2000字范文 > 篮球训练特点及原则 the basketball training features and principles英语短句 例句大全

篮球训练特点及原则 the basketball training features and principles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-20 07:00:51


篮球训练特点及原则 the basketball training features and principles英语短句 例句大全

篮球训练特点及原则,the basketball training features and principles

1)the basketball training features and principles篮球训练特点及原则

2)characteristic and training特点及训练


1.Study on Energy-providing Characteristic of Football Technology Training and Its Principle;足球技术训练供能特点及训练原则的研究

2.A Research on Characteristics and Training Methods of Speed Strength in Sprint短跑项目的速度力量特点及训练方法

3.On the Features and Training of the Defense-advance in Basketball Strategies;论篮球战术中“挡拆”的特点及训练

4.Characteristics of Physiology and Biochemistry as Well as Monitoring to the Training in Military Pentathlon军事五项生理生化的特点及训练监控

5.Sanda Wrestling Features and Training Methods;散打运动中摔法运用特点及训练手段分析

6.The Discussion On The Technological Characteristic and Training Of Man s Epee Project Vies For Attacking;男子重剑项目抢攻技术特点及训练探讨

7.Characteristics of Teaching and Training Childrenin Athletics and Features of Training in Stages;少儿田径教学训练特点及阶段训练特征

8.Study on the Physical Fitness Training of Israel Special Army;以色列特种部队体能训练特点及启示

9.Features and Training of Offensive Defence in Modern Basketball;现代篮球攻击性防守的特点及其训练

10.The primary exploration of the energy supplying s characteristic and stamina training in the 800 meters race;800米跑的供能特点及其体能训练初探

11.The Characteristics and Training Methods of Psychological Activity of Sanda;浅谈散打心理活动特点及其训练方法

12.Young Badminton Players Gait Features and Gait Training;儿童羽毛球运动员步法特点及其训练

13.Physiological,psychological and training characteristics of female soccer players;女子足球运动员生理、心理及训练特点

14.Brief Analysis on Athletes of 800-Metre Run;800米跑的运动员分类及训练特点

15.Brief Analysis on Basketball Training Features and Arrangement Principles of Middle School Students浅谈中学生篮球训练特点及安排原则

16.The Research on the Hurdle Training Developing Tendency and It s Pre-game Training;对跨栏技术特点、训练发展趋势及赛前训练的研究

17.Reflection on Police Education and Training in China by Analysis from Characteristics of Police Education and Training in Germany;德国警察教育训练特点及对我国警察教育训练工作的思考

18.Characters of Police Education and Training System in HongKong Special Administrative Region and Refenence香港特区警察教育训练制度的特点及借鉴


characteristic and training特点及训练

3)basketball training篮球训练

1.Origin and development of self-regulation theory and its application inbasketball training;自我调控理论及其在篮球训练中的应用

2.Relations between teenager s culture study andbasketball training;青少年运动员文化学习与篮球训练的关系

3.The authors propose that the coach, in thebasketball training, should learn to know how to make full and reasonable use of the four methods of diagnosis to monitor the athletes performance, cooperation, fatigue, as well as the rational use of technical and tactical training, their physiology and psychology, and then.下文探讨了在篮球训练中,教练员应如何充分合理地运用好中医四诊,通过对队员的表现、训练的配合程度、训练的疲劳程度、技战术运用的合理性,以及对队员的生理、心理适应能力进行了解。

4)characteristics and principles特点及原则

5)training principle训练原则

1.Through the analysis of promoting dash strength andtraining principles, how to transform the effect of strength training to specialties capability is studied.对短跑运动力量提高属性及训练原则的讨论 ,论证短跑运动的力量提高属性 ,分析短跑力量训练原则的几个重要问题 ,特别是对短跑运动实践中 ,力量训练效果如何转化为专项能力的问题进行了详细的理论分析 ,认识短跑训练中的大力量超前发展必然导致专项运动成绩停滞不前。

2.The author also suggests some importanttraining principle.本文从理论与实践的角度分析了划船运动代谢的规律,认为划船运动是1项以有氧代谢为基础,混合代谢为主的速度耐力性运动,提出了几个主要的训练原则。

3.Thetraining principle of "training hardly, strictly and practically with great quantity" is a scientific summary of practical experience of competitive sports in China, so it should be further researched, developed and implemented, so that the principle will be more scientific."三从一大"训练原则是我国竞技体育运动实践经验的科学总结,应进一步研究、拓展和贯彻,使"从难、从严、从实战出发、大运动量训练"的原则更加科学化。

6)training principles训练原则

1.Thetraining principles of the ability of supplying energy of ATP-CP system,glycoltic system and oxygen demanding anodizing system were analyzed from the aspects of training intensity,training duration,training consistency and the total load of training.分析磷酸原系统供能能力、糖酵解系统供能能力、需氧氧化系统供能能力的训练原则,分别从练习强度、练习所持续的时间、训练的密度、训练的总量等角度进行阐述。


