2000字范文 > 外交近代化 diplomatic modernization英语短句 例句大全

外交近代化 diplomatic modernization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-12 04:18:09


外交近代化 diplomatic modernization英语短句 例句大全

外交近代化,diplomatic modernization

1)diplomatic modernization外交近代化


1.Discussion on the Effects of the Introduction of InternationalLaw to the Diplomatic Modernization in Late Qing Dynasty;试论国际法的输入对晚清外交近代化的影响

2.HE Ruzhang During the Loochow Affair--How does ambassador in late Qing dynasty impact the diplomatism modernization琉球事件期间的何如璋——兼论晚清驻外大使对外交近代化的影响

3.The Influence of Late Qing-Dynasty s Diplomatic Treaties on the Enlightenment of Legal Modernization of China;晚清外交和约与近代中国法制现代化的启蒙

4.Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchanges and the Transmutation of the Style of Modern Prose of the Lingnan School;中外文化交流与岭南近代散文风格之嬗变

5.Britain s Balance of Power Policy towards Europe and its Cultural Tradition;论英国近代均势外交政策及其文化渊源

6.Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries and the Transmutation of Modern Poetic Styles of the Lingnan School;中外文化交流与岭南近代诗歌风格之嬗变

7.The Failure of Diplomacy in Modern China and the Appearance of Professional Diplomats in the Republican China;近代外交失败与民国职业外交家勃兴

8.Bridgman and the Early Protestant Missionary Enterprise in China传教士:近代中外文化交流的使者——以裨治文为个案

9.On Transmission of Chinese Traditional “Peace and Cooperation” Culture in Chinese Diplomatic Thought Since the Modern Times in China;中华传统和合文化在近代以来中国外交思想中的传承

10.The Research of Envoy in Qing Dynasty and Modern Diplomacy (1875-1911);晚清使臣与近代外交(1875-1911):话语转型与外交实践

11.The Christian of the Influence to Diplomatic of the Moden Western Country;论基督教对近代西方国家外交的影响

12.Paris Peace Conference and the Great Dipomatic Transition of Modern China;巴黎和会与中国近代外交的伟大转折

13.ZHANG Yuan-ji and Modern Christian--"Diplomacy" as the Center;张元济与近代基督教——以《外交报》为中心

14.Xue Fu-chengs advice on modern diplomatic constitute and its influence;薛福成对近代外交制度的建言与影响

15.On Modern Qinzhou s Foreign Communication Depending on the Exploitation of Mineral Resources;近代钦州矿产资源的开发与对外交往

16.The “Diplomatic Note” and the Initial Format of Modern Diplomatic Documents in China;“照会”与中国外交文书近代范式的初构

17.Contributions to Modern China"s Diplomacy Made by Chinese Educational Mission Students留美幼童对近代中国外交事业的贡献

18.The Affection of China-Center Ideas to the Diplomacy in Ancient and Modern China;华夏中心说对中国古代、近代外交的影响


modernization of the late Qing Dynasty"s diplomacy晚清外交近代化

3)modern diplomacy近代外交

1.Explore the Modern Diplomacy of Yunnan Province from the Perspective of Linankaiguang Dao Established;从临安开广道的设立看云南的近代外交

4)transport modernization交通近代化

5)Modern diplomacy awareness近代外交意识

6)policy modern diplomatic近代外交政策


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
