2000字范文 > 政治象征 political symbol英语短句 例句大全

政治象征 political symbol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-12 11:52:51


政治象征 political symbol英语短句 例句大全

政治象征,political symbol

1)political symbol政治象征

1.The paper will discuss the symbolical meaning of "Bianzi"(辫子),as apolitical symbol,and it s effect when chinese construct their state identity,national identity and social identity from the end of Ming Dynasty to the beginning of Minguo.该文主要从政治象征的角度,考察"辫子"作为一种政治符号在明末到民初这一特殊时段所承载的象征意义,以及它在构建国家认同、民族认同和社会认同中的作用。

2.As a presentation of significance and value,political symbol has four functions such as providing social memory,seeking political approval,conforming ideology and carrying out socialization of politics and its goal is to prove and argue the legality of political powers.作为意义和价值表述的政治象征具有提供社会记忆、寻求政治认同整合意识形态和实施政治社会化四种文化功能,中心目标在于对政治权力的合法性论证和辩护。

3.From the creation to the revision, substitution, and even the dissemination of symbols,political symbols have been invariably expressing a kind of power relation, around which their expressive and instrumental functions emerge.政治象征不能游离于社会之外 ,而是社会约定俗成的产物。


1.Political Symbol: Its Functions as Explanation of Significance and Value;政治象征:作为意义和价值阐释的功能分析

2.The Instrumental Value of Political Symbolism in Contemporary US Education Policy Analysis论政治象征理论在当代美国教育政策分析中的工具价值

3.On Symbolic Governance象征性治理——对政府治理失灵的一个概括

4.The Power Tactics of the Political Ritual--the Politics Analysis Based on the Theory and Practice of Symbols政治仪式的权力策略——基于象征理论与实践的政治学分析

5.Symbolic Tactics and Political Functions in the Worldwide Socialist Movements;世界社会主义运动中的象征策略及政治功能

6.Assembly: the Symbolic Reflection of the Dispelling Politicalization of the Social Reality《集结号》:祛政治化社会现实的象征性反映

7.To Indian leaders, the program symbolized international political clout and technological modernity.对印度领导人说,核计划象征着国际政治力量和技术现代化。

8.Social and Political Metaphor of Oedipus Myth--Interpretation of Myth Meaning in the Symbolism Perspective;俄狄浦斯神话的社会与政治隐喻——象征主义视角下的神话意义阐释

9.A Sketch of Political Forms and Symbol Pedigree of Social Community in Ancient China;中国早期社会共同体之政治形式与象征系谱纲要

10.The Political Campaign as Genre: Iconography and Ideological Affinity in the Cinema of the Seventeen Years;作为类型的政治运动:十七年电影中的象征与意识形态关联

11.Analysis on the Phenomenon of Parties in Power in Russian Party Politics;俄罗斯政党政治中的“政权党”现象分析

12.After 37 years in politics, nearly ten as president, Mr Chirac has come to personify France.经历了37年的政治生涯,做了近十年的总统之后,希拉克已成为法国的象征。

13.Singaporeans are familiar with politics in Britain. There, the Speakers" Corner has long been maintained in HydePark as a symbol of freedom of speech.岛国人民熟悉英国政治,海德公园演说者一隅,向来是言论自由的象征。

14.That paradise of public speaking has become part of Britain"s political tradition, serving a symbolic rather than practical purpose.这个演说天地,早已是英国政治传统的一部分,它的象征意义多过实际的意义。

15.As a political leader of a country, Dr Mahathir should be keenly aware of the significance of his words, their political implications and impact on Malaysia"s foreign relations.身为一国政治领袖,马哈迪必须清楚认识到个人言的象征意义以及可能引起的外交后果。

16.Society worship with primitive thinking as its character, social political structure and strength as its content has the same nature of natural worship.以原始思维为特征、社会政治结构和力量为内容、自然崇拜同质的文化现象即是社会崇拜。

17.Mastering the Characteristics of the Subjects and Enhancing Substantial Result of I-deological Education--Several Thoughts on Ideological and Political Work of Agricultural Scientific Researchers;掌握工作对象特征 增强思想教育实效——对当前农业科研人员思想政治工作的思考

18.The Political Unconscious:Symbolic Meditation on the Blacks in Absalom,Absalom?政治无意识:威廉·福克纳《押沙龙,押沙龙!》对黑人群体命运的象征性沉思


symbolic politics象征政治学

3)political symbols and signs政治象征/符号

4)political symbolical sign政治象征符号

5)political feature政治特征

6)political image政治形象

1.It is the author s intention to analyze such leadership variables as leaderpolitical image,political affinity,political authority and political identity.领导者和领导组织的政治形象、政治亲和力、政治权威和政治认同与领导力关联十分紧密。


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
