2000字范文 > 竞技体育犯罪 competitive sports crime英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育犯罪 competitive sports crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 10:01:35


竞技体育犯罪 competitive sports crime英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育犯罪,competitive sports crime

1)competitive sports crime竞技体育犯罪

1.The study ofcompetitive sports crimes help maintain the order of competitive sports,the spirit of sports,diminish paradox and prevent the crimes.竞技体育犯罪是指在竞技体育活动中,竞技运动参与者实施的刑事法律规定的犯罪行为和具有严重社会危害性的越轨行为。


petitive sports crimes as seen from criminology;竞技体育犯罪论——以犯罪学为视角

2.Research on the Reasons and Countermeasures of Competition Sports Crime in Our Country;我国竞技体育犯罪的原因及预防研究

3.Our Country Athletics Sports Crime Present Situation and Countermeasure Research我国竞技体育犯罪的现状及对策研究

4.Research on Match-Fixing Crime in Athletics Sport and the Countermeasure in China我国竞技体育中操纵比赛犯罪及对策研究

5.IV. Legal, Moral, Cultural and Technical Education of Criminals四、对罪犯的法制、道德、文化 和技术教育

6.Meditations on the Combination of Suspented Crime and Other Forms of Crimes in the Open Eudcation of Criminal Law;对开放教育刑法教学中中止犯与其他犯罪形态竞合的思考

7.Research on the Differences and Concurrence between Discontinuation of a Crime and Attempted Crime;论犯罪中止与犯罪未遂的异同及竞合

8.On the Concurrence between the Desistance of Crime and Other Torms of Crimes;试论犯罪中止与其他犯罪形态的竞合

9.Reform of Criminals Education and Transformation in the New System;论新体制下罪犯教育改造工作的创新

10.Discussion and Analysis on "Sport";“竞技体育”与“竞技运动”之辨析

11.Excellent scores were won for the athletic sports.竞技体育成绩优异。

12.Athletics include all kinds of sports.体育运动包括各种竞技。

13.Vocational teaching materials and various forms of reference material are provided free for the prisoners.对罪犯无偿提供各种技术教育的教材和资料。

14.Analysis on Prisoners Vocational Educational Significance, Problems and Strategies;罪犯职业技术教育的意义、问题及对策研究

15.Effects on Modern Scientific Technology Development to the Athletics Sports现代体育科技发展对竞技体育的影响

16.Interactive-Development Relation between State Competitive Sport and Competitive Sport in Institutions of Higher Learning;我国竞技体育与高校竞技体育互动发展之关系

17.Challenge faced in athletics sports of our country and reserve personnel training of athletics sports;论我国竞技体育和竞技体育后备人才培养

18.On Constitutive Elements of a Crime;再谈犯罪构成——犯罪客体不应是犯罪构成要件


Competitive sports perpetrator竞技体育犯罪人

3)Research on Competitive Sports Crime竞技体育犯罪研究

4)Competitive sports perpetrator"s character竞技体育犯罪人人格

5)sports crime体育犯罪

1.As the development of competitive sports, it has become an indispensable part of commercialization in society, all kinds ofsports crime has been happening everyday.从1894年现代奥林匹克运动的产生,体育运动也随着社会的前进而发展,竞技体育作为现代体育运动的核心内容,已经进化成为社会中不可缺少的商业化色彩很重的一个环节,竞技比赛的结果早已不是简单的输赢关系,它成为一个复杂的利益集合体,在每天的竞技体育活动中,为了获得竞技的胜利,诸如贿赂对手、使用兴奋剂、体育暴力等形形色色的体育犯罪也在发生着。


1.Anti-doping——the eternal topic ofsports;反兴奋剂——竞技体育永恒的话题

2.Influence onsports by the TVsports;电视体育对竞技体育的影响

3.On the situation and developing strategies of Korea-Yanbian reservesports talents cultivation;延边朝鲜族竞技体育后备人才培养现状及发展对策


