2000字范文 > 创业文化建设 entrepreneurial culture construction英语短句 例句大全

创业文化建设 entrepreneurial culture construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-22 05:16:31


创业文化建设 entrepreneurial culture construction英语短句 例句大全

创业文化建设,entrepreneurial culture construction

1)entrepreneurial culture construction创业文化建设


1.The Significance of Strengthening the Construction of Enterprising Culture in the New Era新时期加强创业文化建设的重大意义

2.Study on Government Impulse to Cultrual Contruct of Songyuan-zone Setting up Career;松原地域创业文化建设的政府推力研究

3."The Chuangye Company s Corporate Culture Construct" Case Study;“创业公司的企业文化建设”案例研究

4.Co1nstruction of Enterprise Culture in Pioneering Period and Existing Problems;创业期的企业文化建设及存在的问题

5.Innovating the Construction of Campus Culture and Building the Atmosphere of Professional Ethic;创新校园文化建设 营造职业道德氛围

6.The Structure and Construction of Spirit of Enterprise Innovation Culture;企业创新文化的精神层结构及其建设

7.Innovating the Ideological and Political Work in Enterprises Cultural Construction;在企业文化建设中创新思想政治工作

8.On the construction , inheritance and innovation of the coalmining enterprises;试论煤炭企业文化建设的继承与创新

9.On Establishment of “Human Based” Company Culture and Image innovation;“以人为本”的企业文化建设与形象创新

10.The Innovation Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of China Construction Bank, Yu Hang Branch, Hang Zhou建设银行杭州余杭支行企业文化建设创新研究

11.Jiang Zemin"s Culture Innovation Thought and Contemporary Enterprise Culture Construction;江泽民文化创新思想与当代企业文化建设

12.The Application and Innovation of Corporation Culture Theory in the Government Culture Construction;企业文化理论在政府文化建设中的应用及创新

13.People"s Beijing and Beijing Culture Creativity Industry文化创意产业是建设“人文北京”的强大动力

14.Research on Performance Evaluation System Based on BSC;高星级饭店创业期的企业文化建设研究

15.The Impact of Building the Corporate Culture on SMEs Innovation Capability;企业文化建设对中小企业创新能力的影响

16.The Enterprise Culture Building Ideas and Steps of High-star Hotels during Venture Period;高星级饭店创业期的企业文化建设思路和步骤

17.Perspective of the Construction of Privately Operated Enterprise Culture Based on the Second Start;透视基于二次创业中的民营企业文化建设

18.The practice of corporation technology innovation and the development of learning-based corporation culture;企业技术创新实践与学习型企业文化建设


innovative enterprise culture创新型企业文化建设

3)innovation culture building创新文化建设

1.Since innovation culture is a very big concept, this paper argues thatinnovation culture building in CAS be a result of innovating adninistrative system.创新文化是一个很大的概念,本文提出,中国科学院创新文化建设主要体现在管理 创新之中。

4)cultural construction and innovation文化建设与创新

5)innovation of the cultural construction文化建设创新

6)corporation culture construction企业文化建设

1.Research on the Corporation Culture Construction of Energy Group Ltd. of Anhui;皖能集团企业文化建设研究

2.Strengthencorporation culture construction,have to hold scientifically function and meaning of that,come out from mistake area aboutcorporation culture construction understanding,study measure and path ofcorporation culture construction.加强企业文化建设,必须科学地把握企业文化建设的作用和意义,走出对企业文化建设认识上的误区,探讨企业文化建设的措施和途径。


