2000字范文 > 民法典总则 general part of Civil Code英语短句 例句大全

民法典总则 general part of Civil Code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-06 19:21:08


民法典总则 general part of Civil Code英语短句 例句大全

民法典总则,general part of Civil Code

1)general part of Civil Code民法典总则

1.In essence,thegeneral part of Civil Code consists of general principles of private right.近代德国民法学中的私权一般理论是德国民法典总则赖以形成的学理基础,民法典总则在本质上属于私权通则。


1.A Preliminary Study on the Explanation of Declaration of Intention in Civil Code;民法典总则之意思表示解释规则初探

2.On the Structure Arrangement of the Future Civil Code in China;论我国未来民法典总则编的结构设计

3.Act and Juristic Act in Pandecten Legal Science: Overture to the Formulation of the General Principles of Civil Code;潘得克吞法学中的行为与法律行为理论——民法典总则诞生的序曲

4.A Re - Study on Personal Relations;再论人身关系——兼评民法典总则编条文建议稿第3条

5.On the Legislative Regulations of Private Property in Chinese Civil Code:A Reflection on the General Regulation of Private Property and the Typical Types;我国民法典总则编私权的立法设计——对私权一般性规定和类型化的反思

6.On Improving Construction of General Rules in Civil Procedural Code;论我国民事诉讼法典总则构造之完善

7.A Theory of Property Rights Provisions for the Future Establishment of the Civil Code;我国未来民法典中财产权总则编之设置

8.On the Property Right System;论财产权体系——兼论民法典中的“财产权总则”

9.The Causes and Basic Design of General Principles of Property in China s Future Civil Code;我国未来民法典中设置财产权总则编的理由和基本构想

10.On Systematic Constitution Of The Credit Law In China s Civil Code;我国民法典中债权法的体系构造——以侵权行为法的定位与债权法总则的取舍为考察重点

11.Moreover, there are small general parts within the regulation of Contracts and Property Law in the Argentina Draft of1998 and the Brazilian Civil Code in force since.另外,1998年阿根廷草案和生效的巴西民法典在合同法和财产法的中都设有小总则。

12.General Rule of Obligation Law and Drafting Civil Code of P. R China;债法总则与中国民法典的制定——兼论赔礼道歉、恢复名誉、消除影响的定位

13.China"s future Civil Code should stipulates property principles in a special section.我国未来民法典宜专编规定财产权总则,以整合财产权体系,并对各类财产权制度做出一般规定。

14.On the System of the Fundamental Principles to be Provided for in the Civil Code of P.R.China;论我国民法典应规定的基本原则体系

15.On Revision of Legal Codes & reneval of Theories--The Values in the General Principles of 97 Criminal Law;法典修订与理论更新——论“97刑法”典总则的价值取向

16.Brief expound the significance and function of the General Parts in codes of private international laws.简要论述国际私法典总则部分的重要性与作用。

17.Civil Liabilities Provided by the General Principles of Civil Law: From the Real Rights Act to Civil Code;《民法通则》规定的民事责任——从物权法到民法典的规定

18.The reaseonable returning of the Private method autonomy in the Russian federal civil code;俄罗斯民法典中私法自治原则的理性回归


General Rules of Civil Law民法总则

1.Considering how to fix the basic structure ideas of theGeneral Rules of Civil Law, there are some legislation models including Legal Relationship, Legal Act, and Civil Rights for making choices.对于如何确定民法总则的结构主线,有法律关系、法律行为以及民事权利等立法模式可供选择。

3)coupus juris civilis (the body of civil or Roman law)民法典;民法法典

4)classical principle经典法则

1.The learners should follow theclassical principles summarized by great calligraphers of all ages in order to make more progress with fewer efforts.学习楷书应遵循历代书坛大师总结的经典法则和具体方法,可以收到事半功倍的效果。

5)civil law code民法典

1.On the Different Implications of Right and Capacity between the German Civil Law Code and the USSR Civil Law Code;论德国和苏俄民法典权利能力含义的区别

2.Transfixion between Value and System:Compendium on Modern Culture of Civil Law——Also on the institution of our countrycivil law code;价值与制度的贯通:现代民法文化研究纲要——兼论我国民法典的制定

3.The Thoughts and Proposals of Draft Marriage and Family Copy in Civil Law Code of China;制定中国民法典婚姻家庭编的思考与建议

6)civil code民法典

1.Enlightenment on the Civil Code of Savigny s Historical Jurisprudence Thoughts;萨维尼历史法学思想对中国民法典制定之启示

2.The Review and Outlook of China Civil Code Constitution;中国民法典制定的回顾与展望

3.Research on the Several Problems of International Customs——and on the Legislation of International Customs in the Chinese Civil Code;国际惯例的若干问题研究——兼议国际惯例在我国民法典中的立法问题


