2000字范文 > 构件结构 modular structure英语短句 例句大全

构件结构 modular structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 03:46:15


构件结构 modular structure英语短句 例句大全

构件结构,modular structure

1)modular structure构件结构

1.Analyse of themodular structures of populations on Leymus chinensis and Hierochloe glabra in different succession series in cutting grassland;割草场不同演替系列羊草和光稃茅香种群构件结构的研究

2.Based on the modular theory and with the analysis of relatedness degree adopted in the grey system theory, the correlation of the ecological factors and themodular structure of young tree population in Cephalotaxus mannii, which is distributed in five places in Hainan island China, was investigated.以构件理论为基础,运用灰色关联度分析技术对分布于海南岛5个地区的海南粗拉幼苗种群构件结构及与环境因子之间的关系进行了分析结果表明:①一级枝叶系统是海南粗榧幼苗种群构件结构的主要组成部分,二级枝叶系统等构件指标较为保守;②土壤湿度、土壤质地、群落透光度强烈影响海南粗极幼苗种群的生长,有效磷含量、海拔的作用较小;③土壤中有效钾含量对其生长的影响强于氮、磷的作用在对珍稀濒危物种海南粗榧幼苗种群的保护中,无论是就地还是迁地,应严格保证该种的阴湿生态环境及适当的土壤质地。

2)structural member结构构件

1.Applications of mathcad in the design ofstructural members;数学CAD在结构构件设计中的应用

2.The paper generalizes the experience on the steel structure design,discusses the features,loads and function,structural member,joints and shock resistance of the door-type light rigid frame building.文章总结了钢结构工程设计的经验,对门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构的特点、荷载和作用、结构构件、节点、抗震验算等相关设计问题进行了探讨,设计时根据工程的实际情况,提出了具有针对性的建议。

3.It introduces the researching and developing circumstances of the functions of explosive lode on architectural structure, analyzes the anti-detonation performance ofstructural member and node, and summarizes the researches on structural continuous collapse, which to offer theoretical criterion for further researches on explosive load.介绍了爆炸荷载对建筑结构作用的研究与发展状况,分析了结构构件和节点的抗爆性能,并对结构连续倒塌的研究进行了总结,为今后爆炸荷载的研究提供了理论依据。


1.Performance-Based Seismic Design of Nonstructural Elements on Base Isolated Building;基于性能的隔震结构非结构构件抗震性能研究

2.Control of Non-Structural Cracks in Reinforcing Steel Concrete Structure Components;钢筋混凝土结构构件非结构性裂缝的控制

3.Research on Thermal Response of Steel Structural Members in Fire;室内火灾下钢结构构件的热响应研究

4.Research on the Behavior of Timber Structural Members Strengthened with CFRP;碳纤维布加固木结构构件的性能研究

5.Fire-Resistant Analysis of Steel Structure Member Based on Transient Heat Transfer;基于瞬态传热的钢结构构件抗火分析

6.Fireproof Design and Computation of Reinforced Concrete Component;钢筋混凝土结构构件防火设计与计算

7.construction materials of the main parts主要构件的结构材料

8.structured writing for software documentation软件文件编制结构记录

9.The Component-based Distributed Software Architecture and Its Development;基于构件的分布式软件体系结构开发

10.On Chinese Resultative Verb Construction--An Event Structure Perspective从事件结构理论角度看汉语动补结构

11.Finite Element Analysis and Improvement in Structure Component of Wheel Loader装载机结构件有限元分析与结构改进

12.Stability Analysis (Buckling Strength) of Members in Resistance Damage Structures under Torsion;抗损结构中构件扭转稳定性(构件屈曲强度)分析

13.mass produced structural units成批生产的结构部件

14.disk construction圆盘式结构-器件外形

15.central-server hardware configuration中心服务程序硬件结构

16.data structure for software interrupt软件中断的数据结构

17.telecommunication software architecture远程通信软件体系结构

18.if logical control structure如果逻辑控制结构 -软件


structural member结构构件

1.Applications of mathcad in the design ofstructural members;数学CAD在结构构件设计中的应用

2.The paper generalizes the experience on the steel structure design,discusses the features,loads and function,structural member,joints and shock resistance of the door-type light rigid frame building.文章总结了钢结构工程设计的经验,对门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构的特点、荷载和作用、结构构件、节点、抗震验算等相关设计问题进行了探讨,设计时根据工程的实际情况,提出了具有针对性的建议。

3.It introduces the researching and developing circumstances of the functions of explosive lode on architectural structure, analyzes the anti-detonation performance ofstructural member and node, and summarizes the researches on structural continuous collapse, which to offer theoretical criterion for further researches on explosive load.介绍了爆炸荷载对建筑结构作用的研究与发展状况,分析了结构构件和节点的抗爆性能,并对结构连续倒塌的研究进行了总结,为今后爆炸荷载的研究提供了理论依据。

3)structural members结构构件

1.The steel has been used for many years for sheeting and decking but is now being used forstructural members such as roof trusses and stud walls of steel framed houses.应力等级为G550(屈服强度和抗拉强度都是550MPa)的钢材是一种典型的厚度不到1mm的高强冷轧钢板,许多年来这种钢材一直被用作护墙板或盖板,但是现在被用作结构构件,例如屋面桁架和钢框架房屋中的墙架。

2.Among numerous architectural details,details which origin fromstructural members have the most ability to reflect the art of construction.笔者从结构构件自身形式美、结构的逻辑性构造体系、建筑手法三个方面讨论了结构构件在建筑细部创造方式中所起的作用。

4)structure member结构构件

5)structural element结构构件

1.The importance of aseismic design in the attached element and non-structural element;附属构件及非结构构件抗震设计的重要性

6)structural component结构构件

1.On the engineering background of offshore platform, fatigue reliability analysis method ofstructural component with crack defects was established.本文以固定式导管架海上平台为工程背景,建立了含裂纹类缺陷结构构件疲劳可靠性计算模型,研究了构件可靠性指标对优化结构检修周期及构件维修对可靠性指标的修正,主要随机变量统计参数对可靠性指标的敏度影响等问题。


