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由攻转守 Transition from Attack to Defence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-11 08:54:36


由攻转守 Transition from Attack to Defence英语短句 例句大全

由攻转守,Transition from Attack to Defence

1)Transition from Attack to Defence由攻转守

1.Hence, the moment ofTransition from Attack to Defence,is especially crucial.进攻和防守这一对矛盾促使着足球运功不断的向前发展,一个球队水平的高低往往取决于它的防守能力,由攻转守时的防守是整体防守的开始,因而变得很重要,本文通过对欧洲杯足球赛31场比赛中发生的由攻转守时的防守行为进行统计分析,得出以下结论:1在本届欧洲杯足球赛中,欧洲高水平球队在由攻转守时对对方第一持球人和对方第一接应队员的防守中逼抢和封堵使用最多,断球是成功率和重新得球率最高的防守技术;防守战术使用中则是以个人就地反抢为主,以夹击和战术犯规为辅的防守策略,围抢使用很少。


1.Research on Defense Principles from Attack to Defense in Football Match足球比赛由攻转守时刻防守原则研究

2.Analysis of Defending Behaviour of Transition from Attack to Defence in the Different Parts of the Field in the European Cup 欧洲杯足球赛由攻转守时有球区域防守行为主要特征研究

3.Analysis of the Characteristics of Starting Attack from Defense of the Top Eight at the Competition of 2000 European Soccer Cups2000年足球欧锦赛8强由守转攻的特点分析

4.Analysis Researching the Main Characteristic of Attack after the Attack from Defensive to European Cup in ;欧洲杯足球赛由守转攻后进攻主要特征的分析研究

5.Analysis of the Characteristics of the Rapid Attack in Gearing Defense to Attack at Competition of European Football Championship欧锦赛由守转攻时快速进攻主要特征的分析研究

6.Research on Character and Quality of Starting Attack from Denfence of the Modern Soccer Match;对当前世界足球比赛中由守转攻发动特征与质量的研究

7.Many-sided Training for the Speed of the Change of Attack and Guard and the Consciousness of Rapid Attack;提高攻守转换意识和快攻速度的综合训练方法

8.The best teams played very fast, aggressive football, winning the ball then using short passes to turn defence into attack.最好的队伍踢的是速度非常快,更有侵略性的足球,她们利用短传抢断后离开由守转攻。

9.Based on the Final Stage of 06 World Cup、07 America Cup & Asian Cup Study of the State of Handling with the Ball at the Moment of Starting Attack from Defense That before Goal;对06年世界杯及07美洲杯、亚洲杯足球赛决赛阶段进球前由守转攻处理球情况的研究

10.On predominance of transfer between attack and defense in basketball match;浅谈篮球比赛中快速攻守转换的优势

11.Russia"s Security Strategy Saw a Complete Turn to"Attack in Order to Defend"俄罗斯安全战略全面转向“以攻为守”

12.his political views shifted from liberal to conservative.他的政治观点也逐步由自由转为保守。

13.I was nearly always forced to play my most attacking tactic rather than swapping between them as I had done the previous season.总是要全力进攻,不像第一赛季那样需要时常攻守转换了。

14.On the Offence and Defense Conversion Ability of Chinese Men s Basketball Team in the 29th Olympic Games;北京奥运会中国男篮攻守转换能力分析

15.The Comparative Analysis on Rapid Conversion of Offense and Defense in 08 European Soccers Cup08欧洲杯球队快速攻守转换特征对比分析

16.The Defensive Conversion Study of Chinese Men"s Basketball Team in the 29th Olympic Games第29届奥运会中国男篮攻守转换的研究

17.Two Conservative MPs went over to the Liberals.有两名保守党议员转至自由党一边.

18.All we have there is only a few soldiers; anyway, each party is free to act as he chooses. If you want to fight, we shall be on our guard; if you make an attack, we shall defend ourselves.我们就是那几个兵,横直各有各的自由,你要打,我就防,你要攻,我就守。


starting attack from defense由守转攻

1.By observing and analyzing the characteristics ofstarting attack from defense of the top eight at the competition of 2000 European Soccer Cups ,we found that the results of quick attacks are much better than those of general attacks.对 2 0 0 0欧锦赛前 8强比赛的观察分析表明 :由守转攻时 ,快速进攻比一般进攻的效果明显要好 ;不同场区的快速进攻中 ,中区、进攻三区的成功率高 ,进球最多 ;最有效的攻击点在肋部。

2.In the 1970s the Netherlands had proposed soccer ideas "soccer match was a systemic project, there were many different kinds of factors that may influence the result of soccer match, the complex soccer match should divide into three situations such as possession the ball and loss the possession andstarting attack from defense.上世纪70年代荷兰足球理念提出:足球运动是一个系统工程,影响比赛胜负的因素是多种多样的,纷繁复杂的足球比赛可以简化为三种时刻(或者说局面)——本方控球时、对方控球时、攻守转换(球权转换)时,现代足球比赛是一个攻守不断转换的过程,球权转换的一瞬间是关键时刻,由守转攻一方应该高度重视,由守转攻对于每次进攻而言是非常重要的,能否成功、顺利地由守转攻将极大地影响着本队进攻的成效,成功地由守转攻是取得比赛胜利的重要因素之一。


4)the moment from attack to defense由攻转守时刻

5)transition defense由攻转守的过程,称转换防守

6)defense to attack守转攻

1.A comparative study on transition fromdefense to attack of Chinese basketball men s team and its opponents in the matches of the 23~(rd) Asian Basketball Championship;第23届亚锦赛中国男篮与对手守转攻状况比较研究


