2000字范文 > 能源紧缺 lack of energy sources英语短句 例句大全

能源紧缺 lack of energy sources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-25 13:32:52


能源紧缺 lack of energy sources英语短句 例句大全

能源紧缺,lack of energy sources

1)lack of energy sources能源紧缺


1.Insufficient Energy: the Strategy Framework of Chinese Oil Industry;能源紧缺:中国石油工业的战略构架

2.In the Face of Energy Being in Short,Advance the Recycle Economy Mode Actively;面对能源紧缺 积极推进循环经济模式

3.The Reason Why There Has Been a Shortage of Contributions aboutLearned Journals and the Way to Solve the Problem;成人高校学报稿源紧缺的原因和对策

4.Shortage of Mineral Resources and Establishment of Mineral Resource Strategy System in China;矿产资源紧缺与我国矿产资源战略体系的构建

5.These experiments also showed a possible source of defects is a highly doped Zn-diffused region in close proximity to the recombination region.这些实验还表明,紧接近复合区的高掺Zn的扩散区有可能是一个缺陷源。

6.On Mode of Training Workers with High Skill in Short Supply;论高技能紧缺型人才培养的“五实”模式

7.The shortage of energy is the problem.能源的缺乏是问题所在。

8.Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.水资源紧缺限制了干旱半干旱地区农业生产。

9.Evaluation on Transnational Investment Environment for China Typical Scarce Mineral Resources我国典型紧缺矿产资源跨国经营投资环境评价

10.The Research of Optimal Schemes of Reservoir Operation in Short-supplied Area;水资源紧缺地区水库优化调度方案研究

11.The Scarce Mineral Resource Quantificational Predication and Evaluation in Chifeng of Neimenggu Province;内蒙古赤峰市紧缺矿产资源定量预测与评价

12.Develop Circular Economy to Ease Effectively Resource Shortage of Shunde;发展循环经济 有效缓解顺德资源紧缺问题

13.Study on the structure optimization problem of comprehensive transportation system in resource scarce society;资源紧缺型社会的综合交通运输体系结构优化

14.Effect of water resources shortage on Chinese enterprises and countermeasures;水资源紧缺危机对我国企业的影响及对策研究

15.To Implement of Water Saving Product Certification, to Effectively Deal With Water Shortage Crisis实施节水产品认证,有效应对水资源紧缺危机

16.Analysis on State of Insufficiency of Cultivated Land in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲地区耕地资源紧缺态势分析

17.Experts warned that irrational family planning would result in a shortage of social resources.专家警告,缺乏理性的生育计划会导致社会资源紧缺。

18.a musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound.拉紧弦能够产生声源的乐器。


The resources in short supply紧缺资源

3)scarcity of ecological resource资源紧缺度

4)shortage of water resources水资源紧缺

5)energy shortage能源短缺

1.Trend of Agricultural Development in China in Terms of Energy Shortage;从能源短缺看我国农业的发展方向

2.Construction energy conservation is one of effective paths that makes full use of energy and settles the problem ofenergy shortage,which is basic demand on green building and intelligent building.建筑节能是有效利用能源,解决当今能源短缺的有效途径之一,也是绿色建筑、智能建筑的根本要求。

3.To solve the questions ofenergy shortage and mitigate the pressure of environment and .我国政府为解决能源短缺问题,缓解环境压力,同时为消化陈粮,在扶持生物质产业发展的过程中一直充当了"埋单者"的角色,这也引发了以粮食为加工原料的燃料乙醇项目的大量上马,粮油价格上涨的趋势开始波及我国。

6)energy gap能源缺口

1.On the basis of the actual situations of China s energy supply and demand, this article mainly discusses about the Chinaenergy gap problem.本文从我国能源供需的实际情况出发, 重点讨论了我国的能源缺口的问题。


发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重the share of energy for electricity generation in total primary energyfad旧n nengyuan za一y一ei nengyuan x.oofe一zhong由b lzhong发电能源在一次能派消费中的比,(theshare of energy for eleetrieity罗neratinn in totalprimary energy)是表征一个国家国民经济电气化程度的一个指标。在一次能源总消费中,发电用能源的比例越大,电力在能源系统中的地位越重要,国民经济电气化的程度就越高。由于使用电力比直接使用石油、天然气和煤炭等一次能源的效率高,且电力用途广泛,使用灵活方便,不污染环境,可靠性高,因此.世界各国的电力生产和消费以高于能源的速度增长,发电用能源在一次能源总消费t中的比例日益增大。下表列出了一些国家发电用能源占一次能源总消费的比例变化情况。一些日家发电能一占一次能派总消.一的比,(%)┌──┬───┬───┬──┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│年份│美国 │日本 │德国│加章大│法国│英国 │中国 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1970│28.4 │31。1 ││43.3 │23.8│ │ │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1980│37。65│44.9 │30.7│57.1 │36.1│39.7 │20.60 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1990│41.79 │50.30 │33.7│58.9 │46.0│37。6 │24.68 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1995│40.50 │51.50 │35.8│63.7 │57.0│36.7 │29.58 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1996│41。0 │50.7 │34.9│64。3 │54.2│35.4 │30.76 │└──┴───┴───┴──┴───┴──┴───┴───┘ 注:1.资料来浑日本海外电力调查会《海外电气事业统 计》和《中国电力统计资料》. 2.说明:(l)电力消费t系按电厂的发电t或净发电 t计算;(2)美国、日本、法国、英国系按供电热 效率计算煤耗,铭国、加幸大系按发电热效率计算煤耗,中国则立接按发电煤耗计算;(3)发电能浑 消费(含火电、水电、核电等)均用上述计算的煤 耗乘以各自的总发电t。
