2000字范文 > 商群 quotient group英语短句 例句大全

商群 quotient group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 10:20:03


商群 quotient group英语短句 例句大全

商群,quotient group

1)quotient group商群

1.Structure of powers of augmentation ideals and theirquotient groups for integral group rings of dihedral groups;二面体群整群环的n次增广理想及其商群结构

2.For certain finite group with a perfect normal subgroup,this paper discusses the problem of its augmentation ideals andquotient groups.本文研究了一类具有完全正规子群的有限群之增广理想及增广商群结构的问题。

3.Finally,relationship between thequotient group of Rn(x) and the additive group R and relationship between thequotient group of Rn(x) and the product group R\{0} are given.证明了(Rn(x),*)是交换群并给出几个特殊的正规子群,最后给出了Rn(x)的商群与加群R以及Rn(x)的商群与乘群R\{0}之间的关系。


1.Idempotent Fuzzy Semi-groups and Quasi-fuzzy Factor Groups;幂等Fuzzy半群与拟Fuzzy商群

2.An Action from Automorphism Group on Actor Group to Characteristic Group自同构群到对特征子群的商群上一作用

3.On the Structure of the Augmentation Ideals and Quotient Groups for Integral Group Ring;整群环之增广理想及其增广商群结构的研究

4.A flock of customers waited for the store to open.一群顾客等着商店开门。

5.Research on Group Key Agreement Protocols in Dynamic Peer Group动态对等群中群组密钥协商方案的研究

6.and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.在没有商店、人群、地铁的地方漫步。

7.The store be loot by a mob of hooligan .商店遭到一群流氓的抢劫。

8.Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms with Immunity for Traveling Salesman Problems免疫粒子群优化算法求解旅行商问题

9.Modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem改进粒子群优化算法求解旅行商问题

10.the average IQ of the adults in a given population.给定成年人群中平均智商。

11.Shops that stay open twenty-four hours a day are a great convenience to the public.商店日夜服务,群众无不称便。

12.A mob stoned and robbed the shops.一群暴民砸了商店,并抢劫店里货物。

13.Tourism is a major business in Bermuda.旅游在百慕大群岛是主要的商业。

14.The crowds concentrated in the centre of the town near the store.人群集中在商店附近的镇中心。

15.Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive the public with false claims.现在不允许广告商用假话来欺骗群众。

16.An Improved Ant Conlony Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem;一种改进的蚁群算法求解旅行商问题

17.A Peer Dynamic Group Key Agreement Protocol;一个对等实体的动态群密钥协商协议

18.The Research on Herding Behavior in Chinese Commodity Futures Market;我国商品期货市场羊群行为实证研究


Factor group商群

1.The factor group symmetry analysis method was used to calculate the Raman spectra of Nd:GdVO_4(NGV) crystal.根据商群对称性分析法对Nd:GdVO4(简称NGV)晶体的Raman光谱做了理论计算,测量了NGV不同配置下的Raman光谱。

2.The factor group symmetry analysis method and position symmetry analysis method were used to analyse the Raman spectra of Nd:YVO 4(NYV) crystal.根据商群对称性分析法和位置群分析法分别对Nd :YVO4 (简称NYV)晶体的Raman光谱做了理论计算 ,得到了不同的结果 。

3.The vibration spectrum of CaWO 4 crystal was analyzed theoretically by means of factor group method in this paper.本文借助商群方法对CaWO4 晶体的振动谱进行了理论分析 ,明确地指出了红外吸收光谱 (IR)和喇曼散射光谱 (R)的激活结果。

3)A factor groupsA商群

1.The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the relationship between AHX group andA factor groups.讨论了AHX群与A商群的关系 ,给出了AHX群是格截口的一个充要条件及几个结构定

4)Commercial population商业人群

5)rough quotient groups粗糙商群

1.Some Properties of Rough Invariant Subgroups and Rough Quotient Groups;粗糙不变子群的若干性质与粗糙商群

2.Rough subgroups,rough invariant subgroups andrough quotient groups are introduced based on the concept of rough groups.运用粗糙集理论的思想,在已有的粗糙群的概念的基础上,更深入地探讨了粗糙集理论在代数系统——群上的应用,给出粗糙子群、粗糙陪集、粗糙不变子群和粗糙商群的概念,并讨论了一些新的性质。

6)quotient fuzzy group模糊商群


商群商群quotient group商群〔甲功即tg皿Ip;中皿功p印扣ua],群G对正规子群N的由G的陪集Ng(g任G)所构成的群(见陪集(coset)),记作G/N(见正规子群(加爪司sub-grouP)).陪集的乘法由公式 Ngl·NgZ“Ngr 92规定.商群的单位元为陪集N二N·1,而陪集Ng的逆元为Ng一’.映射肛g~Ng是群G到G/N上的一个满同态,称为典范满同态(cano川。习eP而orp恤m)或自然满同态(朋t明leP朋Orp恤m).若价:G~G’为G到群G’上的任意满同态,则价的核K是G的正规子群,而商群G/K与G’同构;确切地说,有一个G/K到G‘上的同构映射少使得图 G.一竺‘,G’ 入./* 一/K-是交换的,这里‘为自然满同态G~G/K.群G的商群也可由G上的某一同余(见合同(代数学中的)(cong旧口ICe(in algebla)))出发来定义,此时商群是同余元素类关于类的乘法构成的群.一个群内所有可能的同余是与各正规子群一一对应的.用同余关系所定义的商群与由正规子群所定义的是一致的.商群是群范畴中的一个正规商对象. H.H.B划场a袱撰[补注】
