2000字范文 > 南昌环球雅思口语名师EVA-PART 1中那些躲不掉的词组和句型

南昌环球雅思口语名师EVA-PART 1中那些躲不掉的词组和句型

时间:2018-07-26 13:04:57


南昌环球雅思口语名师EVA-PART 1中那些躲不掉的词组和句型


雅思 | 托福 | SAT | PTE


有一句英文名言:“A man travels across the world in search of what he needs and return home to find it.” 中文可以说“舍近求远”。

Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for is the one thing you can’t see.


就比如:今天分享的Part 1 回答问题时,常用的词组和句型,用来点缀( spice up)你的答案和内容。使得你的内容和思路更有连贯性,逻辑性。最重要是让你的回答更自然。

当然,练习的时候,你的内容可以稍微简单一点,相信你的英文也没有那么差,毕竟口语的本质(essence)不是用来炫耀(show off)难词,大词,不是用来吓人的,而是交流。

(下篇文章我们会分享——最常用的地道表达 idiomatic words and phrases。来逐步丰盈起来我们的内容。)


表达观点类 Expressing opinion

P1 的考题大多数考的是:考生自己对于某些人事物的观点和看法,也就是说,从自己的角度出发比较多。选择几个符合自己表达习惯的,并且替换使用。

In my opinion / in my view

My view is that …

My point of view is that …

The point I am trying to make it is …

I reckon / I feel / I believe / I think / I guess / I suppose that …

I guess … 这里不是“我猜“,其实是比I think 更客气的说法“ 我认为…”

As far as I am concerned … 据我所知,就我个人而言;

在生活中经常省略掉 is concerned ——as far as…,就..来说,

It seems to me that …

Personally speaking,

Well, I would say …

I would like to point out …

As I see it , 我想…,在我看来

Eg:As I see it , the number of cars in Beijing should be limited immediately.

As far as weather , Australia is absolutely desirable.


引出一个话题 Bring up a topic

In terms of …说起…,就…来说,在…方面

这个词组在口语P1 中极其常用,不要忽视哦。

Talking about … (英式)/ speaking of … (美式)

As far as … is concerned,

When we talk about …/ when it comes to …

As for … (后面可以加名词之外,也可以加从句, as for when I fell in love with that,…)

Eg:In terms of food, the restaurant is really second to none(= the best ).But as for service, the waitresses are totally rude and unhelpful.


表达同意 Agreeing with an opinion

I quite agree…

I completely agree that … ( completely = entirely = totally )

I couldn’t agree more … 我完全同意

Yes, indeed …

Of course/ sure/ you bet 比较口语化的回答/ certainly / definitely / absolutely / exactly

That’s exactly how I see it…我就是这样想的 / that’s exactly what I think / believe…

You have just read my mind 你读懂了我的想法

Eg:I quite agree that music choice by the young generation is often considered tasteless by the senior citizens.

Yes, indeed, it is our responsibility to save the endangered species.


表达不同意 Disagreeing with an opinion

I don’t quite agree that …

I hold the different view of …

I am afraid I disagree…

I am afraid I believe it otherwise …恐怕我不这么看

Yes, perhaps, but …

I see what you mean , but It’s not the whole story . 这不是全部

Yes, but there is another aspect to consider …

That might be true in some context but…

I am not quite sure that …

It really depends. 这要看情况了

Eg:I am afraid I believe otherwise and feel that ordinary citizens like us have a much greater role here.

Yes, perhaps, but my experience has taught me that I should plan beforehand rather than ruing it.


举例子 Giving examples

Take …,for example ,

Like … / such as …

For instance,…

A good example of this is (that) …

I can give you relevant example here…

Especially …/ in particular …尤其是,特别是

Eg:Take my country, for example, where most of people still believe is strong family ties and support each other no matter what.

I am really into watching TV programs , especially the variety shows .


涉入其他观点 Introducing other ideas

On the other hand,

To look at in another way…

From a different perspective… / from a different point of view…

On the contrary…

But / however/ instead / whereas / just the reverse

Eg:On the contrary, youngsters have fresh ideas and a much better understanding of the technology.


解释 Giving an explanation

Well, the reason is … 原因是

The reason for this is…

The reason why I …is that….

Because / since / for

I know this may sound obvious but…

This may sound strange but …( this is the reality.虽然听起来很奇怪,但是是事实)

Eg: The reason why I like English is that I can learn the culture behind the language.


重述 Rephrasing

I mean / what I want to say ( express )is…/ what I meant was… 我的意思是…

That is to say ,/ that means

So to speak , 可以说

To put it another way ,… 换句话说 / let me out it another way…

In other words,

Another way to say is…

Eg: yes, he is a reliable friend, I mean , he is always ready to help others whenever they need help.

What I actually meant was space research might be important but not more than feeding the hungry mouths.


直抒胸臆(总结) Getting to the point

So, to turn to my original point …

Anyway, the main point I want to make is that…

Anyway, that’s why…

So, that’s why I think that …

In summary, …

All in all, / in short,

By the way ,顺便说一下,顺便提一下

Eg:Anyway, that’s why we are the supreme being and we should act accordingly。


-by Eva


★ 雅思8.0分,英语专业八级

★ 英语教师资格证书,中级商务英语

★ 多年一线雅思教学经验

★ 注重引导营造互动式课堂,传授地道口语
