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绩效评价指标 performance evaluation index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-18 14:12:18


绩效评价指标 performance evaluation index英语短句 例句大全

绩效评价指标,performance evaluation index

1)performance evaluation index绩效评价指标

1.Since 1990s,overseas companies have used EVA as theperformance evaluation index,which overcomes the accountant profit limitation.如何构建尽可能客观的绩效评价指标,公平合理地评价经营者的经营绩效,是企业界和学术界普遍关心的问题。

2.Based on studying of fiscal expenditure performance evaluation in Jiangsu province affiliated higher education,this article discussed some fundamental theories of designingperformance evaluation index system by introducing and re-thinking the index design principles and application.本文通过对江苏省高等教育财政支出评价研究,探讨了高等教育绩效评价指标体系建立的一些基础理论问题,介绍了指标设计的基本价值选择、基本原则和方法。


1.Study on Performance Assessment Indicator System of Community Health Service;社区卫生服务绩效评价指标体系研究

2.The Research on the Performance Evaluation Index System of Regional Science and Technology Innovation;区域科技创新绩效评价指标体系研究

3.A Study of Performance Appraising System for Astro-Enterprises;航天企业绩效评价指标体系构建研究

4.A Study on the Performance Evaluation Index System of the Public Expenditure of Our Country;中国公共支出绩效评价指标体系研究

5.Discussion on the Commercial Bank Performance Index System Evaluation;商业银行经营绩效评价指标体系探讨

6.A Study on the Performance Measurement Index System of Manufacturing Enterprise s Operation;制造企业经营绩效评价指标体系研究

7.The Design on the Index System of the Performance Evaluation on Managers in Petroleum Enterprises;石油企业经理绩效评价指标体系设计

8.The Index Weight Design of Performance Appraisal of Social Insurance Funds;社会保险基金绩效评价指标权重设计

9.Tentative Research on 3C-Based TBI Performance Evaluation Index System;基于3C的TBI绩效评价指标体系初探

10.Empirical Fesearch on Financial Performance Factors of Commercial Banks;商业银行财务绩效评价指标体系研究

11.Index System for Performance Evaluation of 3C-Based TBIs;基于3C的TBI绩效评价指标体系的建立

12.Research on the Evaluation Index System of Debt Performance of the Local Government;地方政府债务绩效评价指标体系研究

13.Study on the Target System of the Regional Logistics Service Performance Measure;区域物流服务绩效评价指标体系研究

14.Research on Index System of Forestry Fiscal Expenditure Performance Measurement;林业财政支出绩效评价指标体系研究

15.Performance Evaluation Indexes of SCPS;供应链定位策略(SCPS)绩效评价指标

16.The Study of Indictors System on Technological Innovation Performance in Enterprises;企业技术创新绩效评价指标体系研究

17.Research on Constructing Indicator System of Performance Evaluation for China s Enterprises;我国企业绩效评价指标体系构成研究

18.Study on management performance appraisal index system of architecture business;建筑企业管理绩效评价指标体系研究


performance evaluating index绩效评价指标

1.Considering objectivity and practicality, a series of theperformance evaluating index based on business process are established in supply chains.文章分析了现行企业绩效评价指标和供应链绩效评价指标的特点 ,总结了它们之间的联系和区别 ,提出了在供应链绩效评价时应遵循的原则。

3)indicators system of hospital performance assessment医院绩效评价指标体系

4)key performance evaluating index关键绩效评价指标

1.The cycle time of product output is studied which is thekey performance evaluating index in supply chains.分析了供应链产品出产 (或投产 )循环期这一关键绩效评价指标 ,运用生产平准化的思想和循环排序的方法 ,建立了供应链产品出产 (或投产 )循环期数学模型 。

5)evaluation index system of transportation performance运输绩效评价指标体系

6)performance evaluation index system绩效评价指标体系

1.On the basis of the establishment of theperformance evaluation index system of transfer paths for agricultural sci-tech achievements,a comparative study was made so as to seek the optimum transfer paths for agricultural sci-tech achievements by use of the AHP and FCE approaches.在建立农业科技成果转化路径绩效评价指标体系的基础上,运用层次分析法和模糊评判法对农业科技成果转化路径的绩效进行比较分析,寻求农业科技成果的最优转化路径。


绩效评价绩效评价是企业管理和提高生产力的重要手段和工具,是一种监督手段,也是一种激励手段, 它本身是对计划、任务执行情况的检查监督,同时一般也会与各种利益挂钩,因此具有激励作用。绩效评价具有很大的导向性和行为的预期性,不是简单的%26#8220;秋后算账%26#8221;,它实际上评价的结果,将直接影响到下一轮的工作行为甚至行为的价值取向。如果绩效评价不当将产生严重的后果。如果缺乏公正,甚至打击了先进,保护了后进,奖励了错误,不仅可能立即引起矛盾,而且使以后的管理工作更加难以开展,甚至会形成直接的反对和间接的对抗,形成企业的不良习气。总之,绩效评价是一种科学的过程, 因此要有科学的态度和科学全面的评价方法。
