2000字范文 > 清洁生物质能源 clean biomass energy英语短句 例句大全

清洁生物质能源 clean biomass energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-12 03:24:36


清洁生物质能源 clean biomass energy英语短句 例句大全

清洁生物质能源,clean biomass energy

1)clean biomass energy清洁生物质能源


1.Analysis on the potential capacity of exploiting giant reed as an energy forage芦竹作为清洁生物质能源牧草开发的潜力分析

2.Progress in research of clean straw biomass energy清洁能源——生物质秸秆的研究进展

3.The Analysis of Obstacles and Counter Measures for Development of CDM Woody Biomass Energy Industrialization in China;林木生物质能源清洁发展机制的障碍及对策

4.As one bioenergy technology, straw-fired cogeneration technology can provide clean energy in rural areas in China.作为一种生物质利用技术,秸秆直燃发电能够为广大农村地区提供清洁的能源。

5.CDM promotion to large scale development of biomass energy in China;清洁发展机制(CDM)与我国生物质能的规模化发展

6.Advance in CDM project activities of biomass energy in China清洁发展机制在我国生物质能领域的应用进展

7.Clean development mechanism and renewable energy power generation in China;清洁发展机制与我国可再生能源发电

8.The answer is that seaweeds reduce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean.答案是海藻产生出各种各样化学物质,可能帮助使海水保持清洁。

9.¤ we will optimize urban energy structure by introducing and developing the use of cleaner high-quality energy such as natural gas and electricity.优化城市能源结构,大力引进和发展天然气、电力等优质清洁能源;

10.Production Technology and Development Advice for the Clean Energy DME清洁能源二甲醚的生产技术与发展建议

11.Clean process of animal protein glue mold and core sand foundry铸造动物蛋白质胶型芯砂的清洁生产工艺

12.Development of Biomass Direct Combustion Power Generation Project Based on CDM农林生物质直燃发电清洁发展机制项目开发

13.The characteristics of alternate fuels, such as natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, hydrogen, dimethyl ether, alcoholic fuel, and biomass fuel, were introduced.介绍了几种车用清洁代用燃料——天然气、化石油气、能源、甲醚、燃料及生物燃料的特点。

14.A machine or substance used in cleaning.清洁器,去污剂用于清洁工作的机器或物质

15.Finally, sulfur maybe a limiting element under cool conditions where clean air prevails, or in extremely sandy soils.最后,对于空气清洁或砂质土壤的寒冷地区,硫可能会成为植物生长的限制性养分。

16.Phosphates soften water for detergents but contribute to algae blooms in our waterways, which can kill off fish populations.含磷物质:对水有软化作用,提高清洁能力,但可促进河道产生藻类水花,对鱼类种群有杀伤性。

17.Assessment Approaches to Cleaner Production Audit with Resource and Energy as Auditing Keynote清洁生产审核中基于资源、能源审核重点的评估方法

18.Windmill generators can effectively make use of wine energy, a kind of clean energy.风能是一种清洁可再生能源,风力发电可以有效地利用风能。


Clean and reusable resources清洁可再生能源

3)clean energy清洁能源

1.On developingclean energy in Western China;论中国西部清洁能源的开发

2.Base and Orientation of Sino-US Clean energy Pragmatic cooperation中美清洁能源务实合作的基础与方向

3.Clean energy Development and China’s Energy strategy清洁能源发展与中国的能源战略——“首届中美清洁能源务实合作论坛”综述

4)biomass energy生物质能源

1.A review of the research and development ofbiomass energy technology;国内外生物质能源开发利用技术

2.Strategies ofbiomass energy exploitation in agricultural circular economy;农业循环经济与生物质能源开发策略


1.The Strategic Thought to Developing ForestryBio-energy;发展林业生物质能源的战略思考

2.The Analysis and Establishment of Development Patterns ofBio-energy Industrialization in China林业生物质能源产业化发展模式调查分析与构建

3.The article introduces the main organizations and their survey investigated in Europec;expatiates the status,primary measures and experience of bio-energy development & application in Finland,Sweden and Germany;finally makes suggestions to accelerate bio-energy development & application in China.介绍了赴欧洲考察的主要机构及其概况;阐述了欧洲主要国家芬兰、瑞典、德国生物质能源开发利用的现状、主要做法和经验;最后提出了加快我国生物质能源开发利用的建议。

6)biological energy生物质能源

1.Since Guizhou hosts richbiological energy,there is predominant advantages for Guizhou to developbiological energy.生物质能源作为二十一世纪最具潜力的绿色能源。

2.Thebiological energy is an important alternative energy of the petrochemical energy.能源短缺已成为未来中国经济发展的最大瓶颈之一,生物质能源是石化能源的重要替代能源。


