2000字范文 > 地下水土流失机理 mechanism of soil and water loss underground英语短句 例句大全

地下水土流失机理 mechanism of soil and water loss underground英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 20:44:17


地下水土流失机理 mechanism of soil and water loss underground英语短句 例句大全

地下水土流失机理,mechanism of soil and water loss underground

1)mechanism of soil and water loss underground地下水土流失机理

1.Themechanism of soil and water loss underground in karst region involves many fields and has internal relevance with the mechanism of rock-soil-water-organism underground.地下水土流失是水土流失过程中非常重要且常被忽视的部分,喀斯特地下水土流失机理涉及的领域很广,与地下岩—土—水—生物作用机理有着内在的关联性。

2)groundwater loss mechanism地下水流失机理

3)underground water and soil loss地下水土流失

1.From six aspects of the physiognomy,lithology,soil,groundwater circulation,creature and climate,this paper probes into the action mechanism and feedback mechanism of theunderground water and soil loss on the ecological restoration.从地质地貌、岩性、土壤、地下水循环、生物、气候6个方面探讨了地下水土流失对生态恢复的作用机理和反馈机制。

4)Soil erosion mechanism水土流失机理


1.Mechanism and Countermeasure of Soil Erosion in Dabie Mountains in the West of Anhui Province;皖西大别山区水土流失机理分析及治理

2.A study on mechanism and prediction model of hillslope water and soil loss in three gorges area;三峡库区坡面水土流失机理与预测评价建模

3.Research on the Mechanism and Ecological Treatment Measures of Soil and Water Loss in Hilly Tea Plantation山地茶园水土流失机理及生态调控措施研究

4.Study on Soil Erosion Mechanism of the Ecoloical Rehabilitation of Typical Karst Unit in Guizhou贵州典型喀斯特单元生态治理区水土流失机理研究

5.Phosphorus Runoff Loss and Its Mechanism from Paddy Soil in the Taihu Lake Region of South China;太湖地区典型水稻土磷素的径流流失及其机理

6.Phosphorus Move by Leaching and Its Mechanism from Paddy Soil in the Taihu Lake Region of South China;太湖地区典型水稻土磷素渗漏流失及其机理

7.A Study on the Model of Water and Soil Loss Mechanism During the Course of Controlling Rocky Desertification石漠化治理过程中水土流失机制的模型研究

8.Effect of Sabaigrass Cultivation on Water and Soil Conservation and Its Mechanism in Purple Soil;紫色土荒坡地种植龙须草防治水土流失效应及其机理研究

9.Research on Eco-construction and Control Measures of Soil and Water Loss in the Loess Plateau黄土高原水土流失治理进展及其对策

10.Study on Water and Soil Loss Mechanism of the Ecological Rehabilitation Based on Small Watershed Scale in Guizhou Karst Region;贵州喀斯特区小流域尺度生态治理的水土流失机制研究

11.On soil Eros ion of the Yellow River Valley in Sanmenxia Area and its Harnessing三门峡市黄河流域水土流失及其治理

12.Exploration and practice on management of water and soil loss in Daling river region大凌河流域水土流失治理探索与实践

13.Impacts of Eulaliopsis Binata Hedgerow System on Soil and Water Losses in Purple Hilly Area, SW-China;紫色丘陵区蓑草植物篱防治水土流失的效应及机理

14.Harnessing 25 Million Hectares of Land Hit by Soil Erosion要新增治理水土流失面积2500万公顷

15.- Comprehensive control of soil erosion has brought noticeable achievements.——水土流失综合治理成效显著。

16.Active Effects of Economy Development on Harness of Soil and Water Loss经济发展对治理水土流失的积极作用

17.A Study on the Methods of Soil Erosion in the Middle and upper Reaches of the Yangtze River;长江上中游水土流失的治理对策探讨

18.Evaluation of Comprehensive Control in Water Loss and Soil Erosion of Granite Area;花岗岩强度水土流失区治理效益评价


groundwater loss mechanism地下水流失机理

3)underground water and soil loss地下水土流失

1.From six aspects of the physiognomy,lithology,soil,groundwater circulation,creature and climate,this paper probes into the action mechanism and feedback mechanism of theunderground water and soil loss on the ecological restoration.从地质地貌、岩性、土壤、地下水循环、生物、气候6个方面探讨了地下水土流失对生态恢复的作用机理和反馈机制。

4)Soil erosion mechanism水土流失机理

5)soil erosion land水土流失地

1.The nutrients,microorganisms and enzyme activities of soil in shrub wasterland,secondary artificial Eucalyptus camaldulensis forest land andsoil erosion land were studied.)残林为主 ,还有部分杂灌荒坡地和水土流失地 ,生态效益和美化效果不佳 ,需要重新营造风景林。

6)water erosion control in terrace area台地水土流失


地下1.地面以下;地层内部。 2.谓政党﹑团体等处于非法﹑秘密活动状态。 3.指阴间。 4.地面上。
