2000字范文 > 风味化合物 aroma compound英语短句 例句大全

风味化合物 aroma compound英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 11:06:05


风味化合物 aroma compound英语短句 例句大全

风味化合物,aroma compound

1)aroma compound风味化合物

1.It was found that neutral and weak acid conditions were convenient to the production ofaroma compounds.发现在本实验条件下中性偏酸性条件更有利于挥发性风味物质的形成, pH5下的挥发性物质总量最多且各类风味化合物的相对量也较大,pH7时总挥发物量较少但各类风味化合物的相对量高;强酸性条件下形成的风味物质相对含量低;碱性条件虽对含氮、硫、氧等杂原子的杂环化合物的形成较有利但其总挥发性成分的量低,使得各组分的绝对量不高,且pH9时生成大量的苯系物,其中有具有毒害作用的物质,在具体的生产实践中应加以注意。


1.Study on Volatile Flavor Compounds of Hongkong Braised Beef with Soy Sauce香港酱牛肉挥发性风味化合物的研究

2.Advances on Preparation and Analysis of Flavor Components of Beef Essence牛肉香精制备及其风味化合物分析研究进展

3.Study on Volatile Flavor Compounds in the Heating Process of Traditional Braised Beef with Soy Sauce传统酱牛肉加热过程中挥发性风味化合物研究

4.Progress in Natural Volatile Flavor Compounds from Edible Mushrooms食用蘑菇产天然挥发性风味化合物研究进展

5.Investigations on the Volatile Flavor Compounds in the Traditional Long-ripenned Douchiba (DCB) and the Mold-fermented Douchi (DC)传统陈窖豆豉粑和霉菌型豆豉挥发性风味化合物研究

6.Effects of Chitosan and Salt-soluble Meat Protein on Binding Ability of Volatile Compounds and Gel Property;壳聚糖与盐溶蛋白对风味化合物吸附能力及其凝胶特性研究

7.Screening of Bacteria Producing Soy Sauce Flavor and Study of Characteristic Volatile Compounds产酱香功能细菌的筛选及其特征风味化合物的研究

8.SPME-GC-MS Analysis of Flavor Components in Dried Capsicum before and after Baking固相微萃取-气-质联用法对干椒烘焙前后风味化合物的分析评价

9.Flavorings Synthetic flavor compounds, natural flavor extracts, and fruit juice concentrates are used to flavor soft drinks.香料人工风味化合物、天然香料提取物和浓缩果汁均可添加到软饮料中去。

10.In addition to CO2 and ethanol, which raise the dough, the yeast forms a variety of aroma compounds.除了CQ和乙醇可使面团膨胀外,酵母也可在面团中形成一系列风味化合物。

11.During final fermentation in the aging process, flavoring compounds accumulate and influence the bouquet of the wine.在陈酿过程中的最终发酵阶段,会积聚一些风味化合物并影响到葡萄酒的芳香。

12.The lower molecular weight volatile carbonyl compounds are of interest because of their influence on flavor.低分子量挥发性羰基化合物,因为它们对风味的影响而有益。

13.Study on the Rules of the Flavor Components Changes of Wine Grape;酿酒葡萄中风味物质的变化规律研究

14.Advancement on Sweetness Theory and Model of Sweetener s Receptor;甜味化合物的甜味理论与受体模型研究进展

15.Burning implies the combustion of other elements with oxygen to form compounds.氧化意味着别的元素与氧形成化合物。

16.Study on superoxide dismutase to improve the beer flavor stability超氧化物歧化酶改善啤酒风味稳定性的研究

17.called @flavorists,@ to identify the specific molecular compounds that give food its flavors.他们被称做“调味学家”,有办法确认赋予食品风味的特殊分子复合物。

18.Bread aroma is enhanced, as is the crust color, by a build-up of melanoidin compounds from nonenzymatic browning reactions.面包的风味改善了,面包表皮的颜色也由于非酶褐变反应所生成的类黑精化合物而有所改善。


heterocyclic flavor compounds杂环风味化合物

3)meat flavor compounds肉风味化合物

1.Moreover,SDE has been interfaced to GC and other analytical instruments and provides a complementary or even superior alternative method for the preconcentration ofmeat flavor compounds.通过同时蒸馏萃取法(SDE)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析猪肉风味化合物,确立了同时蒸馏萃取法在肉类风味化合物分析中的优势:敏感、快速、样品用量少、操作简单、不用溶剂,而能直接与气相色谱等现代仪器联用的特点,使其在肉类风味分析上更具有强大的优势。

4)characteristic flavour compound特征风味化合物

5)volatile flavor compounds挥发性风味化合物

1.Process for formingvolatile flavor compounds in Jinhua Ham by discriminant analysis method;研究结果表明,用金华火腿挥发性风味化合物的峰面积进行逐步判别分析,有20种挥发性化合物进入判别函数,而用峰面积占总出峰面积的百分率进行逐步判别分析,有17种挥发性化合物进入判别函数,建立的两套判别函数都能准确判别火腿的加工程度。

6)volatile aroma compounds挥发性风味化合物

1.The paper reviewed the research meat flavor,it included precursors of meat flavor,reaction producing meat favor andvolatile aroma compounds.本文介绍了国内外关于肉类风味的研究,其中包括肉类风味前体物质、产生肉类风味的反应和产生肉香的挥发性风味化合物,着重论述了产生羊肉气味和风味的化学物质以及影响羊肉风味的因素。


4-C10-14烷基苯磺酸衍生物与乙醇胺的化合物CAS:85995-82-0中文名称:4-C10-14烷基苯磺酸衍生物与乙醇胺的化合物英文名称:Benzeneslfonic acid, 4-C10-14-alkyl derivs., compd. with ethanolamine benzenesulfonic acid, 4-c10-14-alkyl derivs., compds. with ethanolamine benzenesulfonic acid, 4-c10-14-alkyl derivs., compds.with ethanolamine Benzeneslfonic acid,4-C10-14-alkyl derivs.,compd. with ethanolamine
