2000字范文 > 大国结盟 big country alliance英语短句 例句大全

大国结盟 big country alliance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-08 02:42:32


大国结盟 big country alliance英语短句 例句大全

大国结盟,big country alliance

1)big country alliance大国结盟


1.China will not enter into alliance with any big power.中国不同任何大国结盟。

2.To ally with the great powers is a cornerstone in Israel’s foreign policy.与大国结盟是以色列对外政策的基石。

3.second, it didnt form an alliance with any big power and was never partial to any side;其二,不与任何大国结盟,从不倒向任何一方。

4.The Italy allied itself with Germany.义大利兴德国缔结同盟。

5.Japan was in alliance with Germany and Italy during the Second World War.二次大战中日本和德国、意大利结盟。

6.The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia.党说,大洋国从来没跟欧亚国结过盟。

7.Great Britain allied itself with(to)the United States in both World Wars英国在两次世界大战中都与美国结盟。

8.This small country in now aligned with a major power.这个小国现在与一个大国结为联盟了。

9.News Agencies Pool of Non-Aligned Countries, Pool不结盟国家通讯社联盟

10.States seek to become stronger through alliance.各国力求通过结盟而更加强大.

11.had ever allied with Italy in history.在历史上,德国曾经与意大利结盟过。

12.During World War Ⅱ, Japan was allied with Germany.第二次世界大战期间,日本与德国结盟。

13.the non-aligned movement,nations不结盟运动、 国家.

mon interests allied this country with many others during the war.在大战中共同的利益使该国与许多国家结盟。

15.The new treaty embodies the aspirations of most nonaligned countries.新条约体现了大多数不结盟国家的愿望。

16.Japan was in alliance with Germany and Italy during World War II.在二战中,日本与德国及意大利结成了联盟。

17.The French government had formed an alliance with Russia.法国政府已与俄国结盟。

mittee of Nine of the Non-Aligned Countries不结盟国家九国委员会


a nonaligned nation不结盟国

3)The two countries made an alliance.两国结盟。


5)nonaligned state不结盟国家

6)countries that are leagued together结盟的国家


大国1.古指大诸侯国。 2.泛指大的国家。 3.比喻具有独立性的事物。
