2000字范文 > 客场优势 Away Advantages英语短句 例句大全

客场优势 Away Advantages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 17:45:28


客场优势 Away Advantages英语短句 例句大全

客场优势,Away Advantages

1)Away Advantages客场优势

2)objective advantages客观优势


1.The Objective and Subjective Advantages of E-education of Translation;论网络环境下翻译教学的主客观优势

2.Objective Superiority of Private Business Form in the Development of Inland Fishery in China;运用“自组织”原理探讨民营形式在我国内陆渔业发展中的客观优势

3.Analysis of Existing and Influencing Factors of Home Advantage in CBA Regular Seasons;CBA常规赛主场优势客观存在及影响因素的分析

4.Such superiority or inferiority is the objective basis of initiative or passivity.战争力量的优势或劣势,是主动或被动的客观基矗

5.The odds are on the visiting team.优势在客队这一边。

6.Excellent geographical location, convenient transportation, accessibility of information and well developed industries provide enterprises an objective advantage towards sustainable development.优越的地理位置,便捷的交通,通畅的信息,发达的工业等为企业的持续发展提供了客观上的优势。

7.The Present Situation of Pollution by Automotive Emission in China and the Control Measures;持续竞争优势:制度观、资源观与创新观

8.Objectively analysing the advantages and disadvantages of Jingde town in the actual environment, a set of problems appeared lead more attention being paid on analyse the development of ceramics industry in Jingde.客观地分析景德镇在现实环境下的优劣势,着重分析景德镇陶瓷行业发展出现的一系列问题。

9.Research on Competitive Advantage of Passenger-Dedicated Lines Co. Based on Customer Value;基于顾客价值的客运专线公司竞争优势研究

10.Customer Participative Chain: Linking Customers and Firm to Co-create Competitive Advantages;顾客参与链:让顾客与企业共同创造竞争优势

11.The Construction of Sustainable Competitive Advantage based on the Advantage-based View;基于优势基础观的企业持续竞争优势构建

12.To Study on the Sustained Competitive Advantage of Enterprise Based on the View of Superior Resources基于优势资源观的企业持续竞争优势研究

13.Customer Knowledge Management and Its Contributions to Corporate Competitive Advantage;顾客知识管理及其对竞争优势的贡献

14.Analysis of Sustainable Competitive Advantages Based on Customer Value;顾客价值导向的可持续竞争优势分析

15.Strengthening the Competition Advantage of Enterprises through Improving Consumer Value;提高顾客价值意识 增强企业竞争优势

16.Exploration on Construction of Enterprise"s Competence Advantage according to Customer Value围绕顾客价值构建企业竞争优势探讨

17.Subjective and Objective lndex for Evaluating Life Qualityand Their Unifying Tendency;试论生活质量评估的客观指标、主观指标及主客观指标辐合趋势

18.Discussing about How to Improve "Select Superiority" Mechanism,Raise Objective and Fairness论如何完善“推优”机制,提高客观公正性


objective advantages客观优势

3)away court disadvantage客场劣势

1.Research onaway court disadvantage;主客场赛制中的客场劣势分析

2.The sport competitions nowadays become more and more aboil, theaway court disadvantage attracts peoples attention gradually.当今体育比赛变得日益激烈,客场劣势也逐渐引起人们的重视。

4)market advantage市场优势

1.Through the measurement of their market share and coefficiant of competitive advantage, it compares their level of competitiveness and analyses the differences from the view ofmarket advantage and competitive advantage, then draws some major conclusions and revelation.通过测定31个省市区制造业及行业的市场占有率和竞争优势系数,分别从市场优势和竞争优势两个方面比较分析了各地区制造业及行业的竞争力水平及差异,得出了几点重要结论及启示。

2.Using this model,practical study was conducted on the basis of statistical data,and ranks were worked out according tomarket advantage and competition advantage.根据统计资料运用模型对中国区域农业竞争力进行实证研究,对市场优势和竞争优势进行了排名。

3.In the last few years,Jiangxi s industry has experienced a fast growth in its competitiveness whose competitive advantages have grown more quickly thanmarket advantages so that the development ofmarket advantages and competitive advantages are being balanced.综合运用ICOP方法、竞争优势和规模优势法,测算了江西37个工业行业的市场优势和竞争优势系数,比较了各行业的显在竞争力和潜在竞争力,分析了各行业竞争力的变动趋势。

5)home advantage主场优势

1.The method,which is used to evaluate thehome advantage are inconsistent according to the data distribution under the different kinds of competitions.评价主场优势的方法因不同赛制下比赛数据分布的特点而异。

2.The result shows that there arehome advantages in CBA regular seasons,the winning ratio and affection are the same as different kinds of external basketball tournament and internal football First-A tournament,thehome advantages come from the referee,psychology,court and audience.结果表明:C BA常规赛客观存在主场优势,且主场胜率、效果量与国外不同性质的篮球联赛及国内甲A足球联赛相同;裁判、心理差异、场地认知、观众是影响主场优势的主要因素。

6)Home court advantage主场优势

1.It is found that is new seasons or old seasons are all exist home court advantage in CBA.运用文献法、观察法和数理统计分析法,对1998~4个赛季的主客场比赛结果进行分析,结果发现中国男子篮球职业甲级联赛不论是新赛季还是旧赛季,都存在着明显的主场优势,引起主场优势的因素主要有观众、环境、气候、裁判、运动员的个人素质、球队自身的竞技水平等。


