2000字范文 > 魔芋精粉 konjac flour英语短句 例句大全

魔芋精粉 konjac flour英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-03 21:16:59


魔芋精粉 konjac flour英语短句 例句大全

魔芋精粉,konjac flour

1)konjac flour魔芋精粉

1.Study on application of Konjac flour in shampoo;魔芋精粉在洗发香波中的应用研究

2.Study on processing technology of non-starch & desulfuratedkonjac flour无淀粉脱硫魔芋精粉加工技术研究

3.The technologies of formulating beverages directly withkonjac flour, after treatment with alkali and after enzymolysis were compared and studied.对比研究了魔芋精粉直接配制、碱处理后配制和酶解处理后配制生产饮料的工艺。


parison between Mensurations of SO2 Residue Quantity in Konjac Powder魔芋精粉中二氧化硫残留量的几种测定方法比较

2.Research on Jelly Powder Production by Reply and Mix of Carrageenan and Konjaku Flour卡拉胶与魔芋粉复配生产果冻粉的研究

3.The Extraction, Separation and Identification of Ceramide from Fly Konjac Flour;魔芋飞粉中神经酰胺的提取与分离鉴定

4.The Optimization on Synthetic Process of Konjac Flour Grafted Acrylic-acid Superabsorbent Polymers魔芋粉接枝丙烯酸超强吸水剂合成工艺优化

5.Preparation of super absorbent resin by graft copolymerization of konjac starch and acrylic acid魔芋淀粉接枝丙烯酸制备高吸水性树脂

6.Content Mensuration of Inorganic Elements in Konjac Flour Produced in Different Regions不同产地魔芋粉中无机元素的含量测定

7.Study and application of processing technique and equipments of konjac powders in China我国魔芋粉加工技术和设备的研究与应用

8.Research on the anticaking property of KSAP in milk tea powder魔芋超强吸水剂在奶茶粉中的抗结性能研究

9.The process of Elephant-Foot Yam and its application in food, medicine and fine chemical industry was introduced.介绍了魔芋的粗加工和精加工工艺,并简述了魔芋制品在食品、药和日用化学工业中的应用。

10.Study on the Chemical Modification of Konjac Powder and Its Application in Yogurt;魔芋粉的化学改性及其在凝固型酸奶中的应用研究

11.Studies on the Modification and Application of Amylose, Guar Gum and Konjac Glucomannan;直链淀粉、瓜胶、魔芋多糖的改性及性能和应用的研究

12.any plant of the genus Amorphophallus.魔芋属植物的任何一种。

13.genus of large tropical east Asian cormous aroids: devil"s tongue; snake palm.大型热带亚洲天南星植物的一个属;魔芋;魔芋。

14.Research on the Effect of Konjac Seed Corms with Different Ages on the Yield and Quality of Konjac Corms;不同芋龄种芋对魔芋球茎产量与品质的影响研究

15.calla having a rose-colored spathe.拥有粉红色苞的水芋。

16.Promising Kind of Kenjac--Amorphophallus Bulbifer with Great Potentiality from the Areas between China and Burma;中缅边境一带发展潜力巨大的魔芋新品种——珠芽魔芋

17.Shaanxi Xunyang Jiangxing Kojac Food Co., Ltd.陕西旬阳健兴魔芋食品有限公司

18.The conjac plantation problems concerned were discussed finally.并对魔芋种植的相关问题进行了探讨。


Konjac powder魔芋精粉

1.In the paper,grade ofKonjac powder was appraised using thermo analysis.用热分析方法对魔芋精粉的等级鉴别进行了研究,采用热重分析(TG-DTG)在静态空气气氛下对工业一级、工业特级、经5次乙醇提纯魔芋精粉的TG-DTG曲线进行分析,根据其图谱的特征差异进行鉴别,研究发现,在DTG曲线上魔芋精粉287℃以上时逐渐热解炭化,517℃以上开始燃烧,工业一级、工业特级、经5次纯化魔芋精粉的DTG曲线有明显差别,从峰的位置可快速简便的鉴别魔芋精粉的等级。

2.This paper mainly introduced a method of making the bionic food with good color,smell, taste and texture,using theKonjac powder as the raw material.本文主要介绍了利用魔芋精粉为原料制作具有良好的色、香、味、质地的仿生食品的方法。

3.Physiological functions of L-carnitine, konjac powder and dietary fiber in weight loss and control were introduced in this paper.本文介绍了L-肉碱、魔芋精粉、膳食纤维在控制体重方面的生理功能。

3)konjak powder魔芋精粉

1.When the refined Konjak powder was used to make bread,the effects were determined by testing the special volume and total quality score.在面包制作时添加魔芋精粉,通过测定面包的比容,对面包的品质进行综合评分,确定魔芋精粉对面包质量的影响。

2.The spectrophotometric method by which the contents of konjak glucomannan inkonjak powder and its purifing products were determined was studied.研究用分光光度法测定魔芋精粉及其纯化产品中葡甘聚糖(KGM)含量的方法。

4)refined konjac flour魔芋精粉

1.Micro-titrating with iodine after macro-distilling, was used to determine SO2 residue onrefined konjac flour.本文提出以常量蒸馏微量滴定法,测定魔芋精粉中SO2残留量,并同蒸馏氧化法(GB/T5009。

2.Refined konjac flour and Xanthan were not gelation polysaccharides.魔芋精粉与黄原胶均为非凝胶多糖,但二者共混可以得到凝胶。

3.Objective To investigate the effects of hawthorn powder,refined konjac flour and their compound on the levels of lipid and NO in plasma of rats being induced to hyperlipidemia by high-fat and high-cholesterol diet.方法选择50只健康成年Wistar大鼠随机分为5组,分别饲以基础饲料、高脂饲料、高脂饲料补充山楂粉、高脂饲料补充魔芋精粉及高脂饲料补充山楂魔芋复合物。

5)Konjac Power魔芋精粉

1.Applying the Synergism of Xanthan Gum andKonjac Power to Studying State of Refrigerant Fruit Filling;利用黄原胶与魔芋精粉的协同增效作用研制低温冷冻果馅

2.Study on synergistic interactions and formulation of thickening agents such as konjac power,guar gum and so on;魔芋精粉与瓜尔豆胶等稳定剂的协同增效作用及配比分析研究

6)konjac glucomannan魔芋精粉

1.4%konjac glucomannan gum,which is a polysaccharide film.魔芋精粉溶于水易形成亲水性的魔芋胶,以黏度为指标,考察外界因素对魔芋胶的影响。


魔芋粉大豆粗面以大豆和魔芋粉制成的粗面具有西关(日本)风味,并且像面条那样又薄又细,口感凉爽,像中国的冷面似的可以直接食用。原料配方 魔芋粉20千克 大豆20千克 石灰水适量 盐、香料、调味品、色素少许制作方法1.将20千克大豆浸泡在100升水(10℃)中,浸泡12小时使大豆膨润后用臼捣成泥状,再将泥状物过滤取得豆乳,把豆乳600升移入大桶等容器内,加入魔芋粉20千克,将此混合溶液用60转/分的搅拌机激烈搅拌15分钟,使其成为粘稠状的混合糊。2.然后将糊状混合物在容器内静置一个半小时使其成熟。平均每份重量混合糊中加入含量为0.023%的石灰水溶液0.08份(重量比),并迅速混炼。3.将上述制得的混合糊放在制面条的设备中以70℃加热30分钟,然后用切面机切成厚1.2毫米、宽7毫米、长30毫米的面条。4.根据需要,可加入盐、香料、调味品、色素等,使其色味鲜美。产品特点 这种魔芋粉掺入大豆而制成的粗面,由于含有大量的大豆蛋白、葡萄糖和钙,可作为美容食品,还有碱化血液的作用,是高血压病和肥胖病症人的理想食品。
