2000字范文 > 耦合途径 coupling path英语短句 例句大全

耦合途径 coupling path英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 10:05:24


耦合途径 coupling path英语短句 例句大全

耦合途径,coupling path

1)coupling path耦合途径

1.The subject is supported by Science and Technology Committee of Tianjin(05YFSYSF033), and the paper mainly studies around three elements of the electromagnetic disturbance which are disturbance source、coupling path and sensitive equipment, and focuses on radiation disturbance characteristics of measuring apparatus, and illustrates the suppression technologies.本文对电磁兼容的发展现状及内容进行了研究,讨论和分析了常见电磁骚扰源的特性及其耦合途径,并重点阐述了传导耦合、共阻抗耦合、感应耦合和辐射耦合的特性,为分析实际产品的电磁兼容性问题奠定了理论基础。

2)coupling paths耦合途径

1.In this article, we make research on the process of automatic control system of papermaking, analyze the main interference,coupling paths and harmfulness that produce great effect on control system, and promote effective anti interference method.本文以造纸生产线中自动控制系统的干扰问题作为研究对象,分析给系统带来干扰的主要形式、耦合途径和危害性,并提出有效的抗干扰措施。

2.The main ways,thecoupling paths and the harmfulness of the interference,which produced great effect on the controlling system,were analyzed.以造纸生产线中自动控制系统的干扰问题作为研究对象 ,分析了给系统带来影响的干扰的主要形式、耦合途径和危害性 ,并提出了有效的抗干扰措

3)biosynthetic pathway合成途径

1.Advances in studies onbiosynthetic pathway and biotechnology of camptothecin;喜树碱的生物合成途径及生物技术研究进展

2.Progress inbiosynthetic pathway and its biologicalfunctions of plant carotenoid;类胡萝卜素的生物合成途径及生物学功能研究进展

3.This paper introduces the current status and development tendency of the research and production of erythritol,and discusses thebiosynthetic pathway of erythritol produced by an osmophilic yeast.现介绍赤藓糖醇的生产和研究现状,耐高渗酵母赤藓糖醇的合成途径和赤藓糖醇的应用,并对其研究和发展提出看法。


1.The regulation of paramutation on anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway副突变对花青素生物合成途径的调控

2.Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis Pathway in Plant植物体内一氧化氮合成途径研究进展

3.The aglycone portion may come from any, or from a combination, of the biosynthetic pathways.配基部分可以来自一个或几个生物合成途径。

4.Plant Cyclopeptides and Possible Biosynthetic Mechanisms植物环肽及其可能的生物合成途径(英文)

5.Advances in studies on biosynthetic pathway of taxol precursor and its correlative biotechnology紫杉醇前体生物合成途径及生物技术研究进展

6.Biosynthetic Pathway, Functional Genes and Metabolic Engineering of Proanthocyanidins原花青素的生物合成途径、功能基因和代谢工程

7.Genetic Manipulation of the Genes Related with Shikimate Metabolism of Escherichia coli大肠杆菌莽草酸生物合成途径的基因操作

8.Plant Flavonoid Biosynthesis Pathway and Regulation of Its Important Genes植物类黄酮生物合成途径及重要基因的调控


10.Research Progress on the Pharmacological Effects and Synthesis Pathway of Resveratrol白藜芦醇的药理作用及其合成途径研究进展

11.Mirtron:a new pathway of miRNA biogenesisMirtron——miRNA合成的新途径

12.New Approaches to the Synthesis of N-Substituted-1, 4-Oxazine Derivatives;合成N-取代1,4-噁嗪衍生物的新途径

13.Formation of Plant C_4 Photosynthetic Pathway and Its Influencing Factors植物C_4光合途径的形成及其影响因素

14.The Role of Lipoxygenase Pathway in the Elicitor -Induced Taxol Production in Taxus Chinensis Cell Cultures;脂氧合酶途径在诱导紫杉醇合成中的作用

15.Novel Synthesis of Salicylic Acid-Crosslinked Polystyrene Chelating Resin合成水杨酸-交联聚苯乙烯螯合树脂的新途径

16.Many of the cellular biosynthetic pathways were first elucidated.首次阐明了许多细胞内生物合成的途径。

17.Study on the Regulation of Metabolic Pathway in Aromatic Amino Acids Biosynthesis;芳香族氨基酸生物合成代谢途径调控研究

18.Preparation and Properties of Poly(2-aminofluorene) Particles Using Three Methods;聚2-氨基芴的三种途径合成及性能比较


coupling paths耦合途径

1.In this article, we make research on the process of automatic control system of papermaking, analyze the main interference,coupling paths and harmfulness that produce great effect on control system, and promote effective anti interference method.本文以造纸生产线中自动控制系统的干扰问题作为研究对象,分析给系统带来干扰的主要形式、耦合途径和危害性,并提出有效的抗干扰措施。

2.The main ways,thecoupling paths and the harmfulness of the interference,which produced great effect on the controlling system,were analyzed.以造纸生产线中自动控制系统的干扰问题作为研究对象 ,分析了给系统带来影响的干扰的主要形式、耦合途径和危害性 ,并提出了有效的抗干扰措

3)biosynthetic pathway合成途径

1.Advances in studies onbiosynthetic pathway and biotechnology of camptothecin;喜树碱的生物合成途径及生物技术研究进展

2.Progress inbiosynthetic pathway and its biologicalfunctions of plant carotenoid;类胡萝卜素的生物合成途径及生物学功能研究进展

3.This paper introduces the current status and development tendency of the research and production of erythritol,and discusses thebiosynthetic pathway of erythritol produced by an osmophilic yeast.现介绍赤藓糖醇的生产和研究现状,耐高渗酵母赤藓糖醇的合成途径和赤藓糖醇的应用,并对其研究和发展提出看法。

4)polymerization approach聚合途径

5)Synthetic way合成途径

1.This review is concerned with the studies on the type, synthetic way and reconcilement of plant secondary metabolism, with the emphasis of the development of matabolism in recent years and discussing the connection of it s pathway and biological function in detail to form a theoretical base for it s exploitation and utilization, and to gain deep insight into secondary metabolism.简述了植物次生代谢产物的类型、合成途径及其代谢调节,重点阐述了次生代谢产物在最近几年的的学科发展,论述了植物的次生代谢途径与其生物学功能之间的关系,从而加深了人们对次生代谢产物的认识,对其开发利用提供理论依据。

6)photosynthetic pathway光合途径


感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]
