2000字范文 > 枇杷花疫病 blossom blight of loquat英语短句 例句大全

枇杷花疫病 blossom blight of loquat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-16 09:24:03


枇杷花疫病 blossom blight of loquat英语短句 例句大全

枇杷花疫病,blossom blight of loquat

1)blossom blight of loquat枇杷花疫病

1.Identification of causal agent ofblossom blight of loquat in Zhejiang Province,China枇杷花疫病病原菌鉴定(英文)

2)flower rot of loquat枇杷花腐病

3)flowers of Eriobotrya japonica枇杷花

1.To study the function of cough and of anti-inflammation the extracts fromflowers of Eriobotrya japonica(T.为研究枇杷花95%乙醇、75%乙醇、50%乙醇提取物、水提物和混合提取物(95%、50%)的止咳、抗炎作用,并探讨其有效成分含量与药效间的关系。

2.This study aimed to optimize the extraction process of the triterpenes fromflowers of Eriobotrya japonica.目的:研究枇杷花三萜类成分熊果酸、齐墩果酸最佳工艺条件。


1.Bioactive Components and Antioxidant Capacity of Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl.) Flower and Fruit;枇杷花、果主要生物活性组分与抗氧化活性研究

2.The Studies on the Bacteriostatic Effects of Loquat Flower"s Extracts and Its Relative Active Compositions枇杷花提取物抑菌作用及相关有效成分研究

3.Effect of EMS on the Mitosis of Anther-derived Embryos Cell of LloquatEMS对枇杷花药胚状体细胞有丝分裂的影响

4.A procedure had been studied on cryopresrvation of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) pollen by the method of dry freezing.采用花粉干冻法对枇杷花粉超低温保存进行了研究。

5.Loquat Anther-derived Embryos Histological Study, Transformation Mediated with Agrobacterium Tumefaciens and EMS Chemical Mutation;枇杷花药胚状体的发生组织学、农杆菌介导转化和EMS诱变研究

6.Embryogenesis from Cultured Anthers, RAPD Analysis of Regenerated Plants and EMS Mutation of Anther-derived Embryos in Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl.)枇杷花药胚胎发生发育、再生植株的RAPD分析及EMS诱变研究

7.Analysis of Volatile Components of Eriobotrya japonica by Headspace SPME-GC-MS枇杷花挥发性成分顶空固相微萃取-GC-MS联用法分析

8.Studies on Loquat Anther-derived Embryo"s Transformation in Liquid Culture液体培养在枇杷花药胚状体遗传转化中的应用研究

9.The results show that the major factor that determines the Loquat pollen vital force is its water content, the adequate water content for its survival is 30% or so.结果表明:花粉的含水量是决定枇杷花粉超低温保存成败的关键因素。

10.The Comparison of Antioxidant Activity and the Contents of Antioxidant Componds of Extract Fractions Between Fragrant Loquat and Common Loquat香花枇杷和普通枇杷叶片抗氧化活性成分的比较

11.Fresh loquat fruitsGB/T13867-1992鲜枇杷果

12.A preliminary study on loquat parthenocarpy flowering and fruit-bearing by artificial induction人工诱导枇杷单性结实开花结果习性研究

13.Production and quality characteristics of Tianwo loquat drink天喔“枇杷叶花”饮品的研制及其品质特点

14.SEM observation on the pollen morphology of six Eriobotrya plants6种枇杷属植物花粉形态扫描电镜观察

15.Size of Early and Late Blossoming Loquat Fruits and Their Growth and Development Temperature枇杷早花果和晚花果大小及其生长发育期的温度

16.Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。

17.The pollen taken away from the Loquat trees is directly put into the LN after being dried, then take it out from the LN and calculate its germination proportion.将枇杷盛花期的花粉干燥后直接液氮超低温保存,取出后观察其萌发率。

18.Cinnamomum tenuipilum Kosterm. (farnesol-type), flowers of Magnolia liliflora Desr. , leaves of Eriobotrya japonica, etc. are important potential resources of farnesol for industrial utilization.金合欢醇型细毛樟、辛夷花、枇杷叶等是具有较好开发利用前景的重要资源。


flower rot of loquat枇杷花腐病

3)flowers of Eriobotrya japonica枇杷花

1.To study the function of cough and of anti-inflammation the extracts fromflowers of Eriobotrya japonica(T.为研究枇杷花95%乙醇、75%乙醇、50%乙醇提取物、水提物和混合提取物(95%、50%)的止咳、抗炎作用,并探讨其有效成分含量与药效间的关系。

2.This study aimed to optimize the extraction process of the triterpenes fromflowers of Eriobotrya japonica.目的:研究枇杷花三萜类成分熊果酸、齐墩果酸最佳工艺条件。

4)loquat flower枇杷花

1.However, the reports ofloquat flower are scarce and there is no report about its components and biological activities.枇杷花系蔷薇科植物枇杷Eiobotrya。

2.A comparison about protein content ofloquat flowers in different areas shows that the ones from Renshou region had the highest.采用水溶液萃取法比较了不同产地枇杷花蛋白质的含量,其中以仁寿地区枇杷花蛋白质含量最高。

5)loquat leaf and flower枇杷叶花

6)Eriobotrya japonica枇杷花

1.Analysis of Volatile Components ofEriobotrya japonica by Headspace SPME-GC-MS枇杷花挥发性成分顶空固相微萃取-GC-MS联用法分析


枇杷花【通用名称】枇杷花【其他名称】枇杷花 (《纲目》) 【异名】土冬花(《民间常用草药汇编》)。 【来源】为蔷薇科植物枇杷的花,植物形态详"枇杷"条。 【化学成分】含挥发油、低聚糖。 【性味】《重庆草药》:"味淡,微温。" 【功用主治】治伤风感冒,咳嗽痰血。 ①《贵州民间方药集》:"花蒸蜂蜜,治伤风感冒,润喉止咳。" ②《民间常用草药汇编》:"治寒咳。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,2~3钱;或研末。 【选方】①治头风,鼻流清涕:枇杷花、辛夷等分。研末,酒服二钱,日二服。(《纲目》) ②治枯痨咳嗽,痰中带黑血:枇杷花二钱,鲜地棕根四两,珍珠七二两,石竹根二两,淫羊藿二两。炖肉服。(《重庆草药》)
