2000字范文 > 语气隐喻 metaphors of mood英语短句 例句大全

语气隐喻 metaphors of mood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-03 06:18:46


语气隐喻 metaphors of mood英语短句 例句大全

语气隐喻,metaphors of mood

1)metaphors of mood语气隐喻

1.Based on the theory of grammatical metaphor of mood in functional linguistics,this treatise analyzesmetaphors of mood in English tests of listening comprehension,reaches conclusion of their functional characteristics in dialogues of listening comprehension,and discusses the functions and effects of this metaphorical expression to English tests of listening comprehension.本文以功能语言学中的语气隐喻理论为基础,对英语听力理解中的语气隐喻现象进行了分析,得出了该现象在听力对话中的一些功能特征,并讨论了这种隐喻式的表达方式对英语听力理解的作用和影响。

2.Based on systematic and functional grammar,this paper mainly discussesmetaphors of mood,and puts forward that the analysis onmetaphors of mood can be applied to determine the speakers relationship and their closeness.文章以系统功能语法为理论根据,主要讨论了语法隐喻中的语气隐喻,指出语气隐喻分析可以用来帮助确定会话双方的人际关系及亲疏程度,最后用例子证明这是切实可行的。

3.There are two major types:metaphors of mood and metaphors of modality.人际隐喻分为语气隐喻和情态隐喻两部分。


1.Mood Metaphor in English and the Use of the Auxiliary Words of Mood in the E-C Translation;英语语气隐喻及汉译语气助词补偿策略研究

2.Analysis of Dialogues of Thunderstorm in Metaphors of Mood and Speech Act Theory从语气隐喻和言语行为理论解析《雷雨》的对话

3.Translating Skill of Metaphors of Mood Eliminated the Differences between Chinese and English Communication in Wedded Bless论《闺房记乐》译文的语气隐喻现象化解中英言语交际差异

4.On Political Metaphors:German and Chinese Metaphors as Example;政治隐喻探讨——以德语和汉语隐喻为例

5.A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric Metaphor,Cognitive Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor;修辞隐喻、认知隐喻、语法隐喻的对比初探

6.A Pragmatic Approach to Metaphor:On Searle s Metaphor Theory;隐喻的语用学阐释——评塞尔的隐喻理论

7.Grammatical Metaphor and Cognitive Metaphor:A Comparative Study;语法隐喻与认知隐喻的理论比较研究

8.a metaphorical expression, phrase, etc隐喻的说法、 短语等.

9.Grammatical Metaphor--An Analysis of Metaphor from the Systemic-Functional Perspective;语法隐喻——从系统功能语法的角度分析隐喻

10.The Influence of Context on Metaphor--Metaphor Expression and Interpretation in the Context;论语境对隐喻的影响——语境下的隐喻表达与理解

11.A Study of the Metaphor s Systematic Quality through an Analysis of the Ontological Metaphor in Chinese Modifier-noun Phrase;从汉语偏正短语中的实体隐喻看隐喻的系统性

12.Graphic Metaphor and the Complementary Semantic Models;图示隐喻与语义互补模式——评Persson的隐喻语义观

13.Lexical Metaphor, Grammatical Metaphor and their Complementarity in Technical Discourses;科技语篇中的词汇隐喻、语法隐喻及其互补性

14.The Hypothesis of Metaphorical Meaning Construction Modelin Foreign Languagelearning and the Exploration of Foreign Language Learners"Metaphorical Competence外语隐喻意义建构的模式假设及外语隐喻能力

15.Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.比喻包括隐喻、喻、喻、喻等,是语义修辞法的重要组成部分。

16.A Cognitive Approach to Metaphors and Metonymies in the Analects;从认知角度看《论语》中的隐喻和换喻

17.A Study of Polysemy in English Based on Metaphor and Metonymy;隐喻、转喻机制下的英语一词多义现象

18.Metonymic and Metaphorical Analysis on Heart;Heart从转喻到隐喻的认知语义解读


metaphor of mood语气隐喻

1.Interpersonal grammatical metaphor,includingmetaphor of mood and metaphor of modality,is one of the realizations of grammatical metaphor in systemic functional grammar.人际语法隐喻是系统功能语言学中语法隐喻的组成部分之一,它包括语气隐喻和情态隐喻。

2.The paper explains the concept ofmetaphor of mood and metaphor of modality,and then discusses the functions of interpersonal grammatical metaphor in social communications and its special values in discourse analysis.人际语法隐喻是Halliday(1985,1994)语法隐喻理论(grammatical metaphor)的重要组成部分,主要包括语气隐喻和情态隐喻两种。

3.The present thesis elaborates on the use and functions of ideational metaphor,metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality in different kinds of advertisements with the framework of grammatical metaphor in functional linguistics as theoretical basis.本文以功能语言学对语法隐喻的论述为理论基础,以经典广告范例为语料,探讨了概念隐喻、语气隐喻以及情态隐喻在不同类型广告中的应用及其对实现广告的语篇目的所发挥的作用。

3)mood metaphor语气隐喻

1.Analysis of the relationship between Santiago and Manolin with Halliday smood metaphor theory;韩礼德语气隐喻理论:分析桑提亚哥与曼诺林之间的关系

4)metaphors of mood in English英语语气隐喻

5)metaphors of mood in Chinese汉语语气隐喻

6)Metaphor language隐喻语言

1.Metaphor language has profound humanistic education value,and metaphor thinking has cognition and creation function.隐喻语言具有丰富的人文教育价值;隐喻思维具有认知功能和创造功能。


语气1.说话的口气。 2.表示陈述﹑疑问﹑祈使﹑商榷﹑感叹等各别的语法范畴。
