2000字范文 > 双向固体发酵 bi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation英语短句 例句大全

双向固体发酵 bi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-29 02:42:15


双向固体发酵 bi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation英语短句 例句大全

双向固体发酵,bi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation

1)bi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation双向固体发酵

1.Objective:To survey the toxicity and the effect on immunity function of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook by a novelbi-directional solid-state fungal fermentation.目的:研究双向固体发酵后雷公藤菌质的急性毒性及对小鼠免疫功能的影响。

2)bi-directional solid fermentation双向性固体发酵

1.Tris-saturated phenol law can be considered as a feasible protein extraction method for Ganoderma lucidum primordium and the results of this study are of great significance for developing effective protein extraction methods in other medicinal mushrooms and will lay the foundation of further study on the discrepancy expression of Ganoderma lucidum treated bybi-directional solid fermentation.Tris-饱和酚法可做为灵芝子实体原基总蛋白质的提取方法并为其他药用真菌总蛋白质的提取提供参考,同时为本实验室后续研究灵芝双向性固体发酵雷公藤的蛋白差异表达奠定了基础。

3)New solid fermentation新型(双向型)固体发酵

4)bi-direction solid fermentation双向发酵

1.Toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining function of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by Ganoderma lucidumbi-direction solid fermentation灵芝双向发酵雷公藤的解毒持效作用


1.Toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining function of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by Ganoderma lucidum bi-direction solid fermentation灵芝双向发酵雷公藤的解毒持效作用

2.The Study on Fermentation Condition and Antioxidant Funcation of Ganoderma-Platycodon灵芝—桔梗非药用部分固体双向发酵条件优化及抗氧化功效研究

3.Effect of Bidirectional Fermentation Technology on Content of Paeoniflorin and HPLC Fingerprint双向发酵对白芍HPLC指纹图谱及芍药苷含量的影响

4.Study on the New Type (Two-Way Pattern) Solid Fermentation Process of Ganoderma Lucidun;灵芝新型(双向型)固体发酵工艺研究

5.Studies on Exquisition and Biological Effects of Components from Three Species of Medicinal and Edible Fungi;柳松菇的功效性研究和桑黄的双向性新型发酵研究

6.Primary studies of toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining action of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by a novel bi-directional Solidstate fungal fermentation药用真菌新型(双向性)固体发酵工程对雷公藤解毒持效的初步研究

7.Optimization of Fermentation Condition for Kudzu Beverage Production by Bifidobacterium葛粉双歧杆菌发酵饮料发酵条件的研究

8.Let rise for another 30 minutes until braid is plump and doubled in size.发酵30分钟直到辫子发到双倍大。

9.Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of 2,3-Butanediol from Fermentation Broths;双水相萃取分离发酵液中2,3-丁二醇

10.The Research of Functional Properties of Bifidobacterium BB12 Fermented Milk双歧杆菌BB12发酵乳功能特性的研究

11.Separation of L-lactic acid from fermentation broth by bipolar membrane electrodialysis双极膜电渗析分离发酵液中L-乳酸

12.Study on fermentation parameters of soybean peptide by solid fermentation with two microorganisms双菌种固态发酵豆粕制备大豆肽发酵条件的研究

13.Preparation and nutritional value of double-protein fermented mlik双蛋白发酵乳制品的研制开发及其营养价值

14.New Fermentation OrganicAcid Industry in the21st Century (I);面向21世纪的新型发酵有机酸工业(一)

15.The microbial physiology facing the 21st century;面向21世纪的微生物(发酵)生理学

16.Application of Wavelet Support Vector Machine in Modeling for Fermention Process小波支持向量机在发酵过程中的应用

17.Bifid-amended fermented milk products are now available in various parts of the world.现在世界各地都有双歧杆菌发酵乳制品。

18.Study on the Protein Production from Corn Lees with Solid state Fermentation by Mixied Cultures玉米渣皮双菌种固态发酵生产细胞蛋白的研究


bi-directional solid fermentation双向性固体发酵

1.Tris-saturated phenol law can be considered as a feasible protein extraction method for Ganoderma lucidum primordium and the results of this study are of great significance for developing effective protein extraction methods in other medicinal mushrooms and will lay the foundation of further study on the discrepancy expression of Ganoderma lucidum treated bybi-directional solid fermentation.Tris-饱和酚法可做为灵芝子实体原基总蛋白质的提取方法并为其他药用真菌总蛋白质的提取提供参考,同时为本实验室后续研究灵芝双向性固体发酵雷公藤的蛋白差异表达奠定了基础。

3)New solid fermentation新型(双向型)固体发酵

4)bi-direction solid fermentation双向发酵

1.Toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining function of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by Ganoderma lucidumbi-direction solid fermentation灵芝双向发酵雷公藤的解毒持效作用

5)solid-state fermentation固体发酵

1.Improvement of crude protein content in aquatic macrophyte bysolid-state fermentation;固体发酵提高水生植物发酵产物蛋白含量的研究

2.Optimization of lipase production by Thermomyces lanuginosus W205 insolid-state fermentation;嗜热棉毛菌W205固体发酵产脂肪酶条件的优化

3.Study ofsolid-state fermentation of an actinomycete producing thermophilic cellulase;一株产耐热纤维素酶放线菌的固体发酵研究

6)solid state fermentation固体发酵

1.Studies on the preparation of mucor proteinase bysolid state fermentation;固体发酵制备毛霉蛋白酶的研究

2.Study on the production of α-glucosidase bysolid state fermentation with penicillium sp.and its enzymatic characteristics;青霉菌α-葡萄糖苷酶固体发酵及酶学特性的研究

3.Purification and properties of a xylanase produced by Paecilomyces thermophila insolid state fermentation;嗜热拟青霉固体发酵产木聚糖酶的纯化和性质


