2000字范文 > 命运悲歌 fate sad melody英语短句 例句大全

命运悲歌 fate sad melody英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-19 03:14:43


命运悲歌 fate sad melody英语短句 例句大全

命运悲歌,fate sad melody

1)fate sad melody命运悲歌

1.The origin of traditional culture, the reality of being bullied, the temptation of the conflict of exotic culture, the pain of life feelings have composed thefate sad melody of these “Edge p.传统文化的血脉、国家落后挨打的现实、异域文化的诱惑冲击交织着生命情感的痛苦,谱写出了这些“边缘人”和“零余者”的命运悲歌。


1.A Miserable Song of Women’s Fate in the Patriarchal Society:Analysis on Ah Lan in The Good Earth;男权重压下的命运悲歌——评析《大地》中的阿兰形象

2.The Destiny Elegy of Humanism Intellectual:Criticism on Yan Zhen s Novel Canglang Spray;人文知识分子的命运悲歌——评阎真的长篇小说《沧浪之水》

3.Marriage with a Death and with an Unknown Person:A Heartbreaking Elegy of a Female s Destiny--On Li Jinfa s Novel "The Trilogy of a Female";冥婚与盲婚:一曲催人泪下的女性命运悲歌——评李金发小说《一个女性的三部曲》

4.Song of Solomon--One Blues of the Black;《所罗门之歌》——一首关于黑人命运的悲歌

5.A Sad Melody of Self-liberation--Comparison of Tragic Fates of Du Shiniang and Ann;自我解放的悲歌——杜十娘与安娜悲剧命运的比较

6.The Tragedy of Mary in Grass Is Singing;《野草在歌唱》中玛丽悲剧命运探析

7.A Song of Lament of Women ──The Destiny of Women in the Tang Dynasty Reflected in Tang Poetry;女性的悲歌──从唐诗看唐代妇女的命运

8.The Threnody of the Fate--The View of the Tragedy Consciousness between King Oedipus and Thunderstorm from the Attitude of the Fate;命运的悲歌——从命运观看《俄狄浦斯王》和《雷雨》的悲剧意识

9.Sad Melody for Unaccomplished Ambition--The Tragic Character of Liu Bei and the Tragic Destiny of the Kingdom of Shu Han壮志未酬的悲歌——刘备的悲剧性格与蜀汉政权的悲剧命运

10.The Sad Melody of the Female Fate--On Zhang Yu s novel Ache and Stroke;女性命运的悲歌——析张宇小说《疼痛与抚摸》

11.Female Characters in Bai Xianyong s Novels;女性命运的凄婉悲歌——白先勇小说女性形象简论

12.Tragedies of Women in Different Cultures Seen by Fate Contrast of Xianglinsao with Tess;不同文化中女性的悲歌:祥林嫂和苔丝命运比较

13.The Elegy of Feminine Intellectual Destiny--On the"The Body not Having Name";女性知识分子命运的悲歌——评《没有名字的身体》

14.Tears of Blood Elegy,Lament of Fate--Study of Nalanxingde s Lament Poem;血泪哀歌,命运悲叹——纳兰性德悼亡词初探

15.A hopeless voice from elegies in troubled times-A probe into the predestinate idea of qu writers in Yuan dynasty;乱世悲歌中的无奈之音——元曲作家命运观念探微

16.Miserable Destiny of the Zhuang Women--Interpretation of Feminine Culture Study of Zhuang s Somber Sentimental Songs;壮族妇女的悲苦命运——壮族抒情悲歌的女性文化学解读

17.Elegies on Civilization and Desire:Tracing the Source of Blanche"s Tragic Fate in A Streetcar Named Desire文明与欲望的挽歌——《欲望号街车》中布兰奇悲剧命运探源

18.The Withered Roses--An Interpretation of the Tragic Fate of the Four Female Characters in Song of Solomon枯萎凋谢的玫瑰——《所罗门之歌》中女性人物悲剧命运解读


sad songs of life生命悲歌

1.Thesad songs of life create a rich cultural atmosphere and provides many materials for contemporary Marxist practice existence theory to explore on the hu.这一曲曲生命悲歌 ,为当代马克思实践生存论探究人的生存命义及其生命律动 ,营造了浓郁的文化氛围 ,提供了丰富的诠释资

3)tragic fate悲剧命运

1.On thetragic fate of homosexuals in Bai Xianyong s novellas;白先勇小说同性恋者的悲剧命运探微

2.Thetragic fate of the three women in happy and unhappy fate;试论《啼笑姻缘》中三个女性的悲剧命运

3.Difficult Choices of Where to Go——Comments on Gao Jialin"s Tragic Fate in the Novel Life何去何从的艰难抉择——《人生》高加林悲剧命运评析

4)tragic destiny悲剧命运

1.Discussion of Xiangzi stragic destiny origin in " Camel Xiangzi " came from two respects of social tragedy and personality tragedy mostly,however,the article carrys on the discussion to Xiangzi s tragedy from another three angles and thinks that his tragic origin lies in these three respects: excessive reliance on the health;demanding and misunderstanding the sex and self-sufficient concept.对《骆驼祥子》中祥子的悲剧命运根源的探讨,大多是从社会悲剧和性格悲剧这两个方面来讨论的,而文章从另外的三个角度对祥子的悲剧进行了探讨,认为他的悲剧根源在于:对身体的过分依赖;对性的需求和错误认识以及自给自足的思想观念这三个方面。

2.Xiangzi’stragic destiny stems from social environment of the morbid state and personal factor of the morbid state.祥子的悲剧是力求生存的强者的悲剧,其悲剧命运根源于病态的社会环境和病态的个人因素,而社会环境因素是小说所着力揭示、呈现的。

3.All the factors combine so tightly that lead to thetragic destiny of Macbeth.亚里士多德的极为重要的悲剧理论——悲剧主角的过失论,通过对来自与外界影响因素和麦克白自身因素的分析,得出最终导致麦克白的悲剧命运的是他难以抵抗外界因素的诱惑和自身对权利的极度热衷。

5)tragedy of fate命运悲剧

1.There are mainly two opinions: One regards it as a tragedy of personality, the other regards it as atragedy of fate.关于莫泊桑的短篇小说《项链》的主题,历来都有不少争论,主要有两种观点:一为性格悲剧说,一为命运悲剧说。

6)fate tragedy命运悲剧

1.The archetype of the tragic protagonist,Clyde,roots in thefate tragedy of Greek tragedies and the tragedies by William Shakespeare as well.悲剧的主人公克莱德的原型植根于希腊悲剧中的命运悲剧,同时在莎士比亚悲剧作品中也能找到其原型。

2.Xiangzi s tragedy gives expression to such three aspects asfate tragedy, character tragedy and religion experience.祥子的悲剧体现在命运悲剧、性格悲剧、归依体验三个方面。

3.This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle offate tragedy and character tragedy.本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。


