间先后流行于古代美索不达米亚(大部分在今伊拉克共和国境内)地区的苏美尔宗教、巴比伦宗教和亚述宗教之总称。属多神教,为具备最早文献记录的古代宗教之一。苏美尔宗教是美索不达米亚宗教最早的范本,其诸神谱系、崇拜仪式和经典文献,在公元前18世纪以后,被阿卡得人的巴比伦宗教有改变地加以继承,后又于公元前12世纪起为亚述人所沿袭。有动物崇拜的遗迹,神灵逐渐拟人化,多为半兽半人的形象。约公元前20世纪,宗教思想已经形成。诸神发展为各种类型:有无所不能而又遥不可及的高位神,如苍天神安努、地神恩利勒、水神伊亚;有在自然现象中具有神秘力量的众神,如月神欣、太阳神夏马什、农业和春天之神杜木兹。在南方,重要神祇起初多为城邦诸神;在北方则是在宇宙间起作用的自然诸神。巴比伦众多的神话和传说主要见于《巴比伦史诗》。巴比伦人认为诸神安静平和,均有秩序地住在庙宇中。他们将巴比伦的守护神马尔杜克升为诸神之首。好战的亚述人则认为诸神是反复无常、令人生畏的,主神是战神阿舒尔,在亚述帝国全盛期(前8世纪),它取代了马尔杜克的地位,被尊为创造世界和人类之神。美索不达米亚宗教认为神是超在的,也是内在的,诸神在庙中受到祭司的侍侯和人们的效忠,以及垂听人们的祈求,都反映了他们在天上的样式。有专职祭司和宏大的庙宇。主要崇拜内容为献祭食物和衣服等;颂赞歌由宫廷乐师奉诸神之名而唱;祈祷由祭司担任。宗教活动不仅限于崇拜仪式,还包括许多驱邪的法术以及观兆、占卜等。对于灵魂的终局则抱悲观态度,认为死后没有审判,也没有天堂可盼,灵魂永远住在往而不返的阴间。美索不达米亚宗教和神话对于《圣经》特别是《旧约》有着明显的影响。
