2000字范文 > 诉讼形态 The types of action英语短句 例句大全

诉讼形态 The types of action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-27 14:55:37


诉讼形态 The types of action英语短句 例句大全

诉讼形态,The types of action

1)The types of action诉讼形态


1.The Comparison Between Shareholder s Representative Action and Traditional Action Forms;股东代表诉讼与传统诉讼形态之比较

2.A Contrast between Claimant s Actionof Subrogation and other Actions of Subrogation;代位权诉讼与其它代位诉讼形态之比较

3.The Vicissitude of Legal Ideology;法律意识形态的变迁——以我国民事诉讼中的“调解”为样本

4.The damages of the ecological jus ad rem can introduce a special remedial action, such as the action of public interest litigation, the action of subrogation.对物权生态化损害可引用特殊救济方式,如公益诉讼,代位诉讼。

5.A self-contained system of public interest litigation has been formed in America, which is the initiator of this system.作为公益诉讼的创始国,美国已形成健全的公益诉讼制度。

6.American Securities Class Action and the Perfection of China s Litigation Form of Securities;美国证券集团诉讼与我国证券民事诉讼形式之完善

7.Dynamic Law--Comment on the Interpretation of Criminal Procedure Law;动态的法——关于刑事诉讼法解释的评析

8.Dynamic Analysis of Public Administration Reform and Administrative Suit公共行政改革与行政诉讼的动态分析

9.§ 703. Form and venue of proceeding第七百零三条 诉讼的形式和地点

10.Where there are other circumstances which entail suspension of the action.其他应当中止诉讼的情形。

11.a litigant action shall terminate in any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的,终结诉讼:

12.a litigant action shall be suspended in any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的,中止诉讼:

13.The Copyright Lawsuit about LI Bo-yuan s Novel Officialdom s True Feature;李伯元《官场现形记》版权诉讼始末

14.(law) an allegation in legal form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding.(法律)法律形式的断言,在法律诉讼中为一方申诉。

15.On"Handling After Being Told"of Criminal Offense of Misappropriation;论侵占罪的“告诉才处理”——兼谈侵占罪的诉讼形式

16.The varies of adjudication form shall be formulated by procedure law on the cause, content and scope, otherwise it is hard to understand and apply.不同的裁判形态,均应由诉讼法规定其事由、内容及幅度,否则将难以理解和运用。

17.Iudicium bonae fidei善良诉讼,诚信诉讼

18.Actio bona fidei(=ludicia bonae fidei)善意诉讼,诚信诉讼


Form of Action of Subrogation代位诉讼形态

3)action form诉讼形式

1.This is a great progress in legislation,while the present legislation about the civilaction forms on securities torts cannot cope with the securities torts in Chinese securities market.新修改的《证券法》对内幕交易、操纵证券市场以及欺诈客户的侵权行为都规定了民事赔偿责任,无疑是在立法上的重大进步,而我国现行立法对证券侵权民事诉讼中诉讼形式的规定根本不能适应我国证券侵权纠纷诉讼的现状。

4)ecosystem of criminal procedure刑事诉讼生态

5)procedural structure as a line线形诉讼结构


1.On a number of issues in thelitigation of shareholders;论公司股东诉讼中的若干问题

2.Litigation on Students Management: Analysis Based on Benefits Measurement;高校学生管理诉讼:基于利益衡量的分析


