2000字范文 > 复杂电子信息系统 complex electronic information system英语短句 例句大全

复杂电子信息系统 complex electronic information system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 15:18:27


复杂电子信息系统 complex electronic information system英语短句 例句大全

复杂电子信息系统,complex electronic information system

1)complex electronic information system复杂电子信息系统

1.Methods summary for performance evaluation ofcomplex electronic information system复杂电子信息系统效能评估方法综述


1.Methods summary for performance evaluation of complex electronic information system复杂电子信息系统效能评估方法综述

2.Efficiency Evaluation of Artillery Command Information System in Complicated Electromagnetic Environment复杂电磁环境下炮兵指挥信息系统效能评估

3.a sophisticated electronic guidance system复杂的电子制导系统

4.Researched on Communication Security of the Military Information System Based on the Complex Electromagnetic Environment基于复杂电磁环境的军事信息系统通信安全问题研究

anization and Empowerment Management of the Complex Government Affair Information System复杂政务信息系统的组织与授权管理

6.The Thinking of Information, System and Complexity in Chinese Medicine;中国医学中的信息、系统和复杂性思想

plicated system for logistics informatization based on IDEF;基于IDEF方法的物流信息化复杂系统

8.Information in the Complicated System --the Concept, Visual Angle and Characteristic;复杂系统中的信息——概念、视角与特征

9.(often plural) systems used in transmitting messages electronically.(常用复数)通过电子手段传递信息的系统。

10.Stability and Dependability Research of Combined Operations C~4ISR System Under Complex Electromagnetic Environment;复杂电磁环境下联合作战指挥信息系统稳定性与可靠性研究

11.Problem and Countermeasure Faced by Artillery Command and Information System Under Complex Electromagnetic Environment复杂电磁环境下炮兵指挥信息系统面临的问题及对策

12.Research on Methods and Applications of Reliability Information Fusion for Complex System with Small Sample Test;小子样复杂系统可靠性信息融合方法与应用研究

13.Construction and Analysis of the Information Ecological System in Complex Product and System’ Innovation复杂产品系统创新信息生态系统的构建及分析

14.Questions and Countermeasures of Air Defense Force Communication System Under Complex Electromagnetic Environment复杂电磁环境下防空兵通信系统问题

15.Form Aproposition of Unified Complex Information System Theory;建构统一复杂信息系统理论的几个问题

16.Study on TEAMS Testability of Complex Electronic Systems复杂电子系统的TEAMS测试性研究

17.Application of Design Method for Electronic Warfare Tactics in Complicated Information Environment复杂信息环境下电子战战法设计方法的应用

18.Principle of Design Method for Electronic Warfare Tactics in Complicated Information Environment复杂信息环境下电子战战法设计方法的原理


complex information system复杂信息系统

1.Study of LBS systems based on social software andcomplex information system基于社会性软件和复杂信息系统的LBS服务体系研究

2.Based on the system theories,this paper discusses the characteristics ofcomplex information system under the strong restraint and strong antagonism conditions and proposes a novel method of constructingcomplex information system,i.在分析复杂信息系统的基础上,以系统理论为指导,借用多代理技术的思想,针对强对抗、强约束条件下复杂信息系统的特点,提出了复杂信息系统构建的一种新方法———多活性代理方法(MLAM,multi-livingagent method);同时,在系统层次上指出了基于多活性代理复杂信息系统的基本内涵、与现有系统理论之间的衔接和区别;最后给出了基于活性代理方法的复杂信息系统研究的基本内容和两个例子。

3)complex electronic system复杂电子系统

1.Researching on method of modelingcomplex electronic system for testability复杂电子系统可测性建模方法研究

2.This paper presents a fault-diagnosis method based on the approaches of phase space reconstruction and Generalized Frequency Response Functions (GFRF) of acomplex electronic system.提出了一种基于相空间重构和广义频谱响应函数 (GFRF)算法的复杂电子系统故障诊断方法 ,该方法将复杂电子系统中参数变异演化造成的不稳定因素作为研究对象 ,利用相空间重构和Γ test算法将系统的观测数据构造成伪输入 /输出对 ,用GFRF的简化模型辨识算法计算系统的三阶GFRF核 ,用数据替代法生成系统故障数据 ,借助于对系统的互调失真的跟踪与估计 ,实现系统故障的检测与识别。

3.A fault-diagnosis method based on the phase space reconstruction and fault tracking approaches for thecomplex electronic system is proposed.本文提出一种基于相空间重构和故障跟踪算法的复杂电子系统故障诊断方法,该方法将复杂电子系统中参数变异演化造成的不稳定因素作为跟踪对象,并将其视为隐藏在“快变”系统状态矢量中的“慢变”状态矢量,利用相空间重构和局部线性化模型以及无故障系统的观测数据构造用于故障跟踪的参考模型,用数据替代法生成系统故障数据,借助于对系统状态矢量在相空间演化过程中相对参考模型误差的跟踪与估计,实现系统故障的检测与识别。

4)complicated system for logistics informatization(CSLI)物流信息化复杂系统

5)Complex Government Affair Information System复杂政务信息系统

anization and Empowerment Management of theComplex Government Affair Information System;复杂政务信息系统的组织与授权管理

6)electronic information system电子信息系统

prehensive Lightening-Proof Research of Electronic Information System of High-rise Building;高层建筑电子信息系统综合防雷研究

2.Research on reuse of domain requirement model forelectronic information system;电子信息系统领域需求模型复用方法

3.Brief description of Xi an gymnasiumelectronic information system;西安体育馆电子信息系统简述


