2000字范文 > 救助义务 legal obligation of aiding英语短句 例句大全

救助义务 legal obligation of aiding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-07 12:30:46


救助义务 legal obligation of aiding英语短句 例句大全

救助义务,legal obligation of aiding

1)legal obligation of aiding救助义务

1.So,it should be defined that the troublemaker absconds except for having performedlegal obligation of aiding or having insuperable facto.应将"交通运输肇事后逃逸"解释为"肇事犯罪者在发生交通事故后逃跑的行为,但是行为人已经有效履行救助义务或者因个人无法抗拒的因素不能救助的除外"。


1.Salvage Obligation of Judges in Crime Litigations--from the Perspective of a Victim;刑事诉讼中法官的救助义务——以被害人为视角的分析

2.On Bystander s Omission--On the Point of a General Duty to Rescue in a Certain Scope;论旁观者的不作为侵权行为——以民事救助义务的确立为视角

3.Regions and units directly benefiting from flood storage and detention areas should bear obligations of compensation and aid to flood storage and detent ion areas as required by the state.因蓄滞洪区而直接受益的地区和单位,应当对蓄滞洪区承担国家规定的补偿、救助义务。

4.Study on Rights and Duties of Salvors in Salvage at Sea;关于海难救助救助人权利与义务的研究

5.Analysis of the Quest of Western Village Compulsory Education Aid System;西部农村义务教育救助制度建设的问题研究

6.On the Moral Duty Which Public Welfare Ethics Advocates;公益伦理主张的道德义务——论对弱势群体的救助

7.The Theories Analysis of the Financial Aid to underprivileged Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in China;我国义务教育阶段贫困生救助的理论分析

8.Rights and Obligations Relation between Citizens and State in Social Succoring;我国社会救助中公民与国家的权利义务关系

9.A Study of the Financial Aid to Poor Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in the Economically Under-developed the Area;我国经济欠发达地区义务教育阶段贫困生救助问题研究

10.Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Services Program急救医务和技术援助服务计划

11.Article174 Every Master is bound, so far as he can do so without serious danger to his ship and persons on board, to render assistance to any person in danger of being lost at sea.第一百七十四条船长在不严重危及本船和船上人员安全的情况下,有义务尽力救助海上人命。

12.rescue sb from(esp financial)difficulties救助某人摆脱困境(尤指财务方面)

ments on improvement of assistance service system of urban communities in China论中国城市社区救助服务体系的完善

14.Humanitarian Emergency Relief Assistance Operations In Cambodia柬埔寨人道主义紧急救济援助行动

15.special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance特别经济、人道主义和救灾援助

16.On the Significances of NPOs Participating in Social Assistance in China;我国非营利组织参与社会救助的意义

17.Social Just Iceand the Perfection of Judicialaid System in China;社会正义与我国司法救助制度的完善

18.In the meantime, the government of Han Dynasty makes strenuous efforts to promote clan assistance and folk kindness, as effective supplement of national assistance.同时,大力提倡宗族救助和民间义行,作为国家救助的有效补充。


Salvor"s duty救助人义务

3)a general duty to rescue民事救助义务

1.From comparison method,our country ancient law and maritime law point,we should have obligations ofa general duty to rescue in a certain scope.本文从比较法角度、我国古代法律规定以及民商法内部海商法领域考察,我国应该在侵权行为法中确立一定范围内的一般民事救助义务,保护受害者。

4)the western village compulsory education aid西部农村义务教育救助

5)rescue mission救助任务

6)salvation and service救助服务

1.The wandering children have received more concerns among the groups of the dramatic population flow in China and theirsalvation and service has become a focus of study.流浪儿童是我国人口大规模流动中日益受到社会关注的群体,流浪儿童救助服务也引起学术界的关注。


《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》为开展国际合作搜寻营救海上遇险人员而制定的公约。政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1979年4月9~27日在汉堡召开国际海上搜寻救助会议,讨论并制定《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》。公约强调发扬人道主义,规定缔约国在本国的法律、规章制度许可的情况下,应批准其他缔约国的救助单位为了搜寻发生海难的地点和营救遇险人员而立即进入或越过其领海或领土。公约的附则对搜寻救助的组织、国家间的合作、搜寻救助的准备措施、工作程序和船舶报告制度等作了规定。截至1984年8月31日已有 15个国家参加了公约。公约自1985年6月22日起生效。中国于 1985年6月24日核准了公约。
