2000字范文 > 国际保理 international factoring英语短句 例句大全

国际保理 international factoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 16:00:15


国际保理 international factoring英语短句 例句大全

国际保理,international factoring

1)international factoring国际保理

1.Reflections on the development of International factoring for our country;对我国发展国际保理业务的思考

2.Brief Introduction about International Factoring and the Development in Our Country;出口企业发展国际保理业务探析

3.Legal study on banks’ risks ininternational factoring;银行国际保理风险的法律研究


1.The Research on Some Legal Problems of China International Factoring System from the Analysis of Convention on International Factoring;从《国际保理公约》析我国国际保理制度的相关法律问题

2.Study on International Factoring Business Development of Chinese Commercial Banks;我国商业银行国际保理业务发展研究

3.The Present Situations of International Factoring in China and Suggestions for Improvement;我国国际保理业务现状及完善化建议

4.The Study on International Factoring of Chinese Commercial Banks;我国商业银行开展国际保理业务研究

5.Talk about the development of international factoring for our country commercial banks;论我国商业银行国际保理业务的开展

6.Some Suggestions on Developing the International Factoring Business in China;对我国开展国际保理业务的若干建议

7.On International Factoring Legal Framework From the New Contract Law;从新《合同法》谈我国国际保理法律架构

8.The Study of the Legal Risk of the Factor in the International Factoring;国际保理中保理商的法律风险及其防范

9.Research on the Risk Precaution and Relief of Factor in the International Factoring System;国际保理制度中保理商的风险防范与救济研究

10.Leagal Risk of Factoring Agent in International Factoring Business;浅谈国际保理业务中保理商的法律风险及防范

11.Research on Legal Problems of Debt Cession in International Factoring;国际保理中债权转让之法律问题研究

12.Study on Legal Issues of Assignment of Account Receivables in International Factoring;国际保理应收账款转让法律问题探究

13.A Research on the Law of Debt Cession Problems in International Factoring;国际保理中债权转让的法律问题研究

14.Research on Legal Relations between Parties in International Factoring;国际保理当事人之间的法律关系研究

15.A Study on International Factoring Practice and Law;国际保理实务及其若干法律问题研究

16.Bank’s Guard Against Legal Risk in International Factoring;国际保理业务中的银行法律风险防范

17.International Factoring: A New Financing Instrument for Small and Medium-sized Foreign Enterprises;国际保理——中小外贸公司融资的新平台

18.Project Management of International Engineering Six--Risk Management and Insurance of International Engineering;国际工程项目管理(六)——国际工程风险管理与保险


international dual factoring国际双保理

1.This paper studies the operating mechanisms ofinternational dual factoring,the legal relationships among the parties concerned and their advantages, analyzes the exporters risks ininternational dual factoring through a case study,thus puts forward various operable precautions against risks.研究了国际双保理的运作机制、各当事人之间的法律关系及其所具有的优势,并通过案例分析了国际双保理中出口商所隐含的风险,进而提出了具有可操作性的各种防范风险的措施。

3)international factoring国际保理业务

1.The Nodus and Countermeasure for Our Country s Banks to Start the International Factoring;我国银行开办国际保理业务的难点与对策

2.In fact, how to promote the development of our country sinternational factoring is a very important subject which Chinese banks and exporters must face in the future.国际保理业务在我国已有近的历史,但是发展非常缓慢,其实无论从我国的贸易现状还是未来发展来看,国际保理业务都是非常重要的。

3.Chinese commercial banks should actively create conditions and take appropriate strategies when they operateinternational factoring.国际保理业务是一项新兴的综合金融服务,在我国商业银行与外资银行的激烈竞争中,国际保理业务是决定竞争胜负的关键业务之一。

4)international factoring business国际保理业务

1.However,international factoring business lags behind in China s mainland.完善我国保理业务的法律制度,一是要以《合同法》的债权转让为基础,制定保理的专门法;二是要加强对保理业务的监管;三是要完善配套法规,改善开展国际保理业务的法制环境。

5)risks of international factoring国际保理的风险

6)Risk of Fraud in international factoring国际保理欺诈


