2000字范文 > 火箭推进剂 rocket propellant英语短句 例句大全

火箭推进剂 rocket propellant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 22:28:10


火箭推进剂 rocket propellant英语短句 例句大全

火箭推进剂,rocket propellant

1)rocket propellant火箭推进剂

1.Hydroxylammonium nitrate(HAN) is a main component of the new liquidrocket propellants.硝酸羟胺(hydroxylammon ium n itrate,HAN)是新一代液体火箭推进剂的主要成分,具有能量高、弹头初速高、易贮存和易操作等特点;但HAN可通过多种途径导致人体中毒,且中毒程度与其浓度及剂量呈正相关;可对人体肺脏、肝脏和血液等系统造成损伤。

2.According to the complexity of precisely measuring propellant temperature before firing rocket projectiles, with present widely used computer numerical simulation method, the article has simulated 130rocket propellant transient temperature field by program and also measured propellant temperature by designed experimental unit.鉴于火箭弹发射前对推进剂温度精确测定的复杂性 ,利用目前应用广泛的计算机数值模拟技术 ,通过计算程序对 1 3 0火箭推进剂非稳态温度场进行了数值模拟 ,并利用设计的实验装置对推进剂的温度进行了试验测定 ,计算结果与测量点温度值吻合较好 ,得出了 1 3 0推进剂的非稳态温度场的变化规律及影响温度分布的主要热阻。

3.Owing to peculiar function, working condition and safety requirement ofrocket propellants, multiform protection means are necessary against them, especially preventing respiration organs of human body from hurting.火箭推进剂由于其特殊作用、使用条件和安全要求,需采用多种防护手段对其防护,尤其是防止对人体呼吸器官的损伤。


1.NPP (Naval Propellant Plant)海军火箭推进剂工厂

2.The liquids employed for rocket propulsion are called propergols.用于火箭发动机的液体称为液体火箭推进剂。

3.The Analysis and Numeration of Solid Rocket Propellant"s Finite Element Theory;固体火箭推进剂有限元理论分析与计算

4.A rocket propellant consisting of a single substance or mixture that contains both fuel and oxidizer.单元推进剂一种含有单一物质或燃料和氧化剂混合物的火箭推进剂

5.The Method of Hazard Assessment Applied to Liquid Rocket Propellant Operation危险评价方法及在液体火箭推进剂作业中的应用

6.The Real Time and in Situ Infrared Characteristics Measurement of Plume of Solid Rocket Propellant by Remote Sensing FTIR;遥感FTIR光谱实时原位测定固体火箭推进剂羽流红外特性

7.Analysis of Bellows Absorb Water Hammer in Rocket Propellant Conveyer Pipeline;火箭推进剂输送系统中波纹管对水击压力的吸收分析

8.Design of Rocket Propellant Regeneration Equipment Based on Distributed Control System基于集散控制系统的火箭推进剂再生装置的设计

9.Virtual Machine Tool Technology for Solid Rocket Propellant用于固体火箭推进剂的多功能集成虚拟机床技术

10.hybrid propellant rocket engine混合推进剂火箭发动机

11.bipropellant liquid rocket motor二元推进剂液体火箭发动机

12.bipropellant rocket双元液体推进剂火箭发动机

13.Propellant is another term for the fuel of a rocket.推进剂是火箭燃料的另一术语。

14.Research on Working Process of Pasty Propellant Rocket Motor膏体推进剂火箭发动机工作过程研究

15.Progress in combustion characteristic research of liquid rocket gelled propellants液体火箭凝胶推进剂燃烧特性研究进展

16.It is reasonable that this result should be generally applicable also to liquid-propellant rockets.这个结果通常也应适用于液体推进剂火箭。

17.The Study on Mutilple Starts of Pasty Propellant Rocket膏体推进剂火箭发动机多次启动技术研究

18.The Research on Influence of Low Freezing Point Propellant on Performance of Liquid-propellant Rocket Engine低冰点推进剂对液体火箭发动机性能影响研究


Liquid rocket propellant火箭推进剂

1.This pap er summaries the application and development of respiratory protective equipment and analyses the protecting request against the liquid rocket propellant.本文对呼吸防护装备的应用、发展进行了综述,分析了火箭推进剂毒性对呼吸防护的要求和国内推进剂呼吸防护研究现状,对推进剂专用呼吸防护装备的发展趋势进行了探讨。

3)propellant,rocket propellant火箭推进剂<火>

4)solid rocket propellant固体火箭推进剂

1.By studying and summing up the failure physical models in common use,this paper advanced a cumulative damage-reaction theory life model to the storage and usage ofsolid rocket propellant,and,by calculating examples,demonstrated this model clearly.通过对常用失效物理模型的分析和总结,提出了固体火箭推进剂贮存使用寿命的累积损伤-反应论模型,并通过算例阐释了这一模型。

2.By using real time holographic interferometry,thesolid rocket propellant combustion process were investigated and recorded by a video camera with a shooting speed of 25 frames per second and the maximum electronic shutter speed of 1/2000 second.本文采用实时全息法与摄像机相结合的方法来研究固体火箭推进剂的燃烧过程,记录速度为25帧/秒,曝光快门速度最高可达1/2000秒。

3.Anti-stick coatings for stripping ofsolid rocket propellant, which could be cured at room temperature had been successfully developed.开发一种用于固体火箭推进剂脱模的可常温固化溶剂型防粘涂料,该涂料是以常温固化型氟树脂为基体,加入改性微粉及其他各种助剂,配制而成的悬浮液。

5)Liquid rocket propellant液体火箭推进剂

1.Studies on the long term effect of liquid rocket propellant on rates with intoxication and blast combined injuries;冲击伤复合液体火箭推进剂染毒大鼠的远期效应研究

6)gelled rocket propellant胶凝火箭推进剂


