2000字范文 > 土地占有权 a possessory title to land英语短句 例句大全

土地占有权 a possessory title to land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 04:52:48


土地占有权 a possessory title to land英语短句 例句大全

土地占有权,a possessory title to land

1)a possessory title to land土地占有权


1.During the Republic of China theland-ownership in rural North China tended to be comparatively scattered rather than obvious concentration.在民国时期的华北乡村社会,土地占有关系与以前相比较并没有明显的集中化趋势,而是趋于相对分散;乡村土地资源主要拥有者并非地主、富农等乡村上层,而是处于乡村社会中间阶层的中农。


1.d reform and tenure土地改革与土地占有

2.On the Land-ownership in the Rural North China during the Period of the Republic of China;民国时期华北乡村土地占有关系刍论

3.The rich peasant,as a rule owns land.富农一般占有土地。

4.tenure by which a villein held land.隶农保有土地的占用权。

5.To go to or occupy in order to claim possession of(land).占据进入、占有(土地)以宣布对其的所有权

6.Some own only part of their land and rent the rest.有些中农只占有一部分土地,另租入一部分土地。

7.to compensate an owner for land taken by a city为城市占用的土地向土地所有者付报酬

8.Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for12 years, the owner"s title to land is destroyed.如果一个擅自占用者占有被遗弃土地并连续不受干涉地占用,原土地所有人的产权将消灭.

9.The man was obliged to render up the land he had unlawfully enclosed.这人被强制让出他非法占有的土地。

10.The land so held.封地以这种方式占有的领土

11.The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land.这个种植园主把大片土地占为己有。

12.P: Any time you say. The sooner the better.任何时候你。抢先占有土地之人比较好。

13.The farmer owns more than one hundred acres of land.这个农场主占有100多英亩土地。

14.Businesses that own property pay taxes on their land and the structures on that land.拥有土地的企业需交纳占地及其建筑用地税。

15.Belligerent occupation in a foreign war, being based upon the possession of enemy territory, necessarily implies that the sovereignty of the occupied territory is not vested in the occupying power.对外战争中的交战国占领,基于占有敌方领土,意味被占领地的主权不授予占领国。

16.a sparsely populated borough in which all or most of the land is owned by a single family.一个稀少人口的地区,所有的土地或大部分土地被某个家族占有。

17.The governing classes owned land outright, fenced it off, and gloried in its possession.统治阶级拥有全部土地,他们用栅栏把地隔开,以占有土地为荣。

18.Towns to" protect" erode the value of who occupies the land?城镇加快“圈地”蚕食谁占有了土地的增值?



1.During the Republic of China theland-ownership in rural North China tended to be comparatively scattered rather than obvious concentration.在民国时期的华北乡村社会,土地占有关系与以前相比较并没有明显的集中化趋势,而是趋于相对分散;乡村土地资源主要拥有者并非地主、富农等乡村上层,而是处于乡村社会中间阶层的中农。

3)seized of the lands占有土地

4)lifelong right of land succession土地的终生继承占有权

5)writ of possession恢复土地占有权令状

6)land tenure,possessory title to land土地占用权


