2000字范文 > 可观可控性 Observability and controllability英语短句 例句大全

可观可控性 Observability and controllability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-01 22:36:04


可观可控性 Observability and controllability英语短句 例句大全

可观可控性,Observability and controllability

1)Observability and controllability可观可控性

2)controllability and observability可控可观性

3)observability-controllability theory可观控性定理

4)modal controllability and observability模态的可控可观性


1.On the Observability of Target Maneuvers by Bearing-Only or Bearing-Rate-Only Measurments;只测量视线角或视线角速度的目标机动的可观性研究

2.An accurate method in Gram matrix of the criteria ofobservability in linear system;线性系统格拉姆矩阵可观性判别的精细化方法

3.On theobservability of discrete-time fuzzy-state control systems;离散时间模糊状态控制系统的可观性分析


1.Observability Analysis on Resistance Coefficient of Heat-supply Network under One-off Observation Condition一次观测条件下热网阻力特性系数可观性分析

2.a concept whose truth can be proved.真实性可以证明的观念。

3.observability of input signal输入信号的可观测性

4.Actualization, scientificity and feasibility of Marx s view on history;马克思历史观的现实性、科学性、可行性

5.Simultaneous Controllability and Observability of Infinite-Dimensional Double Linear Systems;无穷维双线性系统的同时可控性和可观测性

6.The Limitation of Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence through Translatable Obstacle;从可译性障碍看等值观与等效观的局限性

7.On Translatability and Untranslatability from Humboldt s Views on Language;从洪堡特的语言观看翻译的可译性与不可译性

8.An Approach of Exploiting Observability Don"t Cares in SAT Solver可满足性求解器中一种可观无关性利用方法

parative Analysis of Objectivity, Reliability and Validity of Sports Measurement;体育测量客观性、可靠性和有效性的对比分析

10.Therefore, this kind of development view is not continuable in essentiality.这种发展观在本性上是不可持续的。

11.He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success.他看上去对成功的可能性十分乐观。

12.The test is one of reasonable foreseeability.对合理的可预见性的测试是客观的。

13.The curative effect observation of Indiana pouch procedure: A report of 75 cases可控性盲升结肠膀胱术75例疗效观察

14.A Study on Macro-Adjustment System for Sustainability of Forest Resources;森林资源可持续性宏观调控系统研究

15.On Bas C·Van Fraassen s View of Observability;论巴斯·范弗拉森的“可观察性”概念

16.Study on the Difference of the Subjectivity of "Bing/Ke+Negation;“并/可+否定”的主观性差异研究

17.Landscape Evaluation for Sustainable City Wetland Park;城市湿地公园可持续性景观评价研究

18.Feasibility Study of Land as a Macro-control Means;土地参与宏观经济调控的可行性研究


controllability and observability可控可观性

3)observability-controllability theory可观控性定理

4)modal controllability and observability模态的可控可观性


1.On the Observability of Target Maneuvers by Bearing-Only or Bearing-Rate-Only Measurments;只测量视线角或视线角速度的目标机动的可观性研究

2.An accurate method in Gram matrix of the criteria ofobservability in linear system;线性系统格拉姆矩阵可观性判别的精细化方法

3.On theobservability of discrete-time fuzzy-state control systems;离散时间模糊状态控制系统的可观性分析



