2000字范文 > 财产权理论 theory on property rights英语短句 例句大全

财产权理论 theory on property rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 13:37:05


财产权理论 theory on property rights英语短句 例句大全

财产权理论,theory on property rights

1)theory on property rights财产权理论

1.They are theory on the law of tort, theory on the law of contract, theory on anti-unfair competition andtheory on property rights.在这样的情况下,就有必要对于商业秘密法律保护的侵权法原理、合同法原理、反不正当竞争理论以及财产权理论进行分析。


1.Enlightenment to the Restructuring of China′s Property Rights Gained from the Property Rights Theory in Anglo-American Law英美财产权理论对我国财产权重构的启示

2.From Economic Justice to Political Justice:Comparing the Property Right Theories of Hume and Locke;从经济正义到政治正义:休谟与洛克财产权理论之比较

3.Solution to the Credit Right of Guarantee with Property in Bankrupt Prbcedures;论破产程序中有财产担保债权的处理

4.The Economic Theory of Property Right and the Justification of the Intellectual Property System;财产权经济学理论与知识产权制度的正当性

5.Philosophical Basis of Property Right--Investigation of Rock s Labour Theory;财产权产生的哲学基础——洛克劳动理论探微

6.Research on Enterprise s Financial Target Based on Property Rights Change;基于产权理论变迁的企业理财目标研究

7.The Real Choice of the Financial Management Objectives Based on the Analysis of property Ringhts Theory;产权理论分析与财务管理目标的现实选择

8.On the Property Right System;论财产权体系——兼论民法典中的“财产权总则”

9.Discuss How to Perfect the Constitution Protection System about Private Property Right in Our Country;完善我国私有财产权宪法保障制度的理论探讨

10.Toward the Idea on Safeguarding Human Rights in the Taxation Procaurement System of State Property;论国有财产税收取得制度中的人权保障理念

11.Re-Comment of Locke s Thepry of Property -Labor--Discussing with Doctor Yi jiming;再评洛克财产权劳动理论——兼与易继明博士商榷

12.On Comfirmation and Solution of Infringement of Common Propety Rights of Couples论侵害配偶夫妻共同财产权的认定与处理

13.The Argumentation to Moral Justification of Property Right--Arguing from Locke and Nozick s right theory;对“财产权利之道德正当性”的论证——从洛克与诺齐克的权利理论谈起

14.Property Right,Intellectual Property and the Tropism of Benefit Value in Property Theory--Concurrently on the Function and Application of Interest-Balancing Principle;产权理论中的财产权、知识产权及其效益价值取向——兼论利益平衡原则功能及其适用

15.Deconstructing the theory of "Right bunch" of virtual property--Theoretical coupling of law and economics;虚拟财产的“权利束”理论解构——法学与经济学的理论耦合

16.On The Status Of Jus Rerem For State Properties--Jurisprudential Basis For "The Inviolability Of State Property" Not Being Compiled In Jus Rerem;论国家财产的物权法地位——“国家财产神圣不可侵犯”不写入物权法的法理依据

17.The doctrine of the legal system of assets is the core of economics.产权法律制度建立的原则,就是遵循财产经济学理论的核心。

18.On the right of joint registration--Protection of marital property“联名登记权”论——夫妻共有财产权的保护


labor theory of property财产权劳动理论

3)financial rights theory财权理论

4)Locke"s labor theory of property rights洛克劳动财产权理论

5)locke"s theory about origin of property洛克财产权劳动理论

6)property right freedom theory财产权自由意志理论


