2000字范文 > 义务来源 source of obligation英语短句 例句大全

义务来源 source of obligation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-24 03:22:03


义务来源 source of obligation英语短句 例句大全

义务来源,source of obligation

1)source of obligation义务来源

1.The second part discusses thesource of obligations committed concept and classification.不作为犯罪的义务来源则是不作为犯罪的核心问题,是进一步研究不作为犯罪的基础,需要我们更加重视和认真对待。


1.Particular Morality Obligation Ought to Be the Gist of Crime of Nonfeasance;特定道德义务应是不作为犯罪的作为义务来源

2.The thought about the Non-action Crime of Sources of Obligation in the Law对不作为犯罪之义务来源的法律思考

3.Whether Should Important Moral Duty Be the Origin of Obligation of Feasance in Negative Crime;重大道德义务应否成为不作为犯罪中作为义务来源

4.Some Thoughts on the Nature of Conduct of Attempting Nothing in Crime and the Source of Obligation of Conduct;浅析不作为犯罪的行为性和作为义务来源

5.Discussion on the Act Character and Obligation Origins of No-action Crime不真正不作为犯的行为性及义务来源探析

6.Dilemma and Way out: Research on the Problem about the Relative Becomes One of Negative Crime s Obligations;困境与出路:亲属关系成为不作为犯罪义务来源探讨

7.On reporters the juridical privilege of refusing to testify source and the obligation of keeping source secret;论记者拒证特权与消息来源保密义务

8.Banks are also obligated to notify the Internal Revenue Service of certain questionable transactions.第三种信息来源来自银行有义务提交有关方面存在问题的报告给地方税务机关。

9.The Nature and Source of Semantic and the Origin of Fuzzy of Semantic;语义的性质、来源与语义模糊性的根源

10.Resource management should include activities for determining the needs for, and sources of, financial resources.资源管理应当包括确定财务资源需求和确定财务资源来源的活动。

11.Care should be taken to the orphaned or disabled girls and single elderly women with no legal guardian, no working ability and means to make a living both in urban and rural areas.做好城乡无法定扶养义务人、无劳动能力、无生活来源的孤残女童、孤老妇女的供养工作。

12.Two Sources of Meaning and the Mission of Philosophy of Language;论意义的两个来源和语言哲学的任务——从语言游戏规则和单位的还原说起

13.The Research on Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Resources in Urban and Rural Areas of Xinjiang;新疆城乡义务教育资源均衡配置研究

14.Research on Balanced Distribution of Teacher Resource of Compulsory Education;义务教育阶段教师资源均衡配置研究

15.He Siyuan s Thought of Compulsory Education and Its Contemporary Value;何思源的义务教育思想及其当代价值

16.Characteristics、Origins and Countermeasures of the Improperly-charged Compulsory Educational Fees;义务教育乱收费问题探源及治理策略

17.The Preliminary Research on Resources Allocation of Compulsory Education in Urban and Rural of Xinjiang新疆城乡义务教育资源配置问题刍议

18.Objective Obligation of Prosecutors:System Origin v.s. Practical Limitation检察官客观义务:制度本源与实践限度


source of the security obligations安保义务的来源

3)deontic source道义来源

4)Source of synonym近义词来源

5)Debt Origin Structure债务来源结构

6)sources of international obligations国际义务的渊源


