2000字范文 > 蜡质玉米 waxy corn英语短句 例句大全

蜡质玉米 waxy corn英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-27 08:46:40


蜡质玉米 waxy corn英语短句 例句大全

蜡质玉米,waxy corn

1)waxy corn蜡质玉米

1.Studies on the properties of the homegrownwaxy corn starch paste;国产蜡质玉米淀粉糊性质的研究

2.Preparation ofwaxy corn composite modified starch and its application in yoghurt蜡质玉米复合变性淀粉的制备及在酸奶中的应用

3.The properties ofwaxy corn starch were investigated, comparing with corn starch and potato starch.本文研究了蜡质玉米淀粉的品质特性,结果表明蜡质玉米淀粉糊液的粘性比马铃薯淀粉低,但明显高于普通玉米淀粉,蜡质玉米淀粉糊化后不易老化,其糊液抗凝沉、透光度都优于普通玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉。


1.Studies on the property of Octenyl Succinic Anhydride modified waxy corn starch蜡质玉米辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯理化性质的研究

2.Synthesis of High Viscosity Dodecenyl Succinic Anhydride Waxy Corn Starch高黏度蜡质玉米十二烯基琥珀酸酯淀粉的合成

3.Effects of Dynamic High-pressure Microfluidization on Granular Structure of Waxy Maize Starch动态超高压微射流对蜡质玉米淀粉颗粒结构的影响

4.Preparation of waxy corn composite modified starch and its application in yoghurt蜡质玉米复合变性淀粉的制备及在酸奶中的应用

5.The Application of Waxy Corn Composite Modified Made of Different Cross-linking Agent Starch to Yogurt不同交联剂制备的蜡质玉米复合变性淀粉在酸奶中的应用研究

6.Study on Rheological Properties of Waxy Corn Flour Paste Processed by Different Milling Ways不同制粉方法对蜡质玉米粉糊的流变特性影响的研究

7.Study on semi-dry preparation and emulsifying property of waxy maize starch stearates半干法制备硬脂酸蜡质玉米淀粉酯工艺及其乳化性研究

8.Molecular Evidence for Domestication Selection in the Waxy Site of Chinese Waxy Maize;中国糯玉米蜡质基因位点受到人工选择的分子证据

9.Within the circle of candles should be spread some maize - i.e. corn meal - and in that a waxen female candle to symbolize the Goddess on your altar.在蜡烛圈里面铺上一些玉米粒,玉米里里面放上一个女性模型蜡烛,象征着女神。

10.Food companies value the clear cohesive pastes produced from waxy maize starch.食品厂用含蜡玉米淀粉生产透明粘性糊料。

11."Corn," cried the raven. "Corn, corn."“玉米,”乌鸦叫道。“玉米,玉米。”

12.Influence of High Oil Maize Xenia on Grain Quality of Normal Maize;高油玉米花粉直感对普通玉米籽粒品质的影响

13.Zein is the major storage protein of corn and comprises 45%~50% of total protein in corn.玉米醇溶蛋白是玉米中主要的贮藏蛋白质,约占总蛋白质的45%~50%。

14.Improvement of Popcorn Germplasm Using Normal Corn Inbreds and Different Selection Methods;普通玉米种质及选系方法对爆裂玉米种质改良的研究

15.Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) in the Analysis of Maize Nutritional Qualities and Silage Qualities;近红外光谱技术在玉米营养品质和青贮玉米品质评定中的研究

16.Studies on Breeding of Hybrid Lu Yu 13 Quality Protein Maize优质蛋白玉米杂交种鲁玉13号选育研究

17.Identification of Genomic Components Among Species of Genus Zea and Introgression of Maize Relatives for Maize Improvement;玉蜀黍属基因组构成及玉米新种质创制研究

18.The Breeding of High Quality and High Yield Hybrid Maize-Xiang Kangyu NO.1优质高产玉米杂交种湘康玉1号的选育


Waxy corn flour蜡质玉米粉

1.Physicochemical properties of waxy corn flour and glutinous rice flour were studied in this work.本文分析了干法制粉与湿法制粉获得的蜡质玉米粉与糯米粉的性质差异。

2.Rheological properties of waxy corn flour were studied in this work,and the rheological model was described.研究了蜡质玉米粉糊的流变特性,建立了相应的流变模型,确立了本构方程。

3.Rheological properties of waxy corn flour and effects of different flour milling ways on them were studied,and rheological models were established.本实验对蜡质玉米粉糊的流变特性进行研究,建立相应的流变模型,并研究制粉方法对流变特性的影响。

3)waxy corn蜡质种玉米

4)waxy maize starch蜡质玉米淀粉

1.The gelatination properties ofwaxy maize starch, including the paste properties, rheological behaviors and gel strength, were studied in this work.本文对蜡质玉米淀粉的糊性质、流变特性和凝胶强度等凝胶化性质进行了详细研究。

2.The physiochemical properties, including granule appearance, microstructure of polarized light, gelatinization, transparency, retrogradation, freeze-thaw stability, rheology ofwaxy maize starch and so forth were studied systematically.利用Brabender的粘度仪、扫描电子显微镜及Broorfield旋转粘度计等现代仪器研究了蜡质玉米淀粉的理化性质 ,包括颗粒形貌、偏光显微结构、糊化特性、糊的透明度、糊的凝沉性、糊的冻融稳定性以及糊的流变性等性质。

3.The change of properties ofwaxy maize starch paste was studied after ultrasonic.研究了超声波处理前后蜡质玉米淀粉的流变性质变化。

5)waxy corn starch蜡质玉米淀粉

1.The properties of mono-starch phosphate made from potato starch,waxy corn starch,tapioca starch,and wheat starch were studied.本文比较了马铃薯淀粉、蜡质玉米淀粉、木薯淀粉、小麦淀粉及经磷酸化后产品的物理性能 ,着重研究了其粘度及糖、盐对其粘度的影响并比较了磷酸化对糊的透明度、冻融稳定性及其对发泡体系的影响 ,结果表明不同淀粉制得的淀粉磷酸单酯的性能有很大差别。

2.Firstly, hydroxypropylwaxy corn starch(HPWCDS) was obtained fromwaxy corn starch by microwave radiation.本论文主要研究了以蜡质玉米淀粉为原料,采用微波法制备羟丙基乙酰化二淀粉己二酸酯的工艺,并研究了其基本性质、结构及其在食品中的应用。

3.Dodecenly succinic anhydride(DDSA)waxy corn starches with paste top viscosity and degree of sub-stitution(DS) were prepared by the base catalyzed reaction with starch granular in aqueous slurry.在碱性条件下,蜡质玉米淀粉与十二烯基琥珀酸酐(DDSA)反应可制得较高黏度、适宜取代度(DS)的酯化淀粉。

6)waxy maize含蜡玉米


环氧玉米黄质分子式:CAS号:性质:又名百合黄素。一种类胡萝卜素。存在于百合科植物卷丹(Lilium tigrinum)中,经萃取而得,也可以玉米黄质经邻羧基过苯甲酸氧化制取。黄红色针状晶体。熔点205℃,吸收峰510nm、478nm(二氧化碳)、490.5nm、460.5nm(氯仿)。苯与90%甲醇水溶液间的分配试验中,完全为下层性。乙醚溶液中加入浓盐酸摇混,片刻即显蓝色。本品与盐酸作用可变为呋喃形的玉米黄质。此外,从百合属植物Lilium candidum分离出的黄红色针晶百合黄素,其熔点为110℃。这是一种中央双键变为顺式(cis-)的立体异构体。
