2000字范文 > 围岩应力场 stress field of surrounding rocks英语短句 例句大全

围岩应力场 stress field of surrounding rocks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-08 07:22:58


围岩应力场 stress field of surrounding rocks英语短句 例句大全

围岩应力场,stress field of surrounding rocks

1)stress field of surrounding rocks围岩应力场

1.The results show that the stability,possible moving pattern,sliding plane or combined sliding plane and sliding direction of blocks are controlled bystress field of surrounding rocks.研究结果表明,围岩块体稳定性、可能运动方式、滑动面(或滑面组合)以及滑动方向均显著地依赖于围岩应力场状态。


1.The Stress Field s Analysis of Reinforced Concrete High Pressure Tunnels;钢筋混凝土高压隧洞围岩应力场的分析

2.Analysis of Rock Stress Field Variation in Two Circular Caverns during the Excavation Process双圆形洞室群开挖过程围岩应力场变化分析

3.Study on the Stress Field and Movement Laws of Overlying Strata in Gently Inclined Multi Coal Seams Mining;缓倾斜多煤层开采围岩应力场及岩层运移规律研究

4.Analytic Prediction of the Stress and Displacement Field of Roadway Wallrock Based on Visco-Elastic Theory基于粘弹性理论的巷道围岩应力场、位移场解析预测

5.Analysis of Stress Field of Rock Surrounding Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Columns Based on Damage Theory基于损伤理论的圆形水工压力隧洞围岩应力场分析

6.Analysis on quadratic stress field characters of surrounding rock in Erlang mountain highway tunnel二郎山隧道围岩二次应力场特征分析

7.It is advantage to the studying of the crustal stress field′ s distribution in the rocksalt cavity′ s surrounding rock and the stability of rocksalt cavity.为研究岩盐溶腔围岩地应力场规律和岩盐溶腔稳定性打下了基础。

8.The Stress Control Method and Its Application in Surroundding Stata Control in Stope;应力控制方法及其在采场围岩控制中的应用

9.Influence of initial stress field on stability of surrounding rock in chambers初始地应力场对洞室围岩稳定性的影响

10.Research on the Initial Stress Field Around the Tunnels of the Jinping Hydroelectic Peoject;锦屏水电站隧洞围岩初始地应力场研究

11.Numerical Simulation Study on Distribution Rules of Surrounding Rock Stress of a Mine某矿山采场围岩应力分布规律的数值模拟研究

12.Numerical Simulation for Soft-Weak Surrounding Rocks Tunnel Construction Mechanical Characteristics of Different Stress Field不同应力场软弱围岩隧道施工力学特征的数值分析

13.Back-analysis of Initial Ground Stress Based on ANSYS and Wavelet Neural Network and Rheology Analysis of Surrounding Rock of Cave;基于ANSYS和小波神经网络的初始地应力场反演及围岩流变分析

14.A Study on the Measuring of Displacement and Stress Field of Highway Tunnel Adjacent Rock in the Process of Excavation;公路隧道开挖过程中围岩应力形变场的测试及数值模拟研究

15.Back-analysis of Initial Ground Stress Based and Analysis of the Surrounding Rock Mass in Underground Hydropower House;水电站地下厂房初始地应力场反演与围岩稳定分析

16.Study on the Initial Geo-Stress of the Deep-lying Tunnel Region and the Stability of Surrounding Rock;深埋隧洞工程区初始地应力场研究及围岩稳定分析

17.Character Analysis of Ground Stress Field and Stability Assessment of Rock Mass in Dahuofang Reservoir Conveying-Water-Tunnel;大伙房水库输水隧洞地应力场特征分析及围岩稳定性评价

18.Research on the Stability Theory and Control of Roadway Surrounding Rock in Tectonic Stress Field;构造应力场影响下的巷道围岩稳定性原理及其控制研究


the evolution of surrouding rock stress field围岩应力场演变

3)induced stress field of surrounding rock围岩二次应力场

bined with the underground engineering practice in high geo-stress area, the stress restitution testing and lag monitoring are made to determine theinduced stress field of surrounding rocks for underground engineering.为地下工程围岩二次应力场测试和变化规律研究提供了新的研究思路。

4)surrounding rock stress围岩应力

1.Some distribution rules ofsurrounding rock stress of large-span tunnel are summarized to provide the reasonable references to design and.运用有限元法的基本原理,依托处于设计阶段的惠州—深圳牛湖山双洞六车道高速公路隧道这一实际课题,对断层所在区段的围岩应力状态进行数值模拟和分析,并探讨断层位置对围岩施工力学响应的影响,总结断层地段大跨度隧道围岩应力的一些分布规律,为该隧道及类似工程项目今后的设计施工提供合理的参考依据。

2.Some distribution rules of large-span tunnelsurrounding rock stress are included,in order to provide the reasonable foundation for similar engineering construction in future.运用有限元法的基本原理,对处于设计阶段的广东惠州牛湖山双线六车道高速公路隧道的围岩应力状态进行了数值模拟和分析。

3.2 mining area are analyzed;in term of geologic structure,surrounding rock stress distribution embark,and the influence of high strength mining,the surface crack subsidence formation mechanism and the influence factor has been discussed.通过裂缝区调查、测绘与槽探,揭示了地表裂缝区范围与特征;从沉降裂缝区的形成、岩体移动与变形规律及沉降裂缝发展趋势分析了金川二矿区地表裂缝沉降变形规律;由矿区地质构造、围岩应力分布出发,结合高强度采矿活动的影响,探讨了地表裂缝沉降的形成机制及影响因素。

5)stress of surrounding rocks围岩应力

6)country rock stress围岩应力


铣刀片的应力场分析【摘要】 铣削属断续切削,切削过程中刀片受力非常复杂,力的大小和方向随时变化,刀片的失效形式主要为冲击破损。因此,采用有限元法对铣刀片应力场进行分析,以寻求减少刀片破损的刀具最佳几何角度,对于铣刀片槽型的开发具有指导意义。 1.引言 铣削属断续切削,切削过程中刀片受力非常复杂,力的大小和方向随时变化,刀片的失效形式主要为冲击破损。因此,采用有限元法对铣刀片应力场进行分析,以寻求减少刀片破损的刀具最佳几何角度,对于铣刀片槽型的开发具有指导意义。2.面铣切削加工坐标系统的建立图1面铣切削加工坐标系统 面铣切削加工坐标系统由刀体坐标系和刀片坐标系组成,如图1所示。 在刀体坐标系中,Y轴为铣刀轴线,X轴在基面内过刀尖与Y轴相交。在刀片坐标系中,y1轴通过主切削刃,x1轴通过副切削刃,刀片前刀面在x1o1y1平面内。铣刀半径为R=OO1,铣刀前角为g0,刃倾角为ls,主偏角为K,法向前角为gn。 面铣刀无论具有何种几何角度,都可看作是由刀体坐标系经过一次平移和三次旋转而成,可用矩阵表示为其中A11=cosgnsinhr+singnsinlscoshrA12=cosgncoshr-singnsinlssinhrA13=singncoslsA21=-coslscoshrA22=coslssinhrA23=sinlsA31=-singnsinhr+cosgnsinlscoshrA32=-singncoshr-cosgnsinlssinhrA33=cosgncoslstggn=tgg0cosls图2 切入冲击力的方向 3.切入冲击力方向的确定 铣削与车削的不同之处在于铣削为断续切削,存在着切入、切出过程,铣刀的破损主要是由机械冲击力引起的。因此,首先要确定铣刀切入瞬间冲击力的作用方向。铣削时,铣刀高速旋转,工件缓慢进给,若忽略进给运动(因进给运动速度仅为铣刀运动速度的约1/4),铣刀切入冲击力的方向应该在刀具相对工件运动的切线方向上。如图2所示。由图1可知,切入冲击力方向为Z轴方向,力F分解到刀片坐标系中为
