2000字范文 > 重力方向交会法 gravity direction intersection method英语短句 例句大全

重力方向交会法 gravity direction intersection method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-25 16:16:13


重力方向交会法 gravity direction intersection method英语短句 例句大全

重力方向交会法,gravity direction intersection method

1)gravity direction intersection method重力方向交会法

1.Since crustal tilt was determined by ground gravimetrial data and gravity vertical deflection data together,the assumption and proposition were proposed on forecasting earthquakes epicenter by "gravity direction intersection method",and relational discussion and experiment were carried out.因此提出了利用"重力方向交会法"预测地震位置的设想和建议,并且进行了相关的论述和试验。

2)method of direction intersection方向交会法

3)observation method of direction difference intersection方向差交会法

1.This paper,based on the formulation of slope characteristics for the aerial tower construction,introduced the principle of the slope change,the visualized step and the accuracy calculation for theobservation method of direction difference intersection.本文基于对高耸塔型建(构)筑物倾斜特征的表述,介绍了以方向差交会法观侧倾斜变化的原理,具体步骤及精度计算。

4)Directional intersection method方向交会

5)gravitational direction重力方向

1.Research on microstructure and properties alonggravitational direction of ceramic layer produced by static SHS technique;静态SHS陶瓷涂层沿重力方向的组织及性能的研究


1.Method of Earthquake Monitoring by Nontidal Variation of Gravity Direction利用重力方向的非潮汐变化监测地震的方法

2.On the spectrum of linearized operator of rotating Bénard problem when the rotation axis and gravity act in different directions旋转的Bénard问题中旋转轴偏离重力方向的线性算子谱研究

3.I can work towards rebuilding my; ife.我要朝著重建生活的方向来努力。

4.A military base or site from which heavy fire is directed against the enemy.重火力点向敌方发射重型炮火的军事基地

5.Vector-Valued Rational Approximate Method for Structural Dynamic Reanalysis;结构动力重分析的向量值有理逼近方法

6.Explanation of Faulted Structure in Yitong Basin Using Three-Directional Small Subdomain Filtering用重力三方向小子域滤波解释伊通盆地断裂

7.From the ITTC point of view to survey the evolvement of emphases on the international ship hydrodynamics从ITTC看国际船舶水动力学研究重点方向的演进

8.Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity.物体脱手即向地心方向跌落是由于重力吸引的缘故。

9.The thesis expounds the importance of study on physics study, and puts forward ten topic-choosing ways and four necessary working ways.论述物理教学研究的重要性,指出了10个选题方向和4个必要的努力方向。

10.A Block and tackle can be used to lift heavy weights or to exert large forces in any direction.这种滑车组可用来提升重物或沿任意方向施加大力。

11.Under the Circular Economy the Development of the Third Provider Reverse Logistics;循环经济下物流体系的重构——大力发展第三方逆向物流

12.Direction,Motive Force and Standard--Thought of "Three Representatives" and Innovation of Higher Education;方向 动力 标准——“三个代表”重要思想与高等教育创新

13.To exert force in moving something toward that force.用力拉向某物发力使之向力的方向移动

14.The oppositely directed magnetic fields reconnected there, and half of the newly formed field lines shifted rapidly downward, where they stacked up on existing magnetic loops.方向彼此相反的磁场在此处重连,半数新生成的磁力线迅速向底部移动,堆叠在既有的磁环上面。

15.Change direction by moving body weight from uphill ski to downhill ske, adjusting weight from uphill edge to downhill edge on both skis.犁式转弯:依靠身体重心向一侧板移动或加大一侧雪板的蹬雪力量来改变滑行方向。

16.As you turn the tension post in direction B, the pressure will be decreased.向B的方向转动压力则压力变弱。

17.As you turn tension post 3 in direction A, the pressure will be increased.向A的方向转动线张力杆3则压力变强。

18.The buoyant force up equals the weight down.向上的浮力等于向下的重量。


method of direction intersection方向交会法

3)observation method of direction difference intersection方向差交会法

1.This paper,based on the formulation of slope characteristics for the aerial tower construction,introduced the principle of the slope change,the visualized step and the accuracy calculation for theobservation method of direction difference intersection.本文基于对高耸塔型建(构)筑物倾斜特征的表述,介绍了以方向差交会法观侧倾斜变化的原理,具体步骤及精度计算。

4)Directional intersection method方向交会

5)gravitational direction重力方向

1.Research on microstructure and properties alonggravitational direction of ceramic layer produced by static SHS technique;静态SHS陶瓷涂层沿重力方向的组织及性能的研究

6)Gravity method重力方法

1.In order to increase the efficiency of the gravity method in studying the structural characteristics of the Pre-Cenozoic basement in Vietnam,the authors have formulated a methodological system of integrated analysis of geologic and geophysical data.为了提高用重力方法在越南研究早新生代基底结构特点中的效率,表明作者们提出了一个综合分析地质及地球物理资料的系统方法。


