2000字范文 > 韩国外交 Korean Diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

韩国外交 Korean Diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 05:01:52


韩国外交 Korean Diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

韩国外交,Korean Diplomacy

1)Korean Diplomacy韩国外交

1.American Complex ofKorean Diplomacy and Its choice——close to America will not be estranged with China;韩国外交的美国情结与现实抉择——接近美国并不会疏远中国


1.South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ban Ki-moon has called on China to persuade North Korea not to test-fire a long-range missile.韩国外交通商部长官潘基文呼吁中国说服北韩不要试射远程导弹。

2.The South Korean government is expressing regret that nine North Korean asylum seekers were deported from China after seeking help from South Korean diplomats.韩国政府对9名向韩国外交官寻求庇护的北韩人被中国遣返表示遗憾。

3.American Complex of Korean Diplomacy and Its choice--close to America will not be estranged with China;韩国外交的美国情结与现实抉择——接近美国并不会疏远中国

4.Korea Foreign Department said this batch of Koreans will fly to Seoul by Korean Airlines next Monday.韩国外交部说,这批朝鲜人将在星期一乘搭大韩航空公司的客机飞往汉城。

5.The Foreign Ministry in Seoul said it hopes substantial progress will be made in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue in the next round of discussions.韩国外交通商部说,希望新一轮会谈会在解决北韩核问题上取得实质性进展。

6.Rights groups have accused the Foreign Ministry of failing to protect potential North Korean defectors.人权组织指责韩国外交通商部没能保护这些也许可以逃离的北韩人。

7.” Thus South Korea"s foreign minister, Song Min-soon, this week, on the topic of North Korea"s delegation to six-country talks that resumed in Beijing on March19 th.”本周在谈到参加3月19日北京六方会谈的朝鲜代表团时,韩国外交通商部长官宋旻淳如是说。

8.Trading model of FX forward & swap market in Korea;韩国外汇远期和掉期市场的交易模式

9.Korea Press Foundation used to be the Korean News Center specialized in promoting communication and cooperation between Korean and foreign news organizations.韩国言论财团原为韩国新闻中心,主要从事促进韩国与外国新闻机构的交流与合作。

10.The Northern Policy of Roh Tae Woo Government in Korea;论韩国卢泰愚政府时期的北方外交政策

ment on the Cultural Exchange Between Qingdao and Korea after the Establishment of Sino-Korea Diplomatic Relations;中韩建交以来青岛与韩国的文化交流

12.Just now I forgot to tell the journalist from the ROK that next week I will invite the new foreign minister of the ROK to visit China.我刚才还忘了告诉这位韩国记者,下周我将向韩国新上任的外交部长发出访华邀请。

13.The South Korea Government has already sent the message to Indonesia through diplomatic channels.韩国政府已经通过外交渠道向印尼方面转达了这一信息。

14.Summary of Cultural and Educational Communication after Diplomatic Ties between China and ROK;中韩建交以来两国文化教育交流综述

15.Study on Chinese Textbooks Selection about Korea after 1992;中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用问题研究

ments on The "Opening up" of Modern Korea;近代韩国开港缘起考——以韩日交涉为中心

17.Overseas Chinese Community in South Korea since 1992:Changes and Development;韩中建交后韩国华侨社会地位变化考察

18.Ancient Korean Women"s Role and Function in the Cultural Communication Between China and Korea古代韩国女性在中韩文化交流中的地位与作用


Study of Korean Environmental Diplomacy韩国环境外交解析

3)Korean Investment韩国外资

1.On the Effect of China Entering into WTO to theKorean Investment;文章通过分析中国加入WTO后 ,其外资政策、外资流向、以及外企管理模式将会发生的变化 ,提出了韩国外资进入中国的政策建

4)Foreign investment Law of China韩国外资法

5)South Korea"s Post-Cold War foreign policy in Northeast Asia冷战后韩国的东北亚外交政策

6)the foreign policy of Korea韩国的对外政策


