2000字范文 > 公司利益相关者 relevant entities of company profits英语短句 例句大全

公司利益相关者 relevant entities of company profits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 16:15:25


公司利益相关者 relevant entities of company profits英语短句 例句大全

公司利益相关者,relevant entities of company profits

1)relevant entities of company profits公司利益相关者

1.According to the idea of company contract,social responsibility,democracy and auto body,relevant entities of company profits all are subjects of company management and the modern company management should be commonly done by profit relevant entities.公司利益相关者是指对公司有重大合法权益,从而对公司有重大影响或公司对其重大合法权益有重大影响的自然人或组织体,如公司债权人、公司职工以其对公司享有的重大、合法的债权权益而成为公司的主要利益相关者。


1.A Jurisprudence Discussion of Common Management by Relevant Entities of Company Profits;公司利益相关者共同治理之法学分析

2.Corporate Governance and the Stakeholders;公司治理结构与公司利益相关者理论问题研究

3.Study on Stakeholders Financial Governance Structure of Listed Companies;上市公司利益相关者财务治理结构研究

4.Analysis on Games among Stakeholders of Listed Company in Information Disclosure;上市公司利益相关者对信息披露的博弈分析

5.Corporate Harmony,Stakeholders Governance and Corporate Performance;公司和谐、利益相关者治理与公司业绩

6.On the Protection System of the Stakeholder in Company Law;浅论公司法关于利益相关者保护制度

7.A company must consider the benefit of all of its stakeholders.公司应该考虑到所有利益相关者的利益。

8.Study of Stakeholders and Corporate Governance System;利益相关者与公司治理法律制度研究

9.The Regulation of Stakeholders Participating in Corporate Governance;利益相关者参与公司治理的法律规制

10.The Corporate Governance Study on the Basis of the Stake-holder Theory;基于利益相关者理论的公司治理研究

11.The Approach Analysis of the Joint Governance of the Stakeholder;利益相关者参与公司治理的路径分析

12.New Standard for Company s Financing -- Satisfying the Stake Holders;公司理财的新标准——利益相关者满意度

13.Analysis and Revelations on the Patterns of the Company Management with Beneficiaries;利益相关者公司治理模式评析及启示

14.Game Balance of Stakeholders and Management Performance of Businesses;利益相关者博弈均衡与公司治理绩效

15.On the "Stakeholders" Pattern of Corporate Governance论公司治理中的“利益相关者”模式

16.Impact of the Stakeholders Theory on American Corporate Law利益相关者理论对美国公司法的影响

17.Study of Corporate Social Responsibility, Benefit Related Parties and Corporate Achievement;公司社会责任、利益相关者和公司绩效研究

18.The Protection of Stakeholders’ Rights and Interests and Corporate Value:Evidences from China Listed Companies;利益相关者权益保护与公司价值——来自中国上市公司的证据


the theory of stakeholder ownership公司利益相关者论

1.Based on "the theory of stakeholder ownership", some scholars put forward the concept of "multilateral management of corporations" to reconstruct our framework of corporate governance.“公司利益相关者论”自传入我国后,对我国公司治理理论产生了较大影响,有学者在其基础上提出了“公司多边治理”的概念,用以重塑我国公司治理结构。

3)Corporation"s Third Party Stakeholders公司第三方利益相关者

4)common management by relevant entities of company profits公司利益相关者共同治理

5)interests of those concerned利益相关者利益


1.Classification of Stakeholders in the Transaction of State-owned Mining Rights;国有矿业权转让利益相关者分类研究

2.Cost management of the construction project in the whole process based on thestakeholder theory;基于利益相关者的建设项目全过程造价管理

3.Discussion onstakeholder co-governance mode for hydropower development enterprises;水电开发企业利益相关者治理模式探讨


