2000字范文 > 病虫害调查 investigation on diseases & insects英语短句 例句大全

病虫害调查 investigation on diseases & insects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 05:02:40


病虫害调查 investigation on diseases & insects英语短句 例句大全

病虫害调查,investigation on diseases & insects

1)investigation on diseases & insects病虫害调查


1.A Preliminary Report on Investigations of Bamboo Pests in Leshan City,Sichuan Province四川乐山市竹林主要病虫害调查初报

2.Investigation of Main Diseases on Sweet Pepper and the Research of Comprehensive Controlling Technology in Ningxia Province;宁夏甜椒主要病虫害调查及综合防治技术研究

3.Diseases and Pests Investigation and Control Technology for Chimonobabusa utilis金佛山方竹病虫害调查及防治技术研究

4.Investigation and Integrated Management for Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Hot Pepper in Bijie Prefecture毕节地区辣椒主要病虫害调查及综合防治技术

5.Operating Procedure on Survey Methodology and Integrated Control Standard of the Major Diseases and Insect Pests in Houttuynia cordata鱼腥草主要病虫害调查方法与综合防治标准操作规程

6.Occurrence Investigation of Plant Pests in the Parks of Macao澳门公园植物病虫害发生危害现状调查

7.Investigation on the Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Asparagus officinalis L. in Hebei Province河北省芦笋主要病虫害种类及为害调查

8.Paragonimiasis Skrjabini in Southern Sichuan Region-Epidemic Situation,and A Report of 2 Cases of Liver Damage by Paragonimiasis合江县及毗邻地区肺吸虫病流行病学调查——附肺吸虫病肝损害2例

9.Investigating the Pest of Golden-Autumn Pear and Studying about Control Measure;金秋梨病虫害的调查及综合防治措施的研究

10.Investigation and Control of Diseases and Insect Pests of Turfgrass Plant in Liao Cheng Region;聊城地区绿地草坪病虫草害的调查及防治研究

11.Investigation on Insect Pest and Plant Diseases Damaging Apple Trees and Their Dynamics in Tianshui,Gansu天水苹果病虫害种类及发生动态调查研究

12.Investigations of main kinds of pests on Chinese chestnut in Beijing北京地区板栗主要病虫害种类初步调查

13.Investigation on Species and Distribution of Borer Pests in Diseased Stumps of Pine Wood Nematode松材线虫病疫木伐桩(根)蛀干害虫种类及分布调查

14.Investigation on Current Status of Pesticide Usage and Study on Reduced Risk Management Technology of Diseases and Insects of Greenhouse Vegetables in Shaanxi Province;陕西省设施蔬菜农药使用现状调查及病虫害无公害控制技术研究

15.Survey of the City Garden Plant Insect and the Non-contanmination Control城市园林植物害虫调查及无公害防除

16.Survey on the Prevalence of Coccidiosis in Ostriches and Species Identification鸵鸟球虫病流行病学调查及虫种鉴定

17.Investigation on Occurrence Dynamics of Pests Injuring the Dehydrated Vegetable Materials and Analysis of Pesticide Residue in Finished Products in Hexi Area, Gansu;甘肃河西地区脱水蔬菜原料病虫害发生动态调查及农药残留分析

18.Investigation of Diseases and Insect Pests Categary and Its Controling Technique on Garden Plants in Seashore Saline-Alkali Region;滨海盐碱地园林植物病虫害种类调查及防治技术研究


insects pest survey虫害调查

3)pest insect survey害虫调查

4)pest-insect survey害虫调查

5)disease investigation病害调查

1.Altogether 16 diseases are discovered during the course ofdisease investigation and the preliminary disease factor appraisal of 26 kinds of carnations in the freshly cut flowers production bases of Xinxiang.通过对新乡地区鲜切花生产基地的2 6个香石竹品种进行了病害调查与初步病原鉴定,共发现16种病害。

6)disease survey病害调查


