2000字范文 > 阴极电泳 cathodic electrophoresis英语短句 例句大全

阴极电泳 cathodic electrophoresis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-02 06:30:46


阴极电泳 cathodic electrophoresis英语短句 例句大全

阴极电泳,cathodic electrophoresis

1)cathodic electrophoresis阴极电泳

1.Acathodic electrophoresis process was developed for the surface finishing of bonded Nd-Fe-B magnet,with the effects of voltage,time,temperature and curing process on the corrosion resistance of the electrophoresis coating to be focused on.研究了粘接钕铁硼磁体的阴极电泳涂装工艺,主要是电泳电压、电泳时间、电泳温度以及涂层固化工艺对涂层性能的影响。

2.The properties and advantages and disadvantages of the autodeposition coating were analyzed with respect tocathodic electrophoresis.介绍了自泳涂装的反应机理及涂装工艺,通过与阴极电泳的比较分析了自泳涂装的漆膜性能及优缺点,认为自泳涂装可在一定范围内替代阴极电泳。

3.In the present paper acathodic electrophoresis process for the bonded NdFeB was introduced,focusing on the effects of voltage,time,lacquer"s temperature and coating"s curing on the coating"s corrosion resistance.本文研究了粘结NdFeB磁体的阴极电泳工艺 ,主要是电泳电压 ,电泳时间 ,电泳时漆液温度以及涂层烘烤固化对涂层抗蚀性的影响 。



2.Research and Synthesis of Resin for Cathodal Electrophoretic Coating;阴极电泳涂料基料树脂的合成与研究

3.Synthesis of Toughner BPE-06 for Cationic Electro-deposition Coating阴极电泳涂料用增韧剂BPE-06的合成

4.Study on Epoxy/Polyamide Cathodic Electrodeposition Coatings环氧/聚酰胺复合阴极电泳涂料的研究

5.Study on UV Cured Polyurethane Cathodic Electrophoretic Varnish光固化聚氨酯型阴极电泳清漆的研究

6.Preparation and properties of low temperature curable cathodic electrodeposition coatings低温固化阴极电泳涂料的制备与性能

7.Galvanic Corrosion of AM50 Magnesium Alloy with Cathodic Electrophoretic Coating and Q235 Steel具有阴极电泳涂层AM50镁合金与钢接触电偶腐蚀

8.Several test methods of performances of the cathodic electrophoresis paints are introduced.介绍了阴极电泳漆的几种性能测试方法。

9.Studies on Complex Cathodic Electrodeposition Coating and Its Self-stratification Character;复合阴极电泳涂料及其自分层特性研究

10.Study on Technology and Tribological Behavior of Cathodic Electrodeposition Coatings with PTFE;含PTFE阴极电泳工艺及其涂层摩擦学性能研究

11.Research on Two-pack of CED Coating Based on Epoxy System;基于环氧体系的双组分阴极电泳涂料的研制

12.Study of Cathodic Electrodeposition Coating of Epoxy-Acrylicc;丙烯酸酯改性环氧阴极电泳涂料的研究

13.The Technoiogy and Equipment of the Cathodic Electrodeposion Coating Line of Motorcyle Frame;摩托车车架阴极电泳涂装线工艺和设备

14.Research on Silane and Cathodic Electrophoretic Coatings on Magnesium Alloys镁合金表面硅烷化及阴极电泳涂层的研究

15.Determination of bacteria content in the bath solution of cathodic electrodeposition coatings阴极电泳涂料槽液细菌含量的测定与防治

16.Study on epoxy-amine/epoxy-acrylate complex cathodic electrodeposition coating环氧-胺/环氧-丙烯酸酯复配阴极电泳涂料

17.Development of Cathodic Electrodeposition Coatings for Automotive Fasteners用于汽车紧固件涂装的阴极电泳涂料的研究

18.An Introduction to Continuous Cathode Electrophoresis Device for Drivers Cab of Heavy-Duty Trucks重型卡车驾驶室连续式阴极电泳装置的要求


cathodic electrodeposition阴极电泳

1.The article introduced the constitution and their design lectotype principles of the anodic system in carcathodic electrodeposition,analyzed in detail the material selection,structure,performance and their maintenance technique of the anodic tube,and expounded measures settling conventional and typical problem.介绍了轿车阴极电泳中阳极系统的组成及其设计选型的原则。

2.Self-crosslinked acrylic resin forcathodic electrodeposition coating with high solids was synthesized by copolymerization of isobornyl methacrylate(IBOMA),dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate(DMAEMA),hydroxyethyl methacrylate(HEMA),etc.采用甲基丙烯酸异冰片酯(IBOMA)、甲基丙烯酸二甲胺乙酯(DMAEMA)等(甲基)丙烯酸酯类单体合成阴极电泳涂料用高固体分自交联型丙烯酸树脂。

3)cathode electro-coating阴极电泳

1.According to the functional features of auto spare parts,this paper introduces their cathode electro-(coating) line from three aspects such as the technique,equipments and management of thecathode electro-coating and mainly discusses the phosphatization residue removal technology — the key process before coating treatment.根据汽车零部件的使用特点,从阴极电泳涂装的工艺、设备、管理等3个方面介绍了汽车零部件阴极电泳涂装线,并着重对涂装线前处理中的关键工序———磷化除渣技术进行了探讨。

2.This article focuses on the difficulties and solutions about usingcathode electro-coating in the production of large coach,and the problems to be taken care of in the production.阴极电泳涂装工艺在轿车和小型车生产上被广泛使用,但目前国内在大型客车生产上采用可为绝无仅有。

4)Cathode electrophoresis阴极电泳

1.Cathode electrophoresis coating process has multiple technical parameters.电泳涂装在汽车涂装中的应用已有30多年的历史,它是汽车工业中最快和技术更新最快的金属件涂底漆的方法,目前,采用阴极电泳涂装法涂底漆的汽车车身达90%以上,至今尚无替代它的更先进的涂装方法。

2.The technology and procedure, installation of equipment, and shakedown test of cathode electrophoresis used on the produc-tion lines of coating for heavy-duty trucks were introduced.介绍了重型卡车涂装生产线的阴极电泳工艺流程、设备安装、调试过程,并指出了电泳生产过程中出现的问题和解决方案。

5)Cathode electrophoresis paint阴极电泳漆

1.In order to ensure painting quality of cathode electro-painting line for new automotive frame assembly,experiments was performed on the cathode electrophoresis paint performance and pretreatment process.根据商用车车架的材质及其结构特点,选择使用高防腐阴极电泳漆。

2.Application test showed that after ultrafine crushing, calcination, superfine pulverization and surface modification by silane coupling agents, the kaolin powder can be used as the functional filler of high quality cathode electrophoresis paint with the better filling properties than the kaolin abroad.应用试验证明,沉积型高岭土经超细粉碎、煅烧、超细磨矿后,作为高性能阴极电泳漆的填料和进口高岭土相比,填充性能得到明显改善。

6)CED paint阴极电泳漆

1.The titleCED paint is developed by combination of acrylic and epoxy resins to solve the weathering problem for only epoxy resin CED "primer-topcoat in one" paint.采用丙烯酸树脂与环氧树脂冷拼工艺制备的阴极电泳漆解决了环氧类阴极电泳漆作为底面合一涂层时老化性能差的问题,针对乳液在施工应用中的稳定性,探讨了亲水性溶剂、酸值对乳液及电泳漆漆膜的影响,通过液相色谱仪分析槽液中树脂比例变化,并用人工加速老化实验验证了涂膜的老化水平,结果表明,底面合一型电泳漆在老化、盐雾等方面达到了和谐统一,可满足有关汽车底盘及零部件的综合要求。


Sds-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳凝胶电泳sds-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sds-page,sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrohoresis)在有去污剂十二烷基硫酸钠存在下的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳。sds-page只是按照分子大小分离的,而不是根据分子所带的电荷和大小分离的。
