2000字范文 > 职业发展理论 career development theory英语短句 例句大全

职业发展理论 career development theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-18 18:54:56


职业发展理论 career development theory英语短句 例句大全

职业发展理论,career development theory

1)career development theory职业发展理论

1.Study of the paradigm of competency-based knowledge workerscareer development theory;基于能力的知识工作者职业发展理论新范式


1.The Theory and Evolution of the Career Development for Knowledge Workers;知识员工的职业发展理论及其新进展

2.Study of the paradigm of competency-based knowledge workers career development theory;基于能力的知识工作者职业发展理论新范式

3.New Viewpoint on Occupational Management of Corporation:Occupational Development View;论企业职业管理的新视点──职业发展观

4.Discussion on the Theory about Developing Professional PE in Higher Vocational and Technical College;高职院校发展职业性体育的理论探索

5.Theory Basis of Developing Employment-oriented Vocational Education;以就业为导向发展职业教育的理论依据

6.The theoritical thinking about the development of vocational education taking the employment as guidance;以就业为导向发展职业教育的理论思考

7.A Theory of the Movements of Professionalization:Academic hypothesis to interpret the growing process of professional occupations专业化运动理论——人类社会中专业性职业发展历程的理论假设

8.Discussion on Survival Vocational Education and Development Vocational Education论“生存型”职业教育和“发展型”职业教育

9.A Study on the Vocational Guidance for College Students under the Idea of Career Development;基于生涯发展理论的大学生职业指导研究

10.Several Theory Problems on Teachers Major Development of Higher Vocational Colleges;我国高职教师专业发展研究的几个理论问题

11.Analyzing the Professional Development of Guangxi Higher Vocational College Based on the SWOT Theory;基于SWOT理论的广西高职制造类专业发展分析

12.The Brief Analysis of The Self-Organization Theory Impact On the Development of Vocational Education;浅析自组织理论对职业教育发展的影响

13.Study on the Theory of Bi-sexuel Personality and Vocational Development of Female University Students;双性化人格理论与女大学生职业发展研究

14.“External Motivating Force” Theory for Developing Higher and Secondary Polytechnic Education;高中等职业技术教育发展的“外部驱动力”理论

15.On the Development of Views and Theoriesof Vocational Education in China;我国职业教育思想和理论发展的历史进程

16.The Development of Professional Physical Education Club In Reliance On Club Theory;基于俱乐部理论谈我国职业体育俱乐部发展

17.The Development of Professional Qualification:the Perspective of Human Capital;职业资格制度的发展:人力资本理论的观点

18.Theories and Practice of TeachersProfessional Development and Improvement Abroad;国外教师职业发展及其促进的理论与实践


teachers" professional development theory职业发展阶段理论

3)professional development management职业发展管理

1.Through analyzing current professional development of enterprises in China, this paper points out the core position ofprofessional development management in the humanistic management of enterprises and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.通过对当前我国企业职业发展的必要性与特性的分析 ,指出职业发展管理在企业人本管理中的核心地位并提出相应对策。

4)career development职业发展

1.The current status and prospect of nursecareer development;我国护士职业发展的现状与设想

2.A study of university faculties job mobility from thecareer development perspective;职业发展视角下的我国高校教师职业流动研究

3.The Research on Management of Employees Career Development in Modern Enterprise;现代企业员工职业发展管理研究

5)Vocational development职业发展

1.Mental disorder of vocational development for contemporary girl college students and educational countermeasures;当代女大学生职业发展的心理障碍及教育对策

2.Thinking on university students vocational development planning;大学生职业发展计划思考

3.This paper has analysed the current situation of college English teachers vocational development and reflective teaching s origin and development,emphasized the necessity and importance of reflective teaching to college English teachers vocational development and produced some channels and methods to carry out reflective teaching.阐述大学英语教师职业发展的现状和反思性教学的起源发展,重点讨论反思性教学对大学英语教师职业发展的必要性和作用,介绍开展反思性教学的几种途径和方法。

6)professional development职业发展

1.A study and survey ofprofessional development conditions for in-service foreign language teachers in institutions of higher learning;高校在职外语教师职业发展情况调查与研究

2.Teacher autonomy for EFL teachersprofessional development;试论英语教师职业发展中的教师自主

3.Research on the Realization of Elements of Influencing Primary Teachers Professional Development in Nationality Impoverished Areas;民族贫困地区小学教师对影响其职业发展因素的认识


