2000字范文 > 蔗蜡 sugarcane wax英语短句 例句大全

蔗蜡 sugarcane wax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 19:57:46


蔗蜡 sugarcane wax英语短句 例句大全

蔗蜡,sugarcane wax

1)sugarcane wax蔗蜡

1.Study on extraction process ofsugarcane wax from filter mud of sugarcane;甘蔗滤泥中蔗蜡的提取工艺研究

2.Usedsugarcane wax as raw material,the long chain aliphatic alcohol mixture was obtained by saponification within ethanol phase,and high pure octacosanol was obtained by recrystallization from the mixture.以蔗蜡为原料,采用醇相皂化法制备长链脂肪醇,通过重结晶法获得高纯度二十八烷醇,采用毛细管气相色谱测定各阶段产物中二十八烷醇含量,实验结果表明:长链脂肪醇的得率为24%,其中二十八烷醇含量为66。


1.Separation of high-class alkanols and high-class eicosanoic acids in sugar cane wax and activity of reducing blood cholesterol蔗蜡高级烷酸和高级烷醇分离与降胆固醇的作用(英文)

2.sucrose obtained from sugar cane.从甘蔗中获取的蔗糖。

3.A dense thicket of cane.甘蔗丛茂密的甘蔗林

4.Do you know how to cut a stencil?你会刻蜡版[打蜡纸]吗?

5.With my markers, with my markers,用我的蜡笔,用我的蜡笔,

6.candle taper and the like蜡烛、长蜡芯及类似物品

7.miner"s sunshine (miner"s wax)矿工蜡(矿工灯软石蜡)

8.Globules of wax fell from the candle.蜡滴从蜡烛上淌下来。

9.The candle was guttering in the candlestick.蜡烛在烛台上淌着蜡。

10.made of or covered with wax.蜡制的或覆盖着蜡的。

11.An exhibition of wax figures in a museum.蜡像展蜡像馆中的蜡像展览

12.One that polishes with or applies wax.上蜡工用蜡上光或打蜡的人

13.Consisting of, abounding in, or covered with wax.蜡组成的,多蜡的或涂蜡的

14.Rubber protective wax is made from paraffin wax with low melting point, paraffin wax with high melting point and polyethylene wax.橡胶防护蜡,是由低熔点石蜡、高熔点石蜡、微晶蜡和聚乙烯蜡制成的。

15.Bagasse fibre: Fibre sometines used in paper-making obtained from sugar cane.蔗渣纤维:甘蔗压榨后的蔗渣纤维,可作造纸用。

16.a coffee [rubber, sugar] plantation咖啡 [橡胶,甘蔗] 园

17.sucrose from sugarcane used as sweetening agent.甘蔗制成的蔗糖,用作甜料。

18.Unless reagent grade sucrose is available use cane sugar.如果没有试剂级的蔗糖,可以用甘蔗糖。


sugarcane wax甘蔗蜡

1.The property,formation ,preparation ,and application ofsugarcane wax were described in this paper.简述了甘蔗蜡的性质、成因、制备过程及用途 ,介绍了实验室考察甘蔗蜡精制脱色的试验情况 ,结果表明采用溶剂萃取与白土精制的组合方法可以大大改善甘蔗蜡的颜色 ,从深棕色蔗蜡原料中得到黄色和暗黄色的精制后蔗蜡产品 ,而采用加氢精制和溶剂萃取的组合方法来处理甘蔗蜡 ,效果不好 ,蜡的性质发生了根本的改变 ,已经不具备蔗蜡特有的性质。

3)cerosic acid蔗蜡酸


5)cane sugar wax蔗糖蜡



