2000字范文 > 情境教学 situational teaching英语短句 例句大全

情境教学 situational teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-05 18:27:25


情境教学 situational teaching英语短句 例句大全

情境教学,situational teaching

1)situational teaching情境教学

1.Adopting the model ofsituational teaching and constructing the integrative platform of theory and practice;运用情境教学模式 构建理论与实训“一体化”平台

2.Throughsituational teaching the student also internalizes the aesthetics of the language and sublimates this feeling into its own qua.情境教学是语文诗词教学的重要途径,美育是素质教育的主要内容,在教学中教师应该引入、创设与教学内容相适应的场景或氛围,引发学生体验情感,帮助学生正确理解教学内容,让学生在语文诗词教学中受到美的熏陶,把美育内化为鉴赏能力,把对美的感受升华为自身的品质。


1.Focus on creating teaching situations to promote efficiency of situation teaching;关注教学情境创设提升情境教学功效

2.A Preliminary Probe into Free of Circumstances in the Math Teaching of Circumstances;数学情境教学中的去情境化问题初探

3.Better Understanding the Situation and Improving the Situational Chemistry Teaching;深化对情境的认识,改进化学情境教学

4.Analyses of the Effective Teaching Situations in the Junior Ideology and Moral Character Scene Teaching;初中思想品德情境教学中有效教学情境浅析

5.From Situation up to Context --A Thought on Improving the Theory and Practice of Situationnal Approach of Chinese Teaching;从情境到语境——语文情境教学理论与实践的思考

6.On the Methods and Practice of Creating Teaching Situations in Maths Teaching;数学情境教学中的情境创设方法及实践

7.The Application of Contextual Pedagogy in Case Work Study and Teaching;情境教学法在个案工作教学中的运用

8.Situational Teaching:an Effective History Teaching Method;情境教学:历史教学的一种有效方法

9.Discussion of the Situation Teaching Method Uses in Navigating English Teaching;情境教学法用于航海英语教学的探讨

10.The Practical Study of Situated Teaching in Biology Teaching of Junior Middle School初中生物教学中情境教学的实践研究

11.Application of situational teaching model in life nursing teaching情境教学法在生活护理教学中的应用

12.Application of Situational Teaching in Disaster Nursing情境教学法在灾害护理教学中的应用

13.Situation-constructing and Abilities-cultivating --On the situated-teaching in applied writing;情境构建与能力培养——应用写作课情境教学探索

14.The Situational-studying Views on the Primary and Middle-school Students the Mathematical Situations and Posing Problems Teaching;中小学数学“情境——问题”教学中的情境学习观

15.The Teaching Strategies for Creating a Learning Scene in Network Environment;网络环境下“创设学习情境”的教学策略

16.The Research of Chemistry Teaching System Structure in Instructional Environment;教学情境中的化学教学系统结构研究

17.Set Chemistry Teaching Circumstance Make Ciassroom Teaching Excellent;创设化学教学情境 优化课堂教学

18.The Tact of Teaching: Sparkle Flashing in the Teaching Situation教学机智:跳荡在教学情境中的燧火


Situation Teaching情境教学

1.Application ofSituation Teaching in College Chinese;情境教学在大学语文教学中的运用

2.A Study of MathematicsSituation Teaching in High School under the New Curriculum Reform;新课程改革背景下高中数学情境教学的研究

3.This article expouds the physical situation teaching and its function using theories of educational psychology and structuralism,then combines the practice to put forward implement measures for physical situation teaching:to construct teacher-student situation,class-issue situation,experimental situation as well as CAI physical situation.用教育心理学理论和建构主义理论论述了物理情境教学及其作用 ,并结合实践提出物理情境教学的实施办法 :建构师生情感情境 ,建构课堂问题情境 ,建构实验情境以及建构CAI物理情

3)situated teaching情境教学

1.This paper tries to make a comparative study on Li jilin ssituated teaching and constructivismsituated teaching from three aspects——conception of knowledge,conception of teaching and teacher role.情境教学就是其中一种重要的教学模式。

2.This paper proposed the idea of adoptingsituated teaching in international trade course,analyzingsituated teaching method and stating the feasibility of this application.为此,本文提出了在国际贸易课堂进行情境教学的观点,简要分析了作为教学法之一的情境教学模式,并结合国际贸易课程,陈述了将情境教学应用于国际贸易课堂的可行性和必要性,在此基础上进一步阐述了如何根据不同的国际贸易教学内容和预期目的,创设和选择使用不同的情境模式。

3.Basing on the theory ofsituated teaching,this article focused on the features of business English teaching,discussed the application ofsituated teaching theory in business English teaching combined with the practical teaching experience,and finally gave out the relative problems might existing in the teaching process.情境教学法有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。

4)situated instruction情境教学

1.Today,situated instruction is paid more and more attention.情境教学越来越受到人们的重视,信息冗余是情境教学过程中可能会出现的一种不利现象。

2.with the deepening of the new mathematics course reformation ,situated instruction becomes a more and more important problem that people universally pay attention to today,and is the task which teachers are attempting to grope all through .情境教学,是目前数学课程改革的核心话题之一,也是广大教师在教学实践中不断尝试探索的课题。

3.This thesis primarily discusses how to practice thesituated instruction of physics in middle school for preparation of putting Quality Education into practice.本篇论文主要是中学物理教学中如何实施情境教学的研究,为全面实施素质教育铺平道路。

5)scene teaching情境教学

1.Scene teaching suits the courses of tourism management.情境教学适合旅游管理课程教学,它具有提高学习效率、激发学习兴趣、了解学生个性、培养学生创新能力、健全学生人格、激励教师学习等优势。

6)teaching situation教学情境

1.The application of teacher′s teaching skills in creatingteaching situation;教师的教学技能在创设教学情境中的运用

2.Tacit Knowledge of Teaching Situation in Information Technology of High School;高中信息技术教学情境中的隐性知识

3.The construction of the systematic networkteaching situation is the new demand put forward by the paradigm of modern distance education to meet the needs of times.构建系统化的网络教学情境,是对现代远程教育管理范式提出的适应时代发展的新要求。


