2000字范文 > 劝学所 the Department of Inducement英语短句 例句大全

劝学所 the Department of Inducement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-08 08:15:00


劝学所 the Department of Inducement英语短句 例句大全

劝学所,the Department of Inducement

1)the Department of Inducement劝学所

2)Probe into the Department of Inducement劝学所探析

3)Quanye ministry劝业公所

4)Quanye substation劝业分所

1.In addition, government had chosen Quanye Personal in the countryside, which involvedQuanye substation(going without department, only one Quanye Personal ), in charge of guiding and sponsoring and counting local .清季因推行新政、振兴实业,清廷在各直省省城设立了劝业道这一官职,下设劝业公所,专管各省实业;又在县乡地方一级设立了劝业员一职,下设劝业分所(没有分科,基本仅有劝业员一人),指导、倡办、统计该地各项实业活动。

5)encourage learning劝学


1.A Comparative Study on Zhang Zhidong s Quanxuepian and YuKichi Fukuzawa s Gakumon-no-susume;张之洞的《劝学篇》与福泽谕吉的《劝学篇》之比较

2.A Comparative Study of the Concepts in Encouraging Learning and The Imperial Edict in Jan.29,1901 and the Theory of "Chinese Learning as Fundamental,Western Learning for Practical Use";《劝学篇》、“丁未上谕”与“中体西用”

3.A Discussion on Zhang Zhidong s Political Thought--Focusing on "Quan Xue Pian";张之洞政治思想初探——以《劝学篇》为中心

4.Zhang Zhidong s Viewpoint on Chinese and Western Culture in His Book"The Book of Advising Learning";从《劝学篇》看张之洞的中西文化观

5.Analyzing Zhang Zhidong s View on Western Culture According to Quan Xue Pian;从《劝学篇》看张之洞的西方文化观

6.I want to dissuade you from leaving the university too soon.我要劝你不要辍学太早。

7.Athletics is recommended for every student.劝每个学生都参加运动。

8.The teacher admonished the students against being late.老师劝告学生不要迟到。

9.I therefore recommend that you comrades read philosophy.因此,我劝同志们要学哲学。

10.Negative campaigning will only dissuade people.那位父亲劝阻他的儿子辍学。

11.The father finally dissuaded his son from leaving school.这个父亲最终劝阻了他儿子离开学校。

12.The teacher advised Luo to think twice before deciding to quit school.老师劝罗在退学要再三考虑考虑。

13.The teacher advised Lou to think twice before deciding to quit school.老师劝告罗在决定退学前要好好考虑。

14.Corporate leaders viewed the economist"s recommendations with mistrust.公司领导对经济学家的劝告缺乏信心

15.The teacher counseled the boy to study harder.老师劝告这个男孩要学习更努力些。

16.The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam.老师劝他的学生准备考试。

17.The headmaster was preaching to his pupils.校长正对他的学生们谆谆劝诫。

18.In the Japanese Edo Period, the literary thought of “promoting virtues and punishing evils” was prevalent.日本江户时期,“劝善惩恶”文学思想盛行。


Probe into the Department of Inducement劝学所探析

3)Quanye ministry劝业公所

4)Quanye substation劝业分所

1.In addition, government had chosen Quanye Personal in the countryside, which involvedQuanye substation(going without department, only one Quanye Personal ), in charge of guiding and sponsoring and counting local .清季因推行新政、振兴实业,清廷在各直省省城设立了劝业道这一官职,下设劝业公所,专管各省实业;又在县乡地方一级设立了劝业员一职,下设劝业分所(没有分科,基本仅有劝业员一人),指导、倡办、统计该地各项实业活动。

5)encourage learning劝学


1.Constitutional Ideology in Zhang Zhidong sQuexuepian;从《劝学篇》看张之洞的立宪思想


