2000字范文 > 相似度 Similarity英语短句 例句大全

相似度 Similarity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-21 09:50:48


相似度 Similarity英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on similarity calculation method in CBR for quality designing;钢铁企业MES质量设计中CBR方法的相似度计算方法研究

2.CaseSimilarity and Application of Case-based Reasoning in High-speed Machining Database System;相似度及基于实例推理在高速切削数据库中的应用

3.Application of UV similarity in quality control of Chinese medical injection;紫外光谱相似度及其在中药注射液质量控制中的应用


1.Rough Fuzzy Sets and Measures of Similarity;Rough Fuzzy集及其相似度量

2.Chinese Text Similarity Algorithm Research Based on Semantic Similarity基于语义相似度的中文文本相似度算法研究

3.Absolute Value Activity and Regional Similarity Based on Image Fusion绝对值活跃度和区域相似度图像融合

4.A Similarity Measures of the Indeterminate Degree based on Vague Values;一种基于vague值的不确定度的相似度量

5.Research on the Methods of Complexity and Similarity of 2D Engineering Graphic二维工程图复杂度和相似度方法研究

6.Grid task scheduling algorithm based on QoS similarity基于QoS相似度的网格任务调度算法

7.Similarity Degree, Pseudo-metric and Approximate Reasoning in Propositional Logic System;命题逻辑公式集上的相似度、伪距离与近似推理

8.Evaluation of release similarity of multicomponents in Zuojin Sustained-Release Tablet by the total quantum statistical moment similarity总量统计矩相似度法对左金缓释片多成分释放相似度的评价研究

9.Description: Compare two strings, return the alike degree with the percentage.比较两个字符串,返回相似度的百分比。

10.On the method of similarity measurement in retrieval of CBR实例推理检索中相似度量方法的研究

11.R_0-algebras and Theory of Similarity Measures between Vague Sets;R_0代数及Vague集的相似度理论

12.Chinese Phrase Similarity Algorithm and Their Applications;中文短语相似度计算方法研究及应用

13.Research of Similarity Computing and Ontology Mapping Approaches;本体间相似度计算及映射方法的研究

14.Study of Text Similarity Computing Based on Markov Model;基于马尔科夫模型的文本相似度研究

15.Image Fusion Quality Assessment Based on Structural Similarity;基于结构相似度的图像融合质量评价

16.Research on Concept Similarity between OWL Ontology.;OWL本体之间概念相似度计算研究

17.Research on Concept Similarity of Web Information Retrieval;Web信息检索中的概念相似度研究

18.Width is used when the measurements of the front and of the depth are similar .若前面的长短与深度相似,则用宽度。


similarity degree相似度

1.Improvedsimilarity degree and pseudo-distance in a class of n-valued propositional logic;一类n值命题逻辑系统中改进的相似度及伪距离

2.Probability truth degrees andsimilarity degrees in four types of n-valued logic system;四种n值逻辑系统中命题的概率真度与相似度

3.Technique of hybrid multiple attribute decision making based onsimilarity degree to ideal solution;一种基于相似度的混合型多属性决策方法

3)similar degree相似度

1.Amelioration and Application of Similar Degree Method for Simulation Credibility Evaluation;仿真可信度评估中相似度方法的改进及其应用

2.We constructed tRNA sequences parallel network and antiparallel networds and investigated the feature of the networks;we found that the networks behave scale-free properties when thesimilar degree is large.根据点突变和互补复制的进化机制构建tRNA序列相似度平行网络和反平行网络并研究了网络的特征。

3.At last use the cosine function computing thesimilar degree, and implement the spam filtering.当接收到新邮件,根据向量模型和相关加权方法提取邮件向量,利用余弦函数计算两向量相似度。

4)similarity measure相似度

1.The computation property of maximum posterior probabilitysimilarity measure is first analyzed,based on which it is indicated that the contribution of each pixel to the similarity value can be calculated by this measure.首先分析了最大后验概率指标的计算特性,并指出该指标可以计算出每个像素对相似度的贡献值。

2.This paper mainly introduces an improvedsimilarity measure into rough set theory,gives the concept of fuzzy rough approximation operators,and further discusses some properties of these operators.相似度是用于比较2个相似的模糊粗糙集所包含信息的精确性大小的,是模糊集理论和粗糙集理论的热点问题之一。

3.Automatic text summarization obtain accuratesimilarity measure for determining the weight of a sentence or a paragraph,but the common algorithm based on vector space model actually neglects the word order presented in sentences,paragraphs,and texts.自动文摘技术应尽可能获取准确的相似度以确定句子或段落的权重,但目前常用的基于向量空间模型的计算方法却忽视句子、段落、文本中词的顺序。

5)degree of similarity相似度

1.This paper analyses the abnormal noise fault of automobiles, adopts the casebased reasoning method in the diagnosis, and presents the case representation of the abnormal noise knowledge and the casedegree of similarity.对汽车故障诊断领域中的异响类故障进行了研究分析,并采用基于事例的推理方法进行处理,提出了异响类知识的事例表达、事例的相似度、基于相似度的匹配算法及事例库的维护策略。

2.The repre-sentation of a case is discussed and thedegree of similarity between a new problem and theold one in the case is defined.分析了决策建模过程,指出模型结构确定的困难之所在,提出将CBR技术用于模型结构的分析与确定;讨论了实例的表示方法,定义了新问题与实例中问题之间的相似度;讨论了通过实例的启发,对模型结构进行分析与确定的交互式过程。

3.In order to increase thedegree of similarity for simulation system and real environment of biped walking robot,mechanical properties of the virtual prototype were defined in ADAMS based on physical prototype.为了提高双足步行机器人仿真系统与真实环境之间的相似度,结合物理样机在ADAMS中定义虚拟样机的机械特性,构建基于ADAMS和Matlab的交互式联合仿真系统。

6)similarity degree measurement相似度量

1.The rough set is used to reduce the features of the case and calculate features weights,while thesimilarity degree measurement,which improves retrieval speed and accuracy,is used to retrieve the similar cases.运用粗糙集理论对范例库中的范例进行属性约简和特征向量权值计算,用相似度量理论来实现最相似范例检索,得到泥石流的危险性评价结果。

2.Based on case-based reasoning(CBR),rough set technology,similarity degree measurement and expert knowledge,the method for constructing the intelligent decision support system(IDSS) of the railway rescue command system(RRCS) is proposed in this paper.提出基于案例推理技术、粗糙集技术、相似度量理论与专家知识相结合的铁路救援指挥系统(RCS)中智能决策的构建方法。

3.In the paper,the rough set is used to reduce the features of the case and thesimilarity degree measurement is used to retrieve the similar cases.检索是CBR中的关键技术,直接影响到范例推理的效率和质量,该文提出先用粗糙集理论去除冗余的范例决策表中的特征属性,再用相似度量理论来实现相似范例检索,这种检索方法检索效率高。


安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药
