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分析法 analysis method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 14:58:34


分析法 analysis method英语短句 例句大全

分析法,analysis method

1)analysis method分析法

1.Application of the Main Constituent Analysis Method inOptimizing the Spinning Processing;主成分分析法在优化纺纱工艺中的应用

2.Two unit hydrographs derived separately by theanalysis method and the moments method are used to simulate a flood hydrograph in this basin.以沿渡河流域为研究背景,分别采用分析法及矩法推求了该流域的时段单位线,并分别用这两种单位线模拟了该流域的同次洪水过程,模拟结果表明分析法得到的单位线更加适合该流域的洪水计算。

3.The paper introduces a simple and convenientanalysis method, which is used to calculate the deflection of shaft.本文介绍采用分析法计算轴的挠度,既简单又方便,计算的结果与图解法很接近,可为设计人员作参考。


1.variance components method方差分析法 方差分析法

2.Of or relating to analysis or analytics.分析的分析的或分析法的,与分析或分析法有关的

3.The Deontological, or Duty-Based, Method道义法/责任分析法

4.general rules for ion chromatographic analysis粒子色谱法 -分析法通则

5.a structuralist approach,analysis结构主义的方法、分析法.

6.general rules for gas chromatographic analysis气相色谱法-分析法通则

7.image segmentation图像分割法;局部图像分析法;局部图像分析法

8.multiple factor analysis多因素分析法 多因素分析法

9.Contrast Teaching Method of Shape Analysis and Line-surface Analysis;形体分析法和线面分析法的对比教学

10.The Portfolio Analysis of the Competitive Intelligence Analytical Method;竞争情报分析方法之投资组合分析法

11.Analysis of Law Responsibility in the Perspective of Normative Analysis of Law规范分析法学视野下的法律责任分析

12.spectrometric oil analysis programme滑油分光光度分析法

13.nondispersive infrared不分光红外线分析法

14.general rules for infrared spectrophotometric analysis红外线分光分析法通则

15.general rules for emission spectrochemical analysis发光分光分析法通则

16.Reliability Analysis of Truss Structures with Branch and Bound Method;桁架可靠性分析的分支-界限分析法

17.alysis of variance离散分析;变量分析;变异分析;变异数分析;变异因素分析法

18.To separate and analyze by chromatography.色谱法通过层析法分离和分析


analytical method分析法

1.A rapid and reliableanalytical method for the detection of diacetyl and other vicinal Diketones in beer was described.该文介绍了一种快捷、可靠的测定啤酒中双乙酰含量的分析法。

2.Most students think that the method of constnution of function in our textbook is hard to get, so the author gives another method to construct function—analytical method.我们课本上给出的构造函数的方法,同学们认为不容易想到,该文给出一种方法——分析法构造辅助函数。

3.It starts from analysis of the title of the article and brings along the analysis of the full content Moreover,the thesis explains the base,the operation and the noticeable item of theanalytical method of the interpret the title concretely.提供了分析文章的一种方法———从分析文章的题目入手 ,带动全文的分析 ,并对破题分析法的依据、操作要领和注意事项作出了具体说


1.By exploring the definition of geometric diredtion and azimuth,the concept of the direction and azimuch of geome-trical toterancezone,it raises a point of using five factor method ofanalysis for geometrical toterance.文章从几何上探讨了方向与方位的定义 ,阐述了形位公差带的方向与方位的概念 ,提出分析形位公差带的五因素分析

2.This paper proposes a mathematical model for obtaining symmetry error with the datum set up byanalysis The datum in accord with minimum condition is set up on computer with optimization principle提出按分析法建立基准求对称度误差的数学模型,在微机上用优化方法建立符合最小条件的基准。

3.The different kinds of Stifling cycleanalysis were reviewed and compared,and it was found that the zero orderanalysis could be used as a tool for the performance estimation and verification,the magnitude of the temperature ratio could be used to select the appropriate estimate method in practical applications.通过对各种斯特林循环分析法的综述和比较发现:零级分析法作为一种性能预测和检验工具,在实际应用中可根据温度比的高低选择较符合实际的估算方法;一级分析法一般只适用于定性分析;二级分析法和三级分析法是目前为止最为成熟的斯特林循环分析法;四级分析法正成为研发重点,并将日趋完善而成为主要的斯特林循环分析法。

4)analytic approach分析法

bining the data of environment development of the main cities in China in the year of ,this paper adopts 5 kinds ofanalytic approaches to analyze and study the urban environmental development state in China.结合全国主要城市的环境发展数据,采用组合后的5种分析法分析和研究中国城市的环境发展状况,通过对环境发展状况和环境投资关系的定量分析,得出一定的城市环境分类结果,为今后的城市环境工作提供决策服务。

2.The methods and steps of confirming the principal axis of inertia byanalytic approach were presented, starting from the definition of the principal axis of inertia and through strict derivation.由惯量主轴的定义出发,经过严格的推导,得出用分析法确定惯量主轴的方法和步骤。

5)analytic hierarchy process层析分析法

6)analytical method分析方法

1.Research and development of theanalytical methods of ozone;臭氧分析方法的研究和进展

2.Recent development of sulfur contentanalytical methods used in gasoline;汽油中硫含量的分析方法进展

3.Influences of iron contents on sodium dichloroisocyanurate whiteness and itsanalytical method;二氯异氰尿酸钠中铁对产品白度的影响及其分析方法


