2000字范文 > 计算机专业英语 Computer English英语短句 例句大全

计算机专业英语 Computer English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-01 16:18:13


计算机专业英语 Computer English英语短句 例句大全

计算机专业英语,Computer English

1)Computer English计算机专业英语

1.The Tentative Study of TeachingComputer English;计算机专业英语教学初探

2.CALL inComputer English Course;CALL在计算机专业英语教学中的应用

3.An Analysis of Current Situation and Reformation Exploration ofComputer English;计算机专业英语教学现状及改革探讨


1.Research on Vocabulary Semantic Field in Computer Special English计算机专业英语中的词汇语义场研究

2.CALL in Computer English Course;CALL在计算机专业英语教学中的应用

3.On the Innovation of Computer English Textbooks“计算机专业英语”教材的创新与改革

4.Teaching Analysis and Reformation of Computer English Course计算机专业英语课程教学分析与改革

5.Teaching Reform and Exploration of High Vocational Computer English Course;高职“计算机专业英语”课程教学改革与探索

6.The Application of CBI in Computer English Teaching;计算机专业英语教学中内容教学法(CBI)的应用

7.Exploring the Construction of Computer English;对《计算机专业英语》高职教材建设的探讨

8.On the analysis and solutions of the current teaching of computer professional English;计算机专业英语教学的现状分析与对策

9.Brief Description of the Necessity of Computer Specialty English Teaching Innovation;浅谈计算机专业英语教学改革的必要性

10.An Analysis of Current Situation and Reformation Exploration of Computer English计算机专业英语的教学现状分析与改革

11.Thoughts on Reformation of Computer English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education高职院校计算机专业英语教学改革之我见

12.A Brief Analysis on Reformation of Computer English in High Vocational Institutes浅析高职学院计算机专业英语教学改革

13.Using the Network to Solve Problems on Teaching Specialized English for Computer;利用网络解决计算机专业英语教学上的几个问题

14.The Teaching and Learning of Computer English in Vocational Colleges浅谈高职计算机专业英语教与学的几点创新思路

15.Bilingual Teaching Model of Computer Basis Course for English Majors;英语专业计算机基础课双语教学模式探讨

16.Research on Multimedia Computer-assisted Writing Teaching;多媒体计算机辅助英语专业写作课教学的研究

17.English and Chinese Bilingual Teaching of Computer Course in Ethnic Minority College;关于民族院校计算机专业英汉双语教学的思考

18.Teaching Reform and Practice ofComputer Course for the English Specialty Students;关于英语专业学生计算机教学的改革与实践


computer professional english计算机专业英语

1.A Probe into the Teaching of Computer Professional English;计算机专业英语教学探讨

2.The Discussion of Teaching Computer Professional English in Higher Normal高师计算机专业英语教学方法探讨

3.This paper proceeds with characteristics ofcomputer professional english, and discusses the methods of learning and teaching this course as well as problems that should be noticed.文章从计算机专业英语的特点入手,着重讨论了学习与讲授这门课程的方式以及应注意的问题。

3)computer specialized English计算机专业英语

1.The characteristics ofcomputer specialized English were analyzed,some questions were talked about in the learning and teaching ofcomputer specialized English.从分析计算机专业英语的特点着手,论述了如何学习计算机专业英语和如何讲授计算机专业英语的问题。

2.Based on the characteris-tics ofcomputer specialized English and analysis of traditional teaching methods and the existing problems,some suggestions for teaching innovation are stated in four aspects: high level teachers;strengthened teaching awareness;improvement of teaching quality;optimization of teaching effect.从计算机专业英语的学习特点入手,分析了计算机专业英语传统教学模式的不足及教学方法上存在的问题,提出了以信息技术的快速发展为动力,促进计算机专业英语教学改革的观点。

4)Computer specialty English计算机专业英语

1.Computer specialty English teaching not only needed the basic English but also needed professional knowledge.计算机专业英语既要求有基础英语的功底,同时还要有专业知识背景,其教学上的特殊性要求教师着重从提高学生的英文写作水平出发。

2.By analyzing the characteristics of computer specialty English,the author finds the rules and focal point of computer English teaching,emphasizes on the relation between computer English and basic English,and proposes the hierarchy teaching of computer specialty English.通过分析计算机专业英语的特点,找到计算机英语教学的规律和重点,着重强调了计算机专业英语和基础英语的关系,提出了专业英语教学的层次性教学。

5)computer profession English计算机专业英语

1.Based on the characteristics ofcomputer profession English,this paper discusses the teaching methods of this course so as to promote the learning and teaching of computer professin English.文章从计算机专业英语的特点入手,着重讨论了讲授这门课程过程中存在问题和解决方法,旨在探讨如何能够更好的促进计算机专业英语的教学工作。

6)computer English teaching计算机专业英语教学


计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)computer input/output control systemiisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。
