2000字范文 > 防治分区 control zoning英语短句 例句大全

防治分区 control zoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-25 14:50:16


防治分区 control zoning英语短句 例句大全

防治分区,control zoning

1)control zoning防治分区

2)prevention division分区防治


1.Study on Xinjiang Sandy Desertification Preventing and Controlling Regionalization and Suitable Controlling Technologies and Modes of the Regions新疆沙质荒漠化防治区划及分区防治模式研究

2.Bored pile accident analysis in karst area and preventive measures岩溶地区钻孔桩事故分析和防治措施

3.Environmental Pollution Condition Analysis and Cure Research of Drinking Water Source Region in Laoshan District;崂山区饮用水源地污染状况分析及防治初探

4.The Solid-liquid Coupling Experiment Analysis of the Desertification Preventing in the Shen-Fu Mining Area;神府矿区荒漠化防治固液耦合实验分析

5.The Investigation Analysis and Prevention and Cure Countermeasure Research of Highway Washout by Flood in a Mountainous Area of the South of Shannxi Province;陕南山区公路水毁调查分析与防治对策研究

6.The Investigation and Prevention and Cure Study of Strategy of Bovine Tuberculosis in the Xinjiang Region;新疆部分地区牛结核病监测与防治策略研究

7.Prevention and Treatment of the Complications in Resection of Liver Tumors in Hepatic Hila.;肝门区肿瘤手术并发症的回顾性分析及防治

8.Geological Hazard Analysis and Prevention Countermeasures in Yaozhou Area of Tongchuan;铜川市耀州区地质灾害分析与防治对策

9.On the Investigation Analysis &Precaution Countermeasure to Yielding Quickly Poplar Pests in Tongren Prefecture;铜仁地区速生杨树害虫的调查分析与防治对策

10.An Investigation and Analysis on Children s Dentalcaries and Measures of Prevention and Cure in Yueyang Tower District;岳阳楼区儿童龋齿调查分析及防治对策

11.Analysis on reporting data of occupational diseases in Daxing Destrict of Beijng in ;北京市大兴区职业病防治情况分析

12.Analysis on the present water quality situation for fuyang river through the central area of Handan city and prophylactico-therapeutic measures;邯郸市主城区滏阳河水质状况分析及防治对策

13.Analysis on the breaking stress of sucker rod and avoidable measures in Guangbei Area of Bamianhe Oilfield;八面河油田广北区抽油杆断裂应力分析与防治

14.Effect Evaluation of Prevention and Treatment of Common Diseases among Students,Futian District of Shenzhen, 1995~2000;福田区1995~2000年学生常见病防治效果分析

15.Analysis and prevention and cure of air-pollution in pingdingshan;平顶山市区大气污染趋势分析与防治对策

16.The Hydrogeologic Condition and Water Hazard Control of the Second Division of Yang Chang Wan Coal Mine羊场湾二分区矿井水文地质条件及水害防治

17.Causes Analysis and Countermeasures on Wall Crystalline Bloom in Saline-alkali Area盐碱地区墙面泛碱原因分析及防治措施

18.Study of cold damages on lining structure and prevention measurement in cold regional tunnels寒区隧道衬砌结构冻胀破坏分析及防治措施


prevention division分区防治

3)Control of river basin subarea流域防治分区

4)dividing of prevention region防治区类型划分


1.The study on the method of Chinese mountain torrents disaster preventionregionalization;我国山洪灾害防治区划方法研究

6)Community prevention and cure社区防治

1.Objectives: To explore the method of community prevention and cure nursing to psychotic patients, and to urge the psychotic patients in community to recover as soon as possible and to come back to the society.目的探讨精神病人社区防治护理方法,促使社区精神病人尽快康复,重返社会。


防治预防和治疗(疾病、病虫害等):~结核病 ㄧ~蚜虫。
