2000字范文 > 旁站监理 construction site supervision英语短句 例句大全

旁站监理 construction site supervision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-07 00:24:31


旁站监理 construction site supervision英语短句 例句大全

旁站监理,construction site supervision

1)construction site supervision旁站监理

1.Analysis onconstruction site supervision;工程监理质量控制的重要手段——旁站监理


1.Supervising Measures of Construction Engineering Quality--Aside Supervision;解读建筑工程质量的监控手段—旁站监理

2.Post operative Management for 120 Cases Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery冠状动脉旁路移植术120例的术后监测与处理

3.Supervise the Progress Risk Management in the Base Station Project;移动基站工程监理中的进度风险管理

4.Supervising Center中央站监控中心管理中心

5.Appraisal on Supervision Work of Arch Dam Works of Ertan Hydropower Project;二滩水电站拱坝工程监理工作后评估

6.The Research of the Supervision on the Nuclear Project Construction;核电站建设项目工程建造监理的研究

7.Views on Improving Construction Safety in Gas Stations Modification;加油站改造施工中的安全监督与管理

8.Research on CDMA Repeater Monitoring and Management PlatformCDMA直放站监控管理平台的研究

9.Implementation of Pumping Station Monitoring Agent Based on SNMP and OPC基于SNMP和OPC的泵站监控代理的实现

10.It will be a foundation that will stands right next to Love and Truth in the Second Creation.这将是在第二创造中,站立在爱和真理旁边的一块基石。

11.The worker on the assembly line is resentful of the managers.站在生产线旁劳动的工人们对于管理人员总是抱有反感。

12.I stand beside John now, unable even to pretend that I know what it feels like to lose someone so close.我就站在约翰旁边,无法真正理解他那失去亲人后的痛苦。

13.She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her.她站在壁炉旁边,脸色象她背后的白色大理石板和檐板一样灰白。

14.There is a pumping station beside the road.路旁有一座抽水站。

15.Some people standing by.站在旁边的一些人。

16.They stood aside and looked at them.他们站在旁边看着他们。

17.Beside the churn stood a pig.搅乳器旁边站了一只猪。

18.It"s between the park and the train station.在公园和火车站旁边。


site supervision旁站监理

1.The paper approaches the problems and measures of the laying project from asite supervision angle.该 文从旁站监理的角度,探讨了砌筑工程存在的问题以及应采取的控制措施。

2.according to the actual constructionsite supervision and"Management measures of building engineering constructionsite supervision", the responsibility division for site supervisor, the supervision extension and emphases,site supervision planning and its implement was discussed.结合旁站监理工作实际,就《房屋建筑工程施工旁站监理管理办法》中对旁站监理的职责划分、旁站监理的范围与重点、旁站监理的规划与实施等问题进行了探讨,并提出了自己的看法,以期进一步完善建设工程监理机制。

3.Site supervision is the surveillance conducted by supervision engineer on the job site,which is an important part of construction supervision and also offers key measure for quality control of construction projects.旁站监理是建设监理工作中的一项重要内容,是建设工程质量控制的一项重要手段,是监理人员在现场进行的监督活动。

3)stand-by supervision旁站监督

4)side station旁站

1.Elementary discussion on theside station monitoring of the middle-small sized WR projects construction;浅论中小型水利工程施工的旁站监理

5)Environmental Supervision and Management Station环境监理站

6)management grade of supervisory control in station车站监控管理级

1.The applications of FAS in supervisory functions and scope and interfaces in management grade of center supervisory control andmanagement grade of supervisory control in stations are introduced.主要介绍了地铁设计中FAS在中央监控管理级和车站监控管理级的监控功能和监控范围及接口中的应用。


