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极点 pole英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 01:48:16


极点 pole英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of the Invariability of Target Electromagnetic Scattering Poles;目标电磁散射极点的不变性特征分析

2.On dynamic output control with constraints on H_∞,pole placement and covariance;满足H_∞,区域极点和方差指标约束的动态输出反馈控制研究

3.On the Spectrum of the Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold with a Pole;带有极点的黎曼流形上Laplacian的本质谱


1.An interior point cannot be an extreme point.一个内点不可能是极点。

2.His argument is far-fetched to the last degree.他的论点牵强到极点。

3.The earth"s poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.地球的极点称作北极和南极。

4.In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.通常,要乐观点、积极点。不要消极。

5.Either half of such a great circle from pole to pole.子午线从极点到极点的大线圈的一半

6.The origin in a polar coordinate system;the vertex of a polar angle.极点一个极坐标系中的始端;一个极角的顶点

7.Our patience has been taxed to the limit.我们忍耐到了极点。

8.All of that is of the utmost repugnance.这种事叫人恶心到极点。

9.He was absolutely exhausted.他身心交瘁到了极点。

10.There is precious little of it.只有一点点,极少极少。

11.reach a [the, its] saturation point达到饱和点 [极限]

12.neutral contact中性接点, 无极接点

13.The greatest or utmost degree or point.极端,极度最大或极限的程度或终点

14.By using the singularity theory, the singular point of the DAE s ystem is found to be a limit point.利用奇点理论 ,计算出奇点为极限点。

15.point contact semiconducting diode点接触半导体二极管

16.IFR terminal minimums仪表飞行天气终点极限

17.germanium point-contact detector diode锗点接触型检波二极管

18.cathode-ray tube spot scanner阴极射线管光点扫描器



1.An Equivalent Circuit Method for Calculating the Poles of a Conducting Sphere;求解导体球极点的等效电路法

2.On a resolution about meromorphic functionsof two orderpoles;二级极点亚纯函数的分解

3.Methods The method for separating the merged peaks in ensemble averaged EP signals by analyzing and correcting thepoles of EPs was reported.目的分解由于总体累加平均而引起融合的诱发电位峰 ;方法通过分析并修正与脑电诱发电位 (EP)信号相关的极点来进行分解 ;结果与结论有效地提高了EP信号潜伏期的分辨率 ,达到了分解融合峰的目的 ,从而有助于改善利用EP信号进行临床诊断的可靠性和准确

3)extreme point极点

1.A global optimal method based on effectiveextreme point for bilevel linear programming;基于有效极点的双层线性规划的全局优化方法

2.Based on the result that a global optimal solution to linear bilevel programming occurs at anextreme point of its constraint region, we discuss the structural feature of its feasible region and propose a global convergent algorithm which make use of cutting plane technique.利用线性双层规划的全局最优解可在其约束域的极点上达到这一性质,通过对问题可行解集合的结构进行探讨,引进一种割平面技术,提出了一个求解线性双层规划的全局收敛算法,并通过一个算例说明了算法的求解过程。

3.The discriminance methods and expression of generalized alternative optimum solutions of linear programming is given by proving that the equivalent of optimumextreme point andextreme point of optimum solution sets of linear programming and applying the theorem of convex polyhedron.通过证明线性规划最优解集的极点与线性规划最优极点的等价性,利用凸多面体的表达定理,给出了广泛意义下线性规划无穷多最优解的判别方法及表达式。

4)polar point极点

1.A structural global optimization approach by usingpolar points in feasible regions as initial starting points;以可行域极点为初始迭代点求结构优化全局最优解

2.In this paper,the analysis of location,location selection and location superiority is based on the analysis of location capability, which is about the attraction of thepolar point to the object of location capability, such as investment, persons with ability and so on.区位、区位选择和区位优势分析的基础是该文中提出的区位能,即分析各极点因其区位条件而对区位能客体 的吸引力。

5)extreme points极点

1.Assuming knowledge ofextreme points,we develop bounds for associated convex combinations and improve bounds on the integer programming problem s objective function and variables.应用已有的极点理论,优化相伴凸组合的界并改进整数规划问题的目标函数及变量的界。

2.First,the definition domain of leader s variables is divided into several sub-regions according to theextreme points of the feasible region of the follower s dual problem such that each divided sub-region corresponds to an extreme point.首先利用下层对偶问题可行域的极点对上层变量的取值域进行划分,使得每一个划分区域对应一个极点。

3.Based on the fact that the follower’s problem can attain its optimum at an extreme point, an algorithm for getting allextreme points of the feasible region of the follower’s problem is integrated with a genetic algorithm.利用下层目标的最优值能在可行域极点上达到的性质,将求极点的方法引入遗传算法,提出了一种混合遗传算法。

6)A-Extreme pointA-极点


极点极点poleth Pole)).极点[州e;.0几联]l)坐标的极点是指极坐标(po坛coo川放ltes)的原点.2)反演(州ersion)的中心也称为极点.3)直线p关于一条二次曲线(c on‘)的极点是这样一点p,使得直线p是点P关于这条二次曲线的极线(即hr).A.B.地a。撰【补注】关于(解析)函数的极点,见极点(函数的)(po卜(of a ftmction)).有时“极点”一词也用来表示R3中的、中心在原点的单位球上的点(0,0,I)(北极(North卯le)和(O,0,一l)(南极(Sou-
